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Tina Fey
She has never been funny. SNL was not funny when she was a writer and her "comeback" as Sarah Palin was not funny either. Don't get me wrong, SNL has gone down hill since she left, but they only went from bad to worse. She nailed the accent, but who couldn't?

The skit with her as Palin sounded like a comedy skit right out of the fifties... with a "laugh track" being turned up after every bad one-liner.
SNL has gone downhill since Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Dan Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy left, but what the hell. It has progressed with the times. Some people only define comedy with the age they thought TV was funny. I would have to strongly disagree with you on this (even though my husband has a crush on Tina Fey). The Palin/Clinton skit was gold, and 30 Rock is awesome as well.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
lurkingfinger Wrote:She has never been funny. SNL was not funny when she was a writer and her "comeback" as Sarah Palin was not funny either. Don't get me wrong, SNL has gone down hill since she left, but they only went from bad to worse. She nailed the accent, but who couldn't?

The skit with her as Palin sounded like a comedy skit right out of the fifties... with a "laugh track" being turned up after every bad one-liner.
Would you please enlighten us with what you consider funny?
nope. If you thought that was funny...forget it.
I think the show has always been funny even after the classics..Murphy, Akroid etc. Farley, Fallon and Sanz...all good. Fey & Poelher...well just look at their last movie....and for God's sake don't compare it to a stupid Wil Ferrel movie..."I'm Will ferrell....I saw Farley be funny as a not so attractive guy who took his shirt off while acting suave....I'm gonna run with that"
have to disagree with you buddy. compared to A LOT of SNL alumni who've tried branching out solo, she's done extremely well. she's actually funny and isn't whoring it up like Will Ferrell by doing a bunch of movies with the same "schtick" over and over.

what DO you find funny? i'm curious.
Not Funny? Obviously a republican.
I find "coach Hines" on Mad T.V, funny and any other skits by that guy. 30 rock is o.k. only because of Baldwin being out of place and, yes I think she is whoring it up like no others.....well, o.k. Murphy did do "Boogy in your but," I guess we can't top that!

Your right she, at least is not as bad as Ferrell.

Jessie Jackson reading "Green Eggs & Ham." only thing funnier than that would be Goodman as Linda Tripp...wait they already did that...maybe her as Clinton then?
nope, Sorry, not Republican.
SNL has been in a slump for quite some time...but I've gotta disagree. As an actress, Tina Fey is hilarious, and as a writer, she's brilliant.
lurkingfinger Wrote:I find "coach Hines" on Mad T.V, funny and any other skits by that guy. 30 rock is o.k. only because of Baldwin being out of place and, yes I think she is whoring it up like no others.....well, o.k. Murphy did do "Boogy in your but," I guess we can't top that!

Your right she, at least is not as bad as Ferrell.

Jessie Jackson reading "Green Eggs & Ham." only thing funnier than that would be Goodman as Linda Tripp...wait they already did that...maybe her as Clinton then?

i need an example i that i've seen before. name off some movies you think are funny.
Super Bad was Funny... Borat sucked and was geared to the general public fans who find "American Idol" entertaining. "Kazicstan is the funny." Other than that, well, they even said on the show, "Mitch Headberg "...funny.

Tina Fey in speudo- intelectual glasses reading predictable lines about the news...not funny. "Today Gov. Shwarzenager commented on the economy in Calf. but was called away and said "I'll be back"...oh my God...haha....what a knee slapper!
lurkingfinger Wrote:Super Bad was Funny... Borat sucked and was geared to the general public fans who find "American Idol" entertaining. "Kazicstan is the funny." Other than that, well, they even said on the show, "Mitch Headberg "...funny.

Tina Fey in speudo- intelectual glasses reading predictable lines about the news...not funny. "Today Gov. Shwarzenager commented on the economy in Calf. but was called away and said "I'll be back"...oh my God...haha....what a knee slapper!
we agree on mitch hedberg being good and the tina fey joke example sucking ass. the rest i still haven't seen, but based on that, you make sense to me.
#14 appreciate good comedy. Only posted the link to see what the general public would have to say about the "comedy" of today.
Jo Wrote:what do YOU find funny? i'm curious.

