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Kaeck Par-Tay
has finally finsihed pissin out tha Guinny.

Gets out of the pool, takes a shower, makes an omlette, and is ready to face a new day. even though its 4pm
Wowie Groovie !
knew I had something like that coming. No cucumbers. My virgin arse would have to start with something MUCH straws!....and very small rocks.

*laughs at the fact that I hooked up the pool water to feed into the shower. Titan just bathed in that which he was trying to cleanse himself of.....chuckle chuckle
Wait, you're coming? From straws in your ass? You are a deviant!
Ooo man, I'm gassy...
*grunts and shits myself
^(true storie)
Why do I feel like I need another shower ? What the hell man.
Wowie Groovie !
Because I throw feces at you like a monkey!
*finds some chocolate kaek and throws it at titan
your avatar isn't the only thing that's stupid

mmmm kaque
Wowie Groovie !
My name IS Dr. Stupid...
Now to breath fresh life into this thread, I breath, all heavy and creepy like. I breath the breath of halitosis and garlic. So rancid is this breath that all around must surely be offended, and anyone sleeping or dead will come alive with a start and be unpleasantly surprised.
Mmmm, smells like dead feet and onions. Now get offended by the smell, dammit.
Wonders why the hell he came back to this place.
Wowie Groovie !
because there's Guiness alllllllll over the floor.

And an Irish man singing The Old Dun Cow.
better than an old Irish woman singing "The old dung crow" while poiting at her crotch.

Though I've heard from several sources that's how Queenie got Plunger to marry her.
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:better than an old Irish woman singing "The old dung crow" while poiting at her crotch.

Though I've heard from several sources that's how Queenie got Plunger to marry her.

No, he's from out of state, and no one can resist a Tennessean. She probably threw on some southern charm.... We're given southern "mojo" at the age of five. He had no chance.
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:better than an old Irish woman singing "The old dung crow" while poiting at her crotch.

Though I've heard from several sources that's how Queenie got Plunger to marry her.

No, he's from out of state, and no one can resist a Tennessean. She probably threw on some southern charm.... We're given southern "mojo" at the age of five. He had no chance.

Well , yeah I am a sucker for a girl with a southern accent. My first broken heart came from a girl from Georgia.
Wowie Groovie !
I've got family in the north, and I came to visit in February. My accent had chicks eating out of the palm of my hands. We literally stopped all business at a gas station for ten minutes so that the people behind the counter could liten to us talk. It was pretty sweet.
I get people to stop and listen when I talk, but that's only because I tend to sound like an idiot. And in true free beer fashion, I make up non words. I have a dictionary in the works. Smile
*snatches up your "dictionary"
*throws it on the ground
*sets it on fire
*reminds myself that this is the crazy room
*does a backflip
*begins to run with scissors
:: Pees on Dr. Stupid's Stupid Dictionary and puts the fire out::

There bitch, don't say I never did nothing for you.
Wowie Groovie !
*begins to laugh because Titan's mass consumption of Maker's has caused his pee to be flammable! And now the fire is out of control!

*Slaps "kick me" sign on own back..... never really understood the joke anyway - being from the south.
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:*begins to laugh because Titan's mass consumption of Maker's has caused his pee to be flammable! And now the fire is out of control!

*Slaps "kick me" sign on own back..... never really understood the joke anyway - being from the south.

We should start a rumor campaign that the south is going to try and secede again.

The only bad thing is that the price of Maker's would probably go up
Wowie Groovie !
That - uhhhh - doesn't - erm - sound like a uhhhhh good idea. We SHOULDN't start that rumor. No. Not in the interest of all the recent uhhhhh you know market crashes and what not.....

-psssst, Queen and Plunger! You didn't let it leak out did you? How the hell did Titan find out!? How are we going to make it a surprise if they already know!
Wouldn't that just be the kick in the Balls the US needs ?

Hey rest of America, Us here in the south, we dont like you no more so were gonna go be our own county.

How long until California leaves too ?
Wowie Groovie !
What are you talkin about, Cali left in the sixtys.
*kicks fetus
You damn hick! Drawls make you stupid! So spake the doctor of stupid.
*bows at reference to self
Thanks titan, but that was just a draft. I have the final copy hidden
Ow! My shin! Oh you're going to pay big for that!

*Throws grapling hook at Stupid's legs.
*Yanks Stupid out of hiding spot.
*Hangs him from flagpole by the ankles. Gives him monk style haircut.

That oughta do it for now

*grabs onto hanging helicoptor rope ladder and flys away for a while.
*grabs rung of hillicopter
Now using my super strength, I will pull the hilicopter to the earth!
*fails and tears in half
Gurff, I am now two entities, doc and stupid.
* doc crawls into choper and freaks fetus
Menwhile, stupid remains hanging from flagpole, and talks nonsence out my ass
WAIT! You're not supposed to be in here! Get out you freaky half man!

*kicks at Doc, but it's no use. He's twice as agile with only half the body.
*Does a back flip as usual. No good. It doesn't work.
*Grabs duct tape (as any southerner would) and wraps Doc's arms to side of body.

Haha. What are you going to do now!?

*Puts four point seat belt on Doc and closes door. Obviously he can't get out, so I won't watch him.... (just like Dr. Evil would do to Austin Powers)
*using a cast of producer joe's teeth, I gnaw through the duct tape.
Haha! Nothing can stand to the strength of the donkey teeth!
*quckly scrambles to the controls of the hili
Tank, I need a choper pilot program!
Hmmm... I guess I got it
* pulls levers and twists nobs until the choper crashes into a ball of flame. On top of Titan.
Hey, amazingly I'm fine!
::Really wants a bottle of water::
Wowie Groovie !
Woot! The thread lives again!
*gives titan a bottle of water
Titan:Hey Dr. Stupid I can make the stars come out.

Dr. Stupid: Really how?

Titan: like this !

Annnnnnd Titan kicks him in the ding ding !

Wowie Groovie !
Hey, I need that to procreate!
*football style tackle's Titan
*walks in the room. pees. shakes. walks out.
Wowie Groovie !
My god you're a homo! Trying to have a tickle fight in a room full of men. You disgust me.
*tickles Titan
Ha! Sneak attack! Didn't see that one coming, did ya?
Wait... you're men ?

Then those....


aw man, I knew that was too good to be true.

Y'all a bunch of sluts.
Wowie Groovie !
I am...
Goes for a 5k run, in sweat pants and a hoodie,

gets back and throws soaking wet boxer shorts at Dr. Stupid and hits him in the face.

The wet smacking sound is audible 500 feet away.
Wowie Groovie !
Ugh fat man sweat! I sure hope I don't catch ugly...
Now for sweet revenge!
*starts unholy zombie ritual
Rise my minions!
*zombie threads start shambling out of the ground
Muhahaha! All the caption contests rise again to feed!
*a final monsterous thread rises from the murky deapths.
And my zombie general, Zane Aliby!
*Aliby points and zombies start shlumping twords Titan
How the F do zombies get out of their coffins ?
Wowie Groovie !
That's not important. What IS important, is there are zombies.
*two zombies latch on to Titan and start chewing on his face

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