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Monsters, Aliens, and Conspiracy Theory's
OK guys lets hear 'em. If you you think that the CIA has a family of Big foot's locked up in the Ozarks, or if you are sure that we've been invaded by Aliens, Here is your chance to vent. Maybe you've just watched some crazy History Chanel show about Monster Hogs or Chupacodrey. Maybe you've visited Area 51 and want to tell all. Go for it.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
i beleive in ghosts....not sure why but i do. I have no first hand stories but have heard stories from people that i KNOW wouldn't make it up and usually stay away from drugs and alcohol.
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:i beleive in ghosts....not sure why but i do. I have no first hand stories but have heard stories from people that i KNOW wouldn't make it up and usually stay away from drugs and alcohol.

I was raised in Adams, Tennessee, home of the Bell Witch. My mother's side of the family was related to John Bell, so I have heard a few stories myself. Kinda creepy.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
I believe in ghosts and life on other planets, life like single cell bacteria. I also believe the U.S. didn
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
When I was 19, I moved in with my best friend and his grandmother because my friend and I were going to the same college. The house she lived in was a field stone farm house build in 1918 in the boonies of Montcalm county Michigan. But the property had been in their family since 1840's. And although I never seen him, I was warned that the house was haunted by my friends grandfather who had died in the early 1970's. Lot's of people claimed to have seen him standing over the upstairs bed (The one I slept in when I was there) but since I am a natural doubter I never saw him nor did I really believe it. But it was fun to play along sometimes. I tried to calm the fears of alot of hot girls that happened to spend the night.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
I don't believe in anything. Not in the sense of big scary things, anyway. I believe in 'aliens' but not the visiting anal-probing type, moreso in the there-is-life-on-other-planets-in-other-galaxies type.
That's what she said.
Allyson Wrote:I don't believe in anything. Not in the sense of big scary things, anyway. I believe in 'aliens' but not the visiting anal-probing type, moreso in the there-is-life-on-other-planets-in-other-galaxies type.

There are just sooooo many Stars and planets it would be almost impossible for there NOT to be life somewhere else.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
[quote="wienerpoopie"] I believe in ghosts and life on other planets, life like single cell bacteria. I also believe the U.S. didn
Allyson Wrote:I don't believe in anything. Not in the sense of big scary things, anyway. I believe in 'aliens' but not the visiting anal-probing type, moreso in the there-is-life-on-other-planets-in-other-galaxies type.

So youre saying that thing in the van with no windows that probed me wasn't an alien? Looks like i have a police report to file.

But to stay on topic, im the world's biggest skeptic (except maybe like Penn Jillette), so i rarely believe anything.

I do however agree that statistically there most likely is some life on other planets, whether or not it is intelligent will have to be seen, but i mean i have yet to find intelligent life on earth, so my hopes are not high on this one.
I believe that ghosts exist but am not convinced as to what they really are.

I'm also not so quick to dismiss the lunar landing conspiracy.

I also believe that Oswald did not act along with regards to JFK.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Admin Wrote:I also believe that Oswald did not act along with regards to JFK.

He may not have acted alone, but I do think he was the lone shooter.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
I used to be big into UFO's and that stuff in middle school. I'm still interested, but don't believe like I used to. I do believe that ghosts and stuff might exist.
for me the ghost thing lies in that 'matter is neither created nor destroyed' but us as living human beings have a little...'spark' that seperates us from trees and rocks...

"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
Interesting show whether you "believe" or not.
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
Admin Wrote:I believe that ghosts exist but am not convinced as to what they really are.

I'm also not so quick to dismiss the lunar landing conspiracy.

I also believe that Oswald did not act along with regards to JFK.

I believe ghosts are possible. Unexplained phenomenon occur often, and some things just aren't explainable.

I am very quick to dismiss the Moon Landing conspiracy. It's a load of hogwash. There was a complete documentary dismissing every single point the conspiracy theorists had on the moon landing, and afterwards I was very satisfied.
Think of this, we were in a race to get there first, do you REALLY think that other nations wouldn't blow the whistle? I mean, they have ways of checking to make sure we were there WHILE WE WERE THERE. We even left a marker, bouncing radio signals back to earth. But noone mentions that in their conspiracy theories. lol

And no, I feel Oswald couldn't have been alone on that venture. Too many bullets, too many directions. Plus the gun he had was a single shot rifle, which required him to re-load faster than the time that was alloted.
Bo Nerdasuck Wrote:
Admin Wrote:I believe that ghosts exist but am not convinced as to what they really are.