Seriously, Becky all you do is post snide nasty comments here. Other than your posts about how much you want to F Hot Wings (even though he's married) all you do is post shit.

Do you have anything to add ? Anything funny? Anything that isn't negative ?

C'mon, I'm betting that you do.
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:
Jo Wrote:what do YOU find funny? i'm curious.

Seriously, Becky all you do is post snide nasty comments here. Other than your posts about how much you want to F Hot Wings (even though he's married) all you do is post shit.

Do you have anything to add ? Anything funny? Anything that isn't negative ?

C'mon, I'm betting that you do.

Titan, beautiful women can get away with a lot. She's going to keep on not having fun, but at the end of the day, she can get away with it.
Titan ! Wrote:Seriously, Becky all you do is post snide nasty comments here. Other than your posts about how much you want to F Hot Wings (even though he's married) all you do is post shit.

Do you have anything to add ? Anything funny? Anything that isn't negative ?

C'mon, I'm betting that you do.

it was a serious question, not meant to be sarcastic or whatever. quit trying to start shit and mind your business.
Jo Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:Seriously, Becky all you do is post snide nasty comments here. Other than your posts about how much you want to F Hot Wings (even though he's married) all you do is post shit.

Do you have anything to add ? Anything funny? Anything that isn't negative ?

C'mon, I'm betting that you do.

it was a serious question, not meant to be sarcastic or whatever. quit trying to start shit and mind your business.

See? What a sweetheart. ;D
I'm going to have to agree, Tina Fey is not, was not, and never will be funny.
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:Seriously, Becky all you do is post snide nasty comments here. Other than your posts about how much you want to F Hot Wings (even though he's married) all you do is post shit.

Do you have anything to add ? Anything funny? Anything that isn't negative ?

C'mon, I'm betting that you do.

Titan, beautiful women can get away with a lot. She's going to keep on not having fun, but at the end of the day, she can get away with it.

You are absolutely right, beautiful girls do not live in the same world as the rest of humanity.

Becky, I guess this applies to you too. Please use your looks to justify your continuation of being a bitch.
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:Titan, beautiful women can get away with a lot. She's going to keep on not having fun, but at the end of the day, she can get away with it.

You are absolutely right, beautiful girls do not live in the same world as the rest of humanity.

Becky, I guess this applies to you too. Please use your looks to justify your continuation of being a bitch.

I often see some very funny sarcastic humor in her posts.
Becky is one of the best posters on this board, regardless of her looks.

Titan, she asked you what you find funny. And you call her a bitch for that?

Apparently people need to post tons of emoticons in their posts because others gets their panties in bunch. "How... how DARE you offend me on the internets?!"

Becky is in a no win situation. Some people aren't going to take her seriously or call her a bitch because her avatar suggests that she's pretty. If someone else defends her others will say that they're just kissing her ass because her avatar suggest that she's pretty.

I know it's a messageboard and messageboards are more important than real life to some people but can't we all just treat each other like civil, human beings? Jesus H. Christmas.

As far as the actual topic goes...

I disagree. I think that Tina Fey is very funny. She's writter a couple of successful movies and a very successful show that she also acts in. Clearly she's doing something right. Weekend Update (which was the segment she put most of her effort into) while she was on SNL was always funny. The rest of the show? Not so much. I do agree SNL definitely hasn't been great since the mid 90s or even very good since the very early 00s (when Ferrell was still around.)

Keegan Michael Keye on Mad TV is indeed very hilarious.

Tina Fey, FTW!
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
Did you have a crush on Tina, then see her and she called you a minger?

sounds like you are jealous.

ps- u still watch fire marshal bill dont ya?
Lame. Tina Fey is awesome.
Becky is funny. Tina Fey is funny (and hot).
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
um yeah, thats it
Yeah, what Biff said! Tina Fey is very funny and 30 Rock is a great and hilarious show. Also, like Biff said, she's friggin' hot!

