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I'm announcing my candidacy for write in.
I am officially announcing that I am running as an independent in the upcoming election for President of the United States of America. I will be a write in candidate.

Here are the things that I want to change should I become president:

1) Move to a flat tax model. This serves 2 seperate purposes. A) Eliminating tax breaks to the rich (yes I realize tax breaks to middle class will be eliminated as well) and B) attempting to eliminate excessive spending by the government. My proposal would be to move to either a 15 or 17% flat tax. Come tax time, this is easy to calculate. You take your annual salary, find out what 15% is, and that is what you should have paid to the government throughout the year. If you haven't paid enough, you cut a check. If you overpaid, you get a check back from the IRS. This eliminates the ridiculous amount of forms that need to be filled out each year and subsequently will eliminate the need for excessive amounts of processing by the IRS. Thus, we will be able to save money that is otherwise needlessly spent.

2) Find areas in the government that needlessly waste money and either eliminate them or streamline them to save the money. In times like this, America needs to tighten its belt a bit and that should start at the level of the government. There is no reason to put this squeeze on the American people.

3) Bring our troops home. A timetable needs to be put in place to withdraw our troops from around the world. Not just Iraq or Afghanistan, but everywhere. These troops should be protecting OUR borders.

4) Reduce foreign aid, possibly eliminate it. In these times, America is the one in need of aid. Why are we sending billions of dollars oversees when the American people are suffering themselves.

5) Setup college funds for every child when they are born. This should be done as soon as a birth certificate is issued. Start the account with $5 and then match all deposits by parents/relatives up to $1000 each year until the child turns 18. If the child chooses not to attend college and instead wants the money, put a 75% withdrawal penalty on it.

6) Legalize Marijuana. Make this a controlled substance in the same way that alcohol and tobacco are controlled. People are going to use Marijuana whether it is legal or not. Just like with alcohol and tobacco, moderation is key. Impose a limit on what is legal to have and what is not. Because this will be a luxury item, it can be taxed just like alcohol and cigarrettes are. This will generate more income to fund programs such as the college funds. It will also save money as focus can be shifted away from policing this as an illegal substance.

7) Legalize Prostitution. Again, this activity happens whether or not we as Americans choose to believe it does or not. My reasoning for legalizing it is the similar to my reasoning to legalizing Marijuana. I also believe that it will help to save money in the health care field. If prostitution were regulated, condom use could be imposed and as such could help to reduce the spread of STD's.

8) Lower the drinking age (rename to age of consumption to include Marijuana and Tobacco usage) to 18. My reasoning for this is that the college years, from 18-22 are typically the years where young adults do most of their drinking. Because these people cannot legally drink in a public place, often times they are doing it at home and often times are binge drinking to get drunk quickly. Often times these people then get behind the wheel of a car to go out with friends so they can spend time at whatever location they had planned to go to in the first place. By putting these people in bars, the bartenders can somewhat control binge drinking and can cut people off when they think they have had enough. Also, these people will help the economy by spending their money in the bars which are typically owned by local business men/women.

If this were to happen, I think consumption education needs to be pushed harder in schools. Make sure it is understood that it is OK to drink, but keep it in moderation and always designate a driver. By forcefeeding a message that its not ok, it gives it a sense of forbidden fruit.

9) Last but not least... Universal Health Care and Regulation of the Health Care Industry. For too long, many Americans have been unable to get the health care that they so deserve due to inability to afford insurance. Health Care costs have sky rocketed and have out paced inflation consistently. This sector really needs to be regulated more efficiently. I'm not talking about a complete government take over, but definately some oversight into this area. As a right, each and every American citizen deserves to be treated with the best care available without worry of how they will pay for it. This type of regulation is successful with other areas of public service and I think it can be successful with Health Care as well. For example, if my house catches on fire because some a-hole doesn't like me for some reason, I rest assured that when I dial 911, I get a team of firefighters to my home to put out the fire and try to save my belongings. I also rest assured that my local police department will investigate this and arrest the person who caused the crime. This costs me nothing more than I have already paid in taxes.

These are my ideas. Write me in come election day. I promise to do everything in my power to make these happen should I be elected.

I'm Opus and I approve this message.
What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.
You have to grow a few more years.

Good ideas, good luck getting those passed into law.
1. Flat tax - close, but I prefer the Fair Tax, which is a set sales tax (I don't recall the exact number) on all retail sales for personal use.

2. This is a very typical Washington proposal. No real solid meat, just a blanket promise.

3. Not even close to a safe solution.

4. This is another blanket proposition. Some of our foreign aid is essential, other parts are not. You're going to have to be more specific to get someone's vote.

5. Since the government has no assets of its own, where do you suggest this money comes from?

6. I agree with this one. (See? I'm not completely against you! LOL)

7. Also agreed, but with very strict regulations to protect the population from disease.

8. Still agree.

9. If you didn't lose my vote on #4, you did here. Socialized healthcare would be a DISASTER for this country. I WORK in the healthcare industry, so I can assure you that I'm speaking from experience. A friend of mine is a physician, and she recently provided over $4,000 in care to a patient. Would you like to guess how much was paid by the government program that the patient participated in? If your answer is $65, you're right. The government paid for $65 of the fees, and told the physician and facility they had to eat the rest. Does this sound like a way to get your loved ones QUALITY healthcare?
1) Move to a flat tax model.