I'm also not so quick to dismiss the lunar landing conspiracy.

I also believe that Oswald did not act along with regards to JFK.

Ghosts are real. There is one in my house.

The moon landing was real. Technology back then was too lame to fake it.

Oswald acted totally alone. I watched something that proved the one bullet theory right. i will hunt around for it and when i find it i will post it.

I believe ghosts are possible. Unexplained phenomenon occur often, and some things just aren't explainable.

I am very quick to dismiss the Moon Landing conspiracy. It's a load of hogwash. There was a complete documentary dismissing every single point the conspiracy theorists had on the moon landing, and afterwards I was very satisfied.
Think of this, we were in a race to get there first, do you REALLY think that other nations wouldn't blow the whistle? I mean, they have ways of checking to make sure we were there WHILE WE WERE THERE. We even left a marker, bouncing radio signals back to earth. But noone mentions that in their conspiracy theories. lol

And no, I feel Oswald couldn't have been alone on that venture. Too many bullets, too many directions. Plus the gun he had was a single shot rifle, which required him to re-load faster than the time that was alloted.
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:i beleive in ghosts....not sure why but i do. I have no first hand stories but have heard stories from people that i KNOW wouldn't make it up and usually stay away from drugs and alcohol.
I had the creepiest ghost incident ever happen to me one time.... Ask me about it sometime off list because no one here knows me and would probably think I am full of shit....
boizalynne Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:i beleive in ghosts....not sure why but i do. I have no first hand stories but have heard stories from people that i KNOW wouldn't make it up and usually stay away from drugs and alcohol.
I had the creepiest ghost incident ever happen to me one time.... Ask me about it sometime off list because no one here knows me and would probably think I am full of shit....

That's OK... tell us anyway!
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
boizalynne Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:i beleive in ghosts....not sure why but i do. I have no first hand stories but have heard stories from people that i KNOW wouldn't make it up and usually stay away from drugs and alcohol.
I had the creepiest ghost incident ever happen to me one time.... Ask me about it sometime off list because no one here knows me and would probably think I am full of shit....

Yea we're all kind of wacked here in our own way, go for it!! Thats the reason why I posted this thread. The Touchy Subject Forum was getting stale with ONLY politics.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Queenie Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:i beleive in ghosts....not sure why but i do. I have no first hand stories but have heard stories from people that i KNOW wouldn't make it up and usually stay away from drugs and alcohol.

I was raised in Adams, Tennessee, home of the Bell Witch. My mother's side of the family was related to John Bell, so I have heard a few stories myself. Kinda creepy.

Since many of us are not from Tennessee, could you tell us who John Bell was, and who is the Bell Witch?
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
For awhile, I was a big believer that we didn't actually land on the moon. During my freshman year of college I had a research project, so I started doing the project on proving that we didn't land on the moon.

However, the more work I did, the more I felt my first opinions were wrong, and the project wound up turning into one proving that we did land on the moon.
boizalynne Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:i beleive in ghosts....not sure why but i do. I have no first hand stories but have heard stories from people that i KNOW wouldn't make it up and usually stay away from drugs and alcohol.
I had the creepiest ghost incident ever happen to me one time.... Ask me about it sometime off list because no one here knows me and would probably think I am full of shit....

Share it please!
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Mad Dog Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:I was raised in Adams, Tennessee, home of the Bell Witch. My mother's side of the family was related to John Bell, so I have heard a few stories myself. Kinda creepy.

Since many of us are not from Tennessee, could you tell us who John Bell was, and who is the Bell Witch?

John Bell was a farmer in Adams, Tennessee. While prospecting farming land, he ran upon a strange looking animal, half rabbit/half dog, which he shot several times. That night, his family began hearing strange noises. From that time forward, his family, primarily his daughter Betsy, was continuously tormented and haunted by the Bell Witch. President Andrew Jackson, who John Bell served under in the military, even attempted to come to the Bell house to investigate. His horses stopped at a point and would go no further. An American Haunting was based on the Bell Witch, although I never saw it (I do NOT like scary movies).

