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Lower the drinking age ?
If an 18 y/o kid is old enough to decide to put his life on the line and join the military, he's old enough to have a beer.

I am fully in support of military exemption for under 21 alcohol consumption.

I would also support harsher penalties when these newly exempt young drinkers get a DUI or provide alcohol for other non exempt minors.

Join the army ? You deserve a beer.
Wowie Groovie !
Why is this in this board?
When I was in my 20's, I would agree. Now that I see how incredibly irresponsible and wreckless a major portion of the younger set is with alcohol (myself very much included back in the day), the thought gives me shivers.

I say raise it to 25.
Drug's and alcohol are more readily available than ever. The kids are gonna do it no matter what. Raising the drinking age to compensate for the retarded parents who have FAILED this generation(everyone is to blame), is like closing the barn door after the horse is already gone.

Too little too late, reap what you've sewn.
jus' P Wrote:Drug's and alcohol are more readily available than ever. The kids are gonna do it no matter what. Raising the drinking age to compensate for the retarded parents who have FAILED this generation(everyone is to blame), is like closing the barn door after the horse is already gone.

Too little too late, reap what you've sewn.

Bit harsh, don't you think?

You consider a parent a failure if junior gets bombed with his friends?
Fistor Wrote:You consider a parent a failure if junior gets bombed with his friends?
I consider it as high school! Smile
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
Hey guess what? Do you know how much say my parents had over me the day I turned eighteen and left the house?? Zero. After you leave thats it, pretty much your gonna do what your gonna do. Adults between the ages of 18 and 21 are forced to break the law in order to be "Adults". If your smart and sneaky your probably not gonna get caught. If your dumb and loud you probably will. The current law really doesn't make a difference one way or another so I say get rid of it.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Being in high school I dont think it makes a difference what the drinking age is. Kids are going to do it no matter what the law is. For the record I dont drink.
Fistor Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:Drug's and alcohol are more readily available than ever. The kids are gonna do it no matter what. Raising the drinking age to compensate for the retarded parents who have FAILED this generation(everyone is to blame), is like closing the barn door after the horse is already gone.

Too little too late, reap what you've sewn.

Bit harsh, don't you think?

You consider a parent a failure if junior gets bombed with his friends?

Who's got shivers?^^^^

I was just stating raising the legal age isn't the solution. I fell under the grand-father clause and was legal at 19. Got served in bars with my parents there before that.( rural WI/MN). Non experienced drinkers are less likely to do something stupid leaving a public bar, than a private party. It doesn't affect me either way, my kids know not to touch my beer...

And yes I believe WE have failed the next generation as parents. It's only going to get worse.
Unfortunately, I agree with titan...kind of.
I think they should either lower the drinking age to 18, or raise the voting, military, and legal adult age to 21. It just doesn't seem right that you can get married, but can't have champagne at your own wedding.

edit: I need to learn how to spell check before I hit the post button.
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
Mad Dog Wrote:Hey guess what? Do you know how much say my parents had over me the day I turned eighteen and left the house?? Zero. After you leave thats it, pretty much your gonna do what your gonna do. Adults between the ages of 18 and 21 are forced to break the law in order to be "Adults". If your smart and sneaky your probably not gonna get caught. If your dumb and loud you probably will. The current law really doesn't make a difference one way or another so I say get rid of it.

Just because people break a law often does not mean that you should get rid of it. If everybody went around shop lifting would you say "well, if everybodys doin it, might as well alow it"? The real problem isnt the law, it's parenting. From a high school perspective, I can tell you that is the number one reason kids are able to drink.
potthole Wrote:Why is this in this board?

Because they talked about it ON the show

Just like the protest thread. They were both show topics.
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:
potthole Wrote:Why is this in this board?

Because they talked about it ON the show

Just like the protest thread. They were both show topics.

That I did not know. Which is why I asked. For the record, I did not move the threads, I was going to wait until you answered, titan. Given the nature of the topic in this thread, however, I'm going to leave it here in this current board.

I will check to see if any of the other mods would mind me moving the protest thread back to the main FBHW board.
As for my opinion on the topic at hand...

I'd be ok with moving the drinking age down to 18, but I think that if it were to be done, there would also need to be some more serious teaching done about responsible drinking done to children.

I'm usually not one to say it should be up to schools to teach certain things to kids, safe drinking being one of them, but because I personally doubt that parents would do the proper job of it, I'd almost think that it would have to be up to the schools. A "Drinking Ed" class would be a good idea, but I don't ever see something like that flying.

When I spent some time in Germany after high school, I saw that it is possible for teenagers to drink, and to drink with responsibility. The key, though, is that most of the kids I met, had all been taught about the responsibilities needed when consuming alcohol.
patfromportland Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:Hey guess what? Do you know how much say my parents had over me the day I turned eighteen and left the house?? Zero. After you leave thats it, pretty much your gonna do what your gonna do. Adults between the ages of 18 and 21 are forced to break the law in order to be "Adults". If your smart and sneaky your probably not gonna get caught. If your dumb and loud you probably will. The current law really doesn't make a difference one way or another so I say get rid of it.