As for Amy Poehler, who didn't think she was funny in Deuce Bigalow? VULVA!!!!
“I wanna tell Y’all that I ain’t votin for nobody that don’t say freedom enough. Freedom ain’t free, Free Beer. We gotta fight for freedom, Hot wings. Zane you gotta eat freedom fries...Freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom..FREEDOM!"
I know that you folks probably don't give a rats ass, but I have to agree with Titan and lurkingfinger. Fey, although beautiful, is not that funny. She has a sitcom that is the same as all the other bullshit on the TV. Here's the basis of 90% of all shows: "All women are gorgeous and smart, the men are ugly and morons". Oh, lets start another show!! This is why I don't watch "prime time televeision". It's the same shit over and over again. I watch sports because it is never a repeat and if you get tired of football, you can watch hockey, or basketball.

As for Becky, again I agree with Titan. While I haven't been on here long, the only comments I see from Becky are jabs to the throat. She must have gotten her ass burned at a younger age to be holding that much hostility.

Wow, agreed with Titan on two things. I must be ill.
Titan ! Wrote:
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:Titan, beautiful women can get away with a lot. She's going to keep on not having fun, but at the end of the day, she can get away with it.

You are absolutely right, beautiful girls do not live in the same world as the rest of humanity.

Becky, I guess this applies to you too. Please use your looks to justify your continuation of being a bitch.

I'm not nearly as pretty as Becky, but I bet I'm a bigger bitch!! Just ask my soon-to-be-ex!
mayorofawesometown Wrote:Apparently people need to post tons of emoticons in their posts because others gets their panties in bunch. "How... how DARE you offend me on the internets?!"

Becky is in a no win situation. Some people aren't going to take her seriously or call her a bitch because her avatar suggests that she's pretty. If someone else defends her others will say that they're just kissing her ass because her avatar suggest that she's pretty.

I know it's a messageboard and messageboards are more important than real life to some people but can't we all just treat each other like civil, human beings? Jesus H. Christmas.

As far as the actual topic goes...

I disagree. I think that Tina Fey is very funny. She's writter a couple of successful movies and a very successful show that she also acts in. Clearly she's doing something right. Weekend Update (which was the segment she put most of her effort into) while she was on SNL was always funny. The rest of the show? Not so much. I do agree SNL definitely hasn't been great since the mid 90s or even very good since the very early 00s (when Ferrell was still around.)

Keegan Michael Keye on Mad TV is indeed very hilarious.

Tina Fey, FTW!

Just to defend myself on this one: I was totally trying to pick a fight when I made my original comment about Becky being able to get away with anything because of her looks. I LOVE confrontation.
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:Just to defend myself on this one: I was totally trying to pick a fight when I made my original comment about Becky being able to get away with anything because of her looks. I LOVE confrontation.

NO YOU DON'T!!!@# >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad
I like Tina Fey. I don't think she's the best comic out there but I do love 30 Rock - and I think Alec Baldwin makes the show. Plus she's really cute.
That's what she said.
Fistor Wrote:
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:Just to defend myself on this one: I was totally trying to pick a fight when I made my original comment about Becky being able to get away with anything because of her looks. I LOVE confrontation.

NO YOU DON'T!!!@# >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad

I don't?
I forget, what is this thread about ?
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:I forget, what is this thread about ?

It's about whether or not Becky is hotter than Tina Fey. She is.

And she's funnier too.
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:I forget, what is this thread about ?

It's about whether or not Becky is hotter than Tina Fey. She is.

And she's funnier too.

You can't pick a fight and then switch sides...

Tina Fey makes me hor, I mean laugh.
jus' P Wrote:
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:It's about whether or not Becky is hotter than Tina Fey. She is.

And she's funnier too.

You can't pick a fight and then switch sides...

Tina Fey makes me hor, I mean laugh.

It's so fun to instigate fights from both sides though. I think I'll keep it up.
Is this the right forum for this discussion??? Can we please talk about OUR Free Beer and Hot Wings????
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:You can't pick a fight and then switch sides...

Tina Fey makes me hor, I mean laugh.

It's so fun to instigate fights from both sides though. I think I'll keep it up.

Plungee just instigated another fight. >Sad
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!

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