If you would like to learn more, follow this link:
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Bo Nerdasuck Wrote:And no, I feel Oswald couldn't have been alone on that venture. Too many bullets, too many directions. Plus the gun he had was a single shot rifle, which required him to re-load faster than the time that was alloted.



What have you.

Oswald acted alone. He was a deranged narcissist at the wrong place at the wrong time. There were three bullets. Two found their mark. And anyone with basic military training could've gotten the shots off in the alotted time.

Don't let Oliver Stone tell you any different.
Mad Dog Wrote:OK guys lets hear 'em. If you you think that the CIA has a family of Big foot's locked up in the Ozarks, or if you are sure that we've been invaded by Aliens, Here is your chance to vent. Maybe you've just watched some crazy History Chanel show about Monster Hogs or Chupacodrey. Maybe you've visited Area 51 and want to tell all. Go for it.


I believe that there is intelligence somewhere in the Universe. And with newer telescopes proving daily that there are more planets revolving around other stars, it's inevitable we find something.

We already know that we're NOT alone, we share this planet with millions of other species...the majority of which are pretty damn intelligent. Some can even communicate verbally (birds).

There are an estimated 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone, burning brightly and most of which are harbouring planets around in orbits.
I would be seriously distraught if we were the only technologically advanced species...even in our own galaxy, much less the entire universe...(which contains hundreds of billions of galaxies bigger than the milky way.)

However, I do not believe ET has visited our planet. There is simply no evidence to support the claim. And lack of evidence DOES NOT, I repeat DOES NOT prove existance. It neither proves nor disproves, it's called false proof...and science does not recognize false proofs.

But I do believe they're out there, and even if we were visited I think we'd never know it unless they wanted us to. Any technologically advanced species would be indistinguishable from magic.
Just think about how far we've come in the last 50 years, now give them a few million over'll see what I mean.
Queenie Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:Since many of us are not from Tennessee, could you tell us who John Bell was, and who is the Bell Witch?

John Bell was a farmer in Adams, Tennessee. While prospecting farming land, he ran upon a strange looking animal, half rabbit/half dog, which he shot several times. That night, his family began hearing strange noises. From that time forward, his family, primarily his daughter Betsy, was continuously tormented and haunted by the Bell Witch. President Andrew Jackson, who John Bell served under in the military, even attempted to come to the Bell house to investigate. His horses stopped at a point and would go no further. An American Haunting was based on the Bell Witch, although I never saw it (I do NOT like scary movies).

If you would like to learn more, follow this link:

You've never seen any weird phenomenon personally have you? I read your link. Its pretty creepy. This seems to be a very deep seeded story in Adams. Do you know anyone who claims to have been the victim of a pissed off ghost?
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Mad Dog Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:John Bell was a farmer in Adams, Tennessee. While prospecting farming land, he ran upon a strange looking animal, half rabbit/half dog, which he shot several times. That night, his family began hearing strange noises. From that time forward, his family, primarily his daughter Betsy, was continuously tormented and haunted by the Bell Witch. President Andrew Jackson, who John Bell served under in the military, even attempted to come to the Bell house to investigate. His horses stopped at a point and would go no further. An American Haunting was based on the Bell Witch, although I never saw it (I do NOT like scary movies).

If you would like to learn more, follow this link:

You've never seen any weird phenomenon personally have you? I read your link. Its pretty creepy. This seems to be a very deep seeded story in Adams. Do you know anyone who claims to have been the victim of a pissed off ghost?

We visited the Bell Witch Cave as a field trip from school (about 3 miles away from the cave). We toured the cave, and when we got back to the bus all the lunches were gone. Turns we thought it was the Bell Witch, but Chris Farley was later found under a hay wagon with a bunch of empty brown paper sacks.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Ok now seriously, I don't really like to talk much about that stuff cause it is really creepy to me. Growing up in Adams, I have seen many "unexplainable" events happen in and around Adams. There is a replicate model of the Bell Cabin set up by the Bell School in Adams. Several unexplained sightings of lights have occurred there. Also, the day our class visited the cave, one of the boys in my class opted to go against the rules of not taking anything from the cave and tried to steal a funny looking rock. Before we got out of the cave that day, he had what looked like claw marks from a cat (4 of them) on his arm and he said he didn
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
[quote="Queenie"]Ok now seriously, I don't really like to talk much about that stuff cause it is really creepy to me. Growing up in Adams, I have seen many "unexplainable" events happen in and around Adams. There is a replicate model of the Bell Cabin set up by the Bell School in Adams. Several unexplained sightings of lights have occurred there. Also, the day our class visited the cave, one of the boys in my class opted to go against the rules of not taking anything from the cave and tried to steal a funny looking rock. Before we got out of the cave that day, he had what looked like claw marks from a cat (4 of them) on his arm and he said he didn
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Bo Nerdasuck Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:OK guys lets hear 'em. If you you think that the CIA has a family of Big foot's locked up in the Ozarks, or if you are sure that we've been invaded by Aliens, Here is your chance to vent. Maybe you've just watched some crazy History Chanel show about Monster Hogs or Chupacodrey. Maybe you've visited Area 51 and want to tell all. Go for it.