Just because people break a law often does not mean that you should get rid of it. If everybody went around shop lifting would you say "well, if everybodys doin it, might as well alow it"? The real problem isnt the law, it's parenting. From a high school perspective, I can tell you that is the number one reason kids are able to drink.

True enough, but shoplifting is illegal for all adults. Drinking is only illegal for some adults. If you haven't got your parenting done before they hit 18, your damn sure not going to get any done after, especially if they go away and don't want to here it.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Mad Dog Wrote:
patfromportland Wrote:Just because people break a law often does not mean that you should get rid of it. If everybody went around shop lifting would you say "well, if everybody's doin it, might as well allow it"? The real problem isn't the law, it's parenting. From a high school perspective, I can tell you that is the number one reason kids are able to drink.

True enough, but shoplifting is illegal for all adults. Drinking is only illegal for some adults. If you haven't got your parenting done before they hit 18, your damn sure not going to get any done after, especially if they go away and don't want to here it.

But if you have thoroughly taught your child morals and values, they would be less likely to drink. However, I know it is nearly impossible for anyone in college not to drink, but I think it would lessen the blow. I also would not call 18-20 year olds "adults". Another reason i think its a bad idea is because its not only going to affect 18-20 year olds. Like Zane said, it's just more people that are able to buy booze for minors.
Potty, I'm not too concerned as to where a thread gets posted, if it's active and people are reading it let it go where it may,

I want to state VERY clearly my opinion on the matter of drinking, because the thread title might leave my opinion a bit ambigious.

I am ONLY for giving an under 21 drinking exemption to those who have joined the military.

Military exemption only.

Turn 18, join the army, GD it, you can have a beer and a shot if you want.
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:Potty, I'm not too concerned as to where a thread gets posted, if it's active and people are reading it let it go where it may

Unfortunately we do have to be concerned just so that things are kept organized. We just try to keep things in places where most can easily find it so that it remains an active topic that people can participate in.

As for the drinking age, I cracked my first beer at the age of 16 and I turned out okay......well, I think i did :-)

as with many issues responsibility begins at home. If parents would start teaching it with regards to alcohol than I wouldn't have any problem lowering it. If things remain reckless and douche bag parents can't or won't do their job correctly then it should remain.
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
18 year olds can barely operate a vehicle as it is now with cell phones, mp3, gps in the car. I'm afraid the drunk driving accidents would increase 100% when adding a lower drinking age to the equation. I would give thought to Titan's suggestion though.
I don't think it matters what the drinking age is. Legalize alcohol for everyone regardless of age, or ban it from the country, I'm pretty sure teenagers are going to drink themselves into oblivion like they do already.
That's what she said.
potthole Wrote:Why is this in this board?

Because it's a touch subject potthole.

But sadly, i have to agree with titan on this one.
jaydethespaz Wrote:
potthole Wrote:Why is this in this board?

Because it's a touch subject potthole.

But sadly, i have to agree with titan on this one.

Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:
jaydethespaz Wrote:Because it's a touch subject potthole.

But sadly, i have to agree with titan on this one.


I thought you loved me titan? i don't get karma for agreeing with you? (j/k)
jaydethespaz Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:LOL YEAH WHAT SHE SAID ! ! !

I thought you loved me titan? i don't get karma for agreeing with you? (j/k)

+1 for agreeing with me, -1 for using J/K sorry.
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:
jaydethespaz Wrote:I thought you loved me titan? i don't get karma for agreeing with you? (j/k)

+1 for agreeing with me, -1 for using J/K sorry.

[Image: simpsons_nelson_haha2.gif]

side note, I google image searched 'nelson ha ha' and got this image, along with three penises....
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
jaydethespaz Wrote:
potthole Wrote:Why is this in this board?

Because it's a touch subject potthole.

But sadly, i have to agree with titan on this one.

No crap, that's why I left it here. Tongue

When I made that initial post that you quoted, the thread was in the main FBHW board. At the time, I didn't realize this had been spoken about on the show, and figured titan was just spamming.
Seriously though, just get rid of the drinking age all together and let the darwin awards sort out the gene pool.
People who join the military can drink alcohol at age 18 on base. In fact the base I was on sold beer in vending machines at the laundromat.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
I agree, lower/raising the drinking age would be counter productive. My parents like the occasional drink, never seen them drunk, or even tipsy really, but from the time I was little they let me try what they were having and I thought it was disgusting. I managed to wait til I was 21 b/c I had no interest in it, there was no forbidden mystique, plus I'm a big fan of my liver. Hell, I graduated from Penn State having never gotten smashed, most people see that as a failure but I think its quite an accomplishment.

