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Fraternity House
jus' P Wrote:
Quote:That blonde chick is becky's fiancee? ooh la la! I'm not the kind of guy that digs girl on girl action, but she done good! Wink

what are you, gay?

I seem to be getting that a lot on this message board.

I just figure: Why watch two girls go at it with each other? Especially when they can be doing something with me.... That's all..... If I'm at a party and people are trying to get two girls to make out, I think, "What a waste. They could be doing that to me." .....Then I usaully make that sentiment into a reality.
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:what are you, gay?

I seem to be getting that a lot on this message board.

I just figure: Why watch two girls go at it with each other? Especially when they can be doing something with me.... That's all..... If I'm at a party and people are trying to get two girls to make out, I think, "What a waste. They could be doing that to me." .....Then I usaully make that sentiment into a reality.

Sounds like I am going to the wrong parties. :'(
Admin Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:Who is the dude talking to FreeBeer in the third pic.

I thought it might be Biff

No, I have a full head of hair and don't have a face mullet.

I did not mean to offend. :-[
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Not at all....
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
hey the movie was really funny and it was a fun night. myself and my buddy got the chance 2 get in the theater first and get sets right in front of ben, dewy, and ZANE HOW KEPT KICKING OUR F*CKIN SEAT. thanks Zane.

ps would have liked 2 have seen more of you guys in the movie but still funny & great show
I kept wanting to tell Hot Wings to fix his damn collar, I am amazed no one else did... I can't imagine he was rocking it like that on purpose?

Also, the movie was actually pretty wretched. Probably one of the top 5 worst movies I've ever sat all the way through. Terrible acting and unfunny jokes don't exactly make for movie magic.
Maybe it's just me but Freebeer looks like Family Guy's version of Ted Danson. "Sometimes its good to be a freak!"

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