Fair Tax

2) Find areas in the government that needlessly waste money and either eliminate them or streamline them to save the money.

Big undertaking. You'd need a conservative Republican majority and not be a ball-less whimp like GWB

3) Bring our troops home. A timetable needs to be put in place to withdraw our troops from around the world. Not just Iraq or Afghanistan, but everywhere. These troops should be protecting OUR borders.

Disagree. Pressure needs to be put on Iraq and Afghanistan to get their ducks in a row. We need a military presence around the rest of the world.

4) Reduce foreign aid, possibly eliminate it. In these times, America is the one in need of aid. Why are we sending billions of dollars oversees when the American people are suffering themselves.

Disagree somewhat. There are those here who will not help themselves and are only looking for handouts.

5) Setup college funds for every child when they are born. This should be done as soon as a birth certificate is issued. Start the account with $5 and then match all deposits by parents/relatives up to $1000 each year until the child turns 18. If the child chooses not to attend college and instead wants the money, put a 75% withdrawal penalty on it.

I like it. Of course what will happen is that college degrees will become the equivalent of HS diplomas now and employers will look for Master's Degrees. If this is implemented there would have to be a huge investigation into University expenditures (actually this is needed now)

6) Legalize Marijuana.

Disagree somewhat. Possession under an ounce should require confiscation but not punishable by anything harsher than a misdemeanor at the cops' discretion. Anything over an ounce would be considered possession with intent to deliver.

7) Legalize Prostitution.

By this do you mean the legalization of brothels? I wouldn't be opposed to it but streetwalking should still be illegal.

8) Lower the drinking age (rename to age of consumption to include Marijuana and Tobacco usage) to 18.


9) Last but not least... Universal Health Care and Regulation of the Health Care Industry.

No. Way. Jose.

You forgot one key stance: build all county, state, and federal jails/prisons along the borders.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
I have a better plan:

1) No tax: whatever happened to No Taxation without Representation...this country was founded to avoid taxes, lets get them the hell out of the picture and reduce government size substantially.

2) Agree, but with a much stronger aim. No more FCC, no more board of Ed, etc...etc... . Federal Government should be the President, Congress, and Supreme court, nothing else.

3) Agree, bring troops home. The army should be domestic defense only. Never should leave our borders on an offensive front, ever.

4) Agree, we can worry about international issues when all of our domestic problems are solved. So probably never. Saves money at least.

5) disagree, schooling should not be funded by the government. Waste of money because if you look at our public school system it apparently does not work at all because we just keep producing dumb shits. We preach abstinance in schools, but when have you ever taken a class in high school that teaches you about things you will use in real life like retirement funds, balancing a check book, and so on.

6) Agree, but take it a step further. No drugs should EVER be a criminal issue, always a medical. You should never be fined or arrested for the actual drug (what you do on said drug is a different story, like drunk driving). Lesser drugs like Marijuana, would basically be free range like cigarettes are. Meth would be confiscated and you would be sent to a rehab facility instead of a jail or prison.

7) Agree, the only thing illegal about prostitution is the exchange of money. If two people meet on a street and hook up and don't exchange money then it is totally legal. Weird eh? (yes i know jesse ventura said this, but it is a totally valid argument)

8) Lower the drinking age to 16. You want people to know how alcohol is going to affect them before they can drive not after. Driving is simple, but alcohol and levels of intoxication are very very different. Let the kids get wasted at 16, get it out of their system by 18, and we are good to go.

9) No and no. The main problem with healthcare in this country is that the pharmaceutical companies have their hands in the government lobbies. Remove all regulation and suddenly this magical thing called competition shows up, forcing price wars. Awesome
providencecrow Wrote:9) No and no. The main problem with healthcare in this country is that the pharmaceutical companies have their hands in the government lobbies. Remove all regulation and suddenly this magical thing called competition shows up, forcing price wars. Awesome

Remove all regulation, and this magical thing called "hey, we can really Eff these dumbass customer's over, and nobody gives a shit" shows up. Removing regulation on some things is good, but not something as important as health care.
Quote:Remove all regulation, and this magical thing called "hey, we can really eff these dumbass customer's over, and nobody gives a shit" shows up.

The majority of healthcare providers are really in it for the right reasons. Sure, there are some that aren't, but they generally burn out pretty quickly, and they're a very, very small minority.

Increase competition, increase quality of care, and decrease cost. Corporate evolution, if you will.
speedbump Wrote:
providencecrow Wrote:9) No and no. The main problem with healthcare in this country is that the pharmaceutical companies have their hands in the government lobbies. Remove all regulation and suddenly this magical thing called competition shows up, forcing price wars. Awesome

Remove all regulation, and this magical thing called "hey, we can really eff these dumbass customer's over, and nobody gives a shit" shows up. Removing regulation on some things is good, but not something as important as health care.

Okay, save up some money and try to start a business in the health care industry, see how quickly you are squashed solely because you are not part of the "in crowd". Hence the problem with any government intervention in any business.

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