I believe that there is intelligence somewhere in the Universe. And with newer telescopes proving daily that there are more planets revolving around other stars, it's inevitable we find something.

We already know that we're NOT alone, we share this planet with millions of other species...the majority of which are pretty damn intelligent. Some can even communicate verbally (birds).

There are an estimated 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone, burning brightly and most of which are harbouring planets around in orbits.
I would be seriously distraught if we were the only technologically advanced species...even in our own galaxy, much less the entire universe...(which contains hundreds of billions of galaxies bigger than the milky way.)

However, I do not believe ET has visited our planet. There is simply no evidence to support the claim. And lack of evidence DOES NOT, I repeat DOES NOT prove existance. It neither proves nor disproves, it's called false proof...and science does not recognize false proofs.

But I do believe they're out there, and even if we were visited I think we'd never know it unless they wanted us to. Any technologically advanced species would be indistinguishable from magic.
Just think about how far we've come in the last 50 years, now give them a few million over'll see what I mean.

I think you are right on the mark. Given the vast distances from earth to anywhere else, any life form advanced enough to just get here would have us vastly out classed.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Mad Dog Wrote:
Bo Nerdasuck Wrote:Aliens.

I believe that there is intelligence somewhere in the Universe. And with newer telescopes proving daily that there are more planets revolving around other stars, it's inevitable we find something.

We already know that we're NOT alone, we share this planet with millions of other species...the majority of which are pretty damn intelligent. Some can even communicate verbally (birds).

There are an estimated 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone, burning brightly and most of which are harbouring planets around in orbits.
I would be seriously distraught if we were the only technologically advanced species...even in our own galaxy, much less the entire universe...(which contains hundreds of billions of galaxies bigger than the milky way.)

However, I do not believe ET has visited our planet. There is simply no evidence to support the claim. And lack of evidence DOES NOT, I repeat DOES NOT prove existance. It neither proves nor disproves, it's called false proof...and science does not recognize false proofs.

But I do believe they're out there, and even if we were visited I think we'd never know it unless they wanted us to. Any technologically advanced species would be indistinguishable from magic.
Just think about how far we've come in the last 50 years, now give them a few million over'll see what I mean.

I think you are right on the mark. Given the vast distances from earth to anywhere else, any life form advanced enough to just get here would have us vastly out classed.

Thank you,

Stephen Hawkin once said "I believe there is intelligent life out there, but for now I think it wise to keep our heads low until we know what we're dealing with."
So does anyone here subscribe to the theory that it is possible that the United States never landed on the moon, like Seth Rogan aluded to this morning? I think we did. But this gives me an excuse to bring up a dead thread.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
When I first saw that show on Fox back maybe eight years ago, I started to think it was a realistic possibility that we didn't land on the moon.

However, my freshman year in college I had to give a persuasive presentation for one of my classes. I decided I would give mine on showing we actually didn't land on the moon. As I was doing my research, however, I wound up changing my opinion. All the points made by the people who say we didn't land on the moon were rather easily explained away. My presentation changed, now being used to persuade against those who think we didn't land on the moon.


Just looked back through this thread and see that a few posts back I basically said the same thing. Oops.
Sorry Potty, I didn't re-read the thread very carefully. But I figured there are alot of new members who may have never seen it and since Seth Rogan was on would like to comment on it or some other conspiracy. Guess not.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Mad Dog Wrote:Sorry Potty, I didn't re-read the thread very carefully. But I figured there are alot of new members who may have never seen it and since Seth Rogan was on would like to comment on it or some other conspiracy. Guess not.

