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Question for all
I'm going to be heading home in a second, so I wanted to put this out there.

Note to the admin here - I'm not normally the type to snipe a forum like this, but seriously, we need some moderators here who can keep things clean.

This morning when it looked like this could get messy, I set up a second forum, just in case things crashed and burned here. If things here don't get controlled, that's what's going to happen.

So my question to all of you, as listeners, is this - do you enjoy having a forum like this, and would it be more enjoyable for you if it didn't become a free-for-all? I'll gladly post a link to the other one, but not if it's not going to be used.

Sorry, admin, but something needs to be done!
Does anyone really have the free time it would require to moderate a bunch of FB&HW fans?
just let it keep going let us have some f-ing fun shit stop being bitchs must be free beer is here or maybe hot wings brought his old man self here lets just have fun a f off
toddswifeluvsblack Wrote:just let it keep going let us have some f-ing fun shit stop being bitchs must be free beer is here or maybe hot wings brought his old man self here lets just have fun a f off

lolwut? Dora the Explorer has better English than you.
toddswifeluvsblack Wrote:just let it keep going let us have some f-ing fun shit stop being bitchs must be free beer is here or maybe hot wings brought his old man self here lets just have fun a f off

hell yeah
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
smarterthanhw Wrote:Does anyone really have the free time it would require to moderate a bunch of FB&HW fans?

Me, duh. Hines can do anything!!
I think most of us are adults and can handle it fine without the raiders just let us have fun!
TomE Wrote:I think most of us are adults and can handle it fine without the raiders just let us have fun!

I'm a raider, 100% full clear of toddswifeluvsblack's mother.
hines is a butt raider
toddswifeluvsblack Wrote:hines is a butt raider

Only your wife's.
Pretty much proved the point. Thanks guys.
hotzester Wrote:Pretty much proved the point. Thanks guys.

You gave up after an hour?
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Gave up? I posted the link. How is that giving anything up? More like it took less than an hour to realize that this board was going to be more flame than content.
I will do my best to mod around here, but at the moment it would appear that my mod powers aren't fully activated. I agree, I've run across a few threads already where I'd like to be able to edit/delete some posts.

Unlike you, though, hotzester, I'm not able to get on during work hours, save for my lunch break, so during daytime hours I won't be around. Once my mod powers are fully up and running, however, I do plan to give an honest effort at trying to keep stuff at least semi-civil.
That's understandable. I'm online most days at work, so if given the chance, I'll do what I can. Just let me know.
Biff and I were totally blindsided with the explosion of members. Yesterday at this time, there were two registered users- Biff Mayhem and I. At noon today, when I logged on at lunch, there were close to 300. The huge rush caught us both offguard.
Completely understandable. If you guys need any help, I am able to check on the site during work and would be willing to help mod.
I think at the moment we won't be making many major changes to the "staff" of the site. We're curious to see if things slow down over the next few days. If stuff continues at the current frenzied pace, however, I think Biff and I will be having some talks about adding some more help.
I'm on at all times during the day as well and would suggest that you warn the people that post like the ones have on here and take away some accounts. It's not like you don't have plenty of "members" that will keep it clean and civilized. BTW thanks for setting this up, I think it is a great site.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Queenie Wrote:I'm on at all times during the day as well and would suggest that you warn the people that post like the ones have on here and take away some accounts. It's not like you don't have plenty of "members" that will keep it clean and civilized. BTW thanks for setting this up, I think it is a great site.

am i in trouble?
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
Dunno, not my call. I'm just a listener like the rest of you. I'd just offered an alternative yesterday before Biff introduced some stricter moderation. It seems to have helped, so kudos to the team!
Things seem to have quieted down on the site now. It might not hurt to establish some ground rules so people know what is crossing the line on this site.

One of my other favorite sites on the web,, has these rules for posting. I think most of them would be relevant here too: .
dudeshadoway Wrote:Things seem to have quieted down on the site now. It might not hurt to establish some ground rules so people know what is crossing the line on this site.

One of my other favorite sites on the web,, has these rules for posting. I think most of them would be relevant here too: .

Go fuck yourself. Hard.
I think this a great forum for a great show i was instantly hooked! so if the mods can keep the a holes out this can be great. it was cool that fbhw mentioned this forum and actually read from it, but if the bullshit keeps up they will pull the link down and forget it ever existed
I called in this morning during the "I Can't Wait to Talk About" segment, and we discussed the forum for a few minutes. All three said they were flattered to see that this place was created, and also said they like it now that it's a little more under control.

I made mention of how Zane seemed to be getting most of the abuse from comments and threads, and he asked what kinds of stuff people were posting.

They asked if any money was made from this site (NO). They then joked that one day we'll get so popular that we turn around and sell them the board, and then they'll turn around and file lawsuit to recoup what they paid for the site.

All in all, this place seems to be in their good graces, where it will hopefully remain.
That's really the root of my concern. It wasn't very long ago that they were talking about having sued some other show somewhere, because the FBHW name is protected. They don't HAVE to let us use it here, and if the shit hits the fan, you'd better believe they'll shut it down in a flash.

I love the show, I love having the ability to interact with other listeners who are into the show like I am, and I'd hate to see that disappear because a few trolls can't act like adults.
The biggest worry the guys voiced while I was talking with them this morning is slanderous and liable comments made about other radio shows.
Yeah, I heard you this morning while I was getting ready. I thought it was cool that you were able to get on and talk about the forums. Well done.
Not that they would but they couldn't shut down the site because we're not using any of their trademarks. This is a fansite.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Have you seen the multiple posts from people who don't realize that?
If you ask me this forum is moderated too much already, we want lawlessness. Free speech, free beer!
Power tripping Eff faces leave the shit alone and if you give zester one bit of power on these forums I gaurentee they get Spam bombed to hell. Who cares if people flame, if your a fan of the show you know that 50% of the show is them flaming each other. Back the Eff off and read what you want to and skip the "flaming" that you don't care for. No one makes you read the stuff so STFU.
Yeah, you're right. Let's have an a-hole fest. What the hell were we thinking?
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
In the Zane vein, why not. What's the down side?
toddlerfondler Wrote:In the Zane vein, why not. What's the down side?

You're more than welcome to start your own board and have it be anything goes.

Here we're going to practice a modicum of restraint but yet keep it blue enough to be entertaining.

Don't like it? Don't come back. If you can handle it then stick around. We'll be here either way.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
toddlerfondler Wrote:Power tripping truck faces leave the shit alone and if you give zester one bit of power on these forums I gaurentee they get Spam bombed to hell. Who cares if people flame, if your a fan of the show you know that 50% of the show is them flaming each other. Back the truck off and read what you want to and skip the "flaming" that you don't care for. No one makes you read the stuff so STFU.

Just the thought that people consider being a message board moderator some sort of "authority" is hilarious to me. Like admins and mods sit around and talk S about how "losery" someone is because they don't have the ability to lock a thread.


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