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Individual Segments
The guys just mentioned that they will each lead their own individual segment of today's show.

Zane mentioned he's probably going to throw his wife under the bus. I'm interested in hearing if he talks about what I think he will...
yes potthole, it'll be your story. geez. Big Grin

i love this idea and so looking forward to Joe's segment. anytime Joe gets mic time is a good time.
I agree, I think this idea is great. If it goes well, which I bet it will, I think it should be done more often.

And yes, I think my story might be part of Zane's segment.
Yes, I'm looking forward to it as well ;D
I'm just glad I just kept my mouth shut!

I think Joe's going to be hilarious as well.....funny effer.
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
Joe's segment was hilarious. Basically, Nicki is crazy and bitter. It happened in January, you have a new boyfriend, move on. Or get a new job. Stop being crazy, stop making thnigs uncomfortable for Producer Joe because he broke it off with you.

Good for you, Joe. Also, you're hot.
Shoregirl has the second best avatar on this forum.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Admin Wrote:Shoregirl has the second best avatar on this forum.

Does that mean you're number one??( In your head)
jus' P Wrote:
Admin Wrote:Shoregirl has the second best avatar on this forum.

Does that mean you're number one??( In your head)

While I like mine, the number one slot belongs to wkbdr.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Admin Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:Does that mean you're number one??( In your head)

While I like mine, the number one slot belongs to wkbdr.

Didn't figure you for a can man...At least it isn't one of those that changes every 3 seconds.
At lease doing individual segments made Hot Wings do more than parrot throughout the entire show. Tongue
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Admin Wrote:Shoregirl has the second best avatar on this forum.

Thanks! I couldn't resist, seeing as that it was one of the funniest things they've talked about!
Looks like I was wrong about the content of Zane's segment. I loved how akward he was at the start of it.
shoregirl Wrote:Joe's segment was hilarious. Basically, Nicki is crazy and bitter. It happened in January, you have a new boyfriend, move on. Or get a new job. Stop being crazy, stop making thnigs uncomfortable for Producer Joe because he broke it off with you.

Can you tell more? I missed his segment and really wanted to know what happen. Was a three-some some how part of the brake up?
I missed what Hotwings and Freebeer talked about.

Nikki is crazy and Bitter. I told my husband what she did and he said he would of hit the door close button and hoped she was still in the door.

Zane's story(what I did hear) I don't blame him for being mad at his whife about lol
in Nikki's defense, she's nice. maybe a bit odd in her dealing with Joe but, still, she's nice.
Okay, anyone else feel like they didn't get all that they wanted out of the "confession." I felt let down by PJ's set. There was no answer to the reason, but a "I broke up with her." I think I speak for a lot of us, when we ask why!!!????
I'd kind like to know how Joe worked out the house situation. But I figure if he wanted to tell...he would. I'm just curious.
almostmainer Wrote:
shoregirl Wrote:Joe's segment was hilarious. Basically, Nicki is crazy and bitter. It happened in January, you have a new boyfriend, move on. Or get a new job. Stop being crazy, stop making thnigs uncomfortable for Producer Joe because he broke it off with you.

Can you tell more? I missed his segment and really wanted to know what happen. Was a three-some some how part of the brake up?

basically, that they broke up in january, and that the other day in he elevator, they were all getting into the elevator when he heard her say "hold the elevator" and he did, and she ran to the elevator, and said something like, "oh no wonder" and made it really awkward.

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