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where is zane?
Well, I think the main reason people are concerned is that the guys take time off together. They've said many times that no one just takes a vacation day for the heck of it leaving the other two alone. When only one person is gone it's usually something fairly serious.

That being said, we really should stop speculating.

We should have concern: 1) Is Zane and his family okay?

Once we get that established the speculating should stop, in my opinion. The guys don't seem too concerned. We know he'll be back on Monday. If it's something he feels comfortable talking about (like his son's finger) he will. If it's not (like when Hot Wings was gone) then he won't talk about it...

...and people will make a long ass thread about it which will require Zane to bitch everyone out.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
I hear that Zane "found himself", and now he feels that he must make a five day pilgrimage to the Amazon to really feel alive. While there, he has a laundry list of things to do because they will lead him to self enlightenment*. He must swim with the pirhanna, make two native friends - preferably a jaguar and a local tribesman, eat hallucinagenic drugs for an entire day to become closer to the sun god, wear a diaper....the list goes on and on.

I'm not sure how he's going to complete his goals in the little time he has, but it's been done before.

The groupie story isn't true, and he isn't getting fired. The show would end. In fact, he's getting a raise. He'll be pulling in around $200K next year.....and they're providing him with a company car - it's a Mercedes S Class....

And he had some of his nose shaved off. He was tired of the nose jokes.

And he dyed his hair.

And he is swimming the English Channel....pulling a boat....a yacht
I speculate that the speculation will not stop.
Instant props for the Deadpool avatar. Best comic book character ever.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
mayorofawesometown Wrote:Well, I think the main reason people are concerned is that the guys take time off together. They've said many times that no one just takes a vacation day for the heck of it leaving the other two alone. When only one person is gone it's usually something fairly serious.

That being said, we really should stop speculating.

We should have concern: 1) Is Zane and his family okay?

Once we get that established the speculating should stop, in my opinion. The guys don't seem too concerned. We know he'll be back on Monday. If it's something he feels comfortable talking about (like his son's finger) he will. If it's not (like when Hot Wings was gone) then he won't talk about it...

...and people will make a long ass thread about it which will require Zane to bitch everyone out.

Agreed, I hope nothing is seriously wrong...but after that its none of our business as to why he is gone. FB, HW, and Eric Zane are normal every day people, and that is why so many of us like them, and listen to lets not treat them like a stupid Hollywood celbrity and gossip about stupid stuff.
it is probably the same as when hotwings missed his time, they are probably taking turns to mourn the loss of dude shadoway. it is joes turn next and then freebeer will take his turn.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:I hear that Zane "found himself", and now he feels that he must make a five day pilgrimage to the Amazon to really feel alive. While there, he has a laundry list of things to do because they will lead him to self enlightenment*. He must swim with the pirhanna, make two native friends - preferably a jaguar and a local tribesman, eat hallucinagenic drugs for an entire day to become closer to the sun god, wear a diaper....the list goes on and on.

I'm not sure how he's going to complete his goals in the little time he has, but it's been done before.

The groupie story isn't true, and he isn't getting fired. The show would end. In fact, he's getting a raise. He'll be pulling in around $200K next year.....and they're providing him with a company car - it's a Mercedes S Class....

And he had some of his nose shaved off. He was tired of the nose jokes.

And he dyed his hair.

And he is swimming the English Channel....pulling a boat....a yacht

Philly Mike Wrote:it is probably the same as when hotwings missed his time, they are probably taking turns to mourn the loss of dude shadoway. it is joes turn next and then freebeer will take his turn.

I really think it's COWBOY GAY CAMP!!!!
my sources tell me he had broken into a house.. when found out, he jumped from the window only to be impailed in the rectum with the post of a fence!! i bet theres a pic of it somewhere!
mainerliser Wrote:
Philly Mike Wrote:it is probably the same as when hotwings missed his time, they are probably taking turns to mourn