Oh, 2 of my buddies just got back from Iraq and they couldn't get alcohol anywhere while over there when on base, (one's 18, the other's 21); but when they got picked up to head to the airport to head home, the driver handed them each a bottle of Jim Beam
Humans are not rational beings, they are rationalizing
Practice safe sex, do it in a Volvo ___________ "Shut up", he explained.
Admin Wrote:People who join the military can drink alcohol at age 18 on base. In fact the base I was on sold beer in vending machines at the laundromat.

In '88-89', before some dumbass got killed tipping a vending machine on himself, in our barracks we had $ .75 16 0z Heineken's in the can.
I've recently actually had this debate with a colleague.

My stance is to go ahead an lower it.
Based on not only my experience, but what I saw of my friends, and what I see of my brother and his friends who are 7 years behind me, the college years (18-22 on avg) are the drinking years. These are the times where most young people are out getting smashed, thinking its the greatest thing in the world.

The problem is, is that since they cannot do it legally in a bar, they do it at home before they go out for the night. So they start out drunk, then get in a car and drive. They are also more apt to be binge drinking and shotgunning to get the alcohol in their systems quicker.

By legalizing it for these people, we can put them in bars, where they will spend their money (helping the economy), can be monitored by the bartenders who can cut them off when they have had enough, can be out with other friends who will hopefully designate a driver, and subsequently be more responsible about their drinking because of these factors.
What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.
potthole Wrote:
jaydethespaz Wrote:Because it's a touch subject potthole.

But sadly, i have to agree with titan on this one.

No crap, that's why I left it here. Tongue

When I made that initial post that you quoted, the thread was in the main FBHW board. At the time, I didn't realize this had been spoken about on the show, and figured titan was just spamming.

o i c i didn't check the date.
jaydethespaz Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:LOL YEAH WHAT SHE SAID ! ! !

I thought you loved me titan? i don't get karma for agreeing with you? (j/k)

you're mean titan Tongue
Growing up near Detroit, we just went to Canada. However, like Torque, being around it my entire life made it lose it luster. Drinking was no big deal.

I think that if they lower the drinking age, there will still be the people who binge drink, that won't stop. However, the casual drinking will increase and, I think, result in more drunk driving.
ahhhh canada! good times good times!
wingospagettio Wrote:18 year olds can barely operate a vehicle as it is now with cell phones, mp3, gps in the car. I'm afraid the drunk driving accidents would increase 100% when adding a lower drinking age to the equation. I would give thought to Titan's suggestion though.

I suppose you've ridden with all eighteen year olds to know how well they all drive?? Both my kids are very good drivers and neither one of them are eighteen yet, but thats probably just me. All the other ones have to be bad drivers.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
I grew up around drinking and was told about being responsible with it at an early age, I had a small glass of wine with dinner when i was little on holidays (christmas & thanksgiving). My grandpop was an alcoholic for awhile and was used as an example of what not to do. I waited until i was 21 to do my partying in college and until then i was the D.D. Now i drink maybe once a month, never get drunk till I puke, hangovers aren't worth it, Hopefully when i have kids I will be able to teach them the same responsibility. I don't think that lowering the drinking age will help anything. I don't even know if some of the guys in the Military should drink any younger than 21. I could see having a beer or two to relax and chill, but how many do you think will drink responsibly. On base they can do whatever, they are under base laws/ rules and overseen by someone more responsible than themselves. By all means let them drink on base, but the general american 18 year olds don't need to drink alcohol.
In my mind...if your old enough to sign up to get yourself killed or screwed up for a long time(like my uncle who just got back from Iraq) you should be able to have a beer in the bar when you get back to a country that you are protecting.

Short, sweet, and simple
I don't think they should lower the drinking age but I also don't think that they should be able to join the military or vote before what age is appropriate for what they consider to be of "adult age". Therefore if they think you should be able to put your life on the line for the country at 18 then yes - get a beer and a shot by all means; but if you will imagine the situation lower down and ponder it.

You have been drinking and can't drive at all to get home; you can hardly see and so on.
There is 5 people who can drive you home but they too have been drinking and you have no other choices but they each say they are sober enough to get you and themselves home safely. Sex has not been defined because I wanted to mainly concentrate on the age not the gender of the driver.

Car #1. An 18 year old - bac unknown (as in all these)
Car #2. A 19 year old - same
Car #3. A 20 year old - same
Car #4. A 21 year old - same
Car #5. A 22 year old - same

Which car would you most likely get into and feel that you would get safely home?
I understand the point you're trying to make but those ages could range from 16-80 and I'd still pick the person I think is the best driver and not consider age- hell I'd consider the type of car before driver age. There will always be a way to get alcohol, they're will always be unsafe idiot drivers. Responsible people will be the only ones negatively affected.
Humans are not rational beings, they are rationalizing
Practice safe sex, do it in a Volvo ___________ "Shut up", he explained.

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