Mad Dog that was JOE Rogan, not Seth Rogan, wouldn't want you to continue to make a good actor sound like a crackpot.
"What you are about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother."
I think there is a chance of life out there, but as far as alien's visiting us and abducting people, that is difficult to believe. Same thing with the UFO sightings, I feel that such an extraordanary claim you need extraordanaray proof and no, film is not enough.

Ghosts, I can't say I believe in because believing in such would go against the fact that I do not believe in a god or any of that stuff considering the "ghost" is supposed to be the "soul" of the departed.

As far as conspiaracies, well that is either or. We may or may not have landed on the moon, I don't know, but this far out from it I don't care. There is no question that conspiracies exist though, that is part of what i did agree with rogan on, as long as people have been socialized there have been people who wish to have things under their control. To do this they will conspire and hide things from the people they feel no need to know. However there are people who take it too far and just sound absurd.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
zdunklee Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:Sorry Potty, I didn't re-read the thread very carefully. But I figured there are alot of new members who may have never seen it and since Seth Rogan was on would like to comment on it or some other conspiracy. Guess not.

Mad Dog that was JOE Rogan, not Seth Rogan, wouldn't want you to continue to make a good actor sound like a crackpot.

Oops :oops:
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Mad Dog Wrote:
zdunklee Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:Sorry Potty, I didn't re-read the thread very carefully. But I figured there are alot of new members who may have never seen it and since Seth Rogan was on would like to comment on it or some other conspiracy. Guess not.

Mad Dog that was JOE Rogan, not Seth Rogan, wouldn't want you to continue to make a good actor sound like a crackpot.

Oops :oops:
lol didnt even see he said seth rogan...
good actor??? where, you mean seth rogan the guy who has played like in 5 movies and is already a typecast... i hope that is sarcasm. and hey joe rogan may sound like a crackpot, but he is at least reasonable behind his claims.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
Philly Mike Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:
zdunklee Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:Sorry Potty, I didn't re-read the thread very carefully. But I figured there are alot of new members who may have never seen it and since Seth Rogan was on would like to comment on it or some other conspiracy. Guess not.

Mad Dog that was JOE Rogan, not Seth Rogan, wouldn't want you to continue to make a good actor sound like a crackpot.

Oops :oops:
lol didnt even see he said seth rogan...
good actor??? where, you mean seth rogan the guy who has played like in 5 movies and is already a typecast... i hope that is sarcasm. and hey joe rogan may sound like a crackpot, but he is at least reasonable behind his claims.

You can be typecast and still be a good actor. See Julia Roberts, Samuel L. Jackson, Will Smith (R.I.P.), etc.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->
"What you are about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother."
zdunklee Wrote:
Philly Mike Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:
zdunklee Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:Sorry Potty, I didn't re-read the thread very carefully. But I figured there are alot of new members who may have never seen it and since Seth Rogan was on would like to comment on it or some other conspiracy. Guess not.

Mad Dog that was JOE Rogan, not Seth Rogan, wouldn't want you to continue to make a good actor sound like a crackpot.

Oops :oops:
lol didnt even see he said seth rogan...
good actor??? where, you mean seth rogan the guy who has played like in 5 movies and is already a typecast... i hope that is sarcasm. and hey joe rogan may sound like a crackpot, but he is at least reasonable behind his claims.

You can be typecast and still be a good actor. See Julia Roberts, Samuel L. Jackson, Will Smith (R.I.P.), etc.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

julia roberts sucks, samuel l jackson has played different types of character not always the badass and has done so well if you see him in diehard he wasn't such a tough guy, or in star wars. will smith... he is alright, there were a few movies he was in that were okay, independence day was pretty good, badboys... eh not so great, enimy of the state he was running the whole time and not really playing the cool cop dude, and well pursuit of happiness he was an underdog dude, not to mention 7 pounds, or hancock where he was completely different personas...

lol either way seth rogan isn't too great either, zack and miri was alright, knocked up looked kind of funny, that newer movie where he is like some mall security dude looks stupid. hmmm maybe he is an alien ... yeah thats it he is an alien and him and ben stiller have come down from the planet sr388 to charm us then when our guard is down they turn into their true form and take us over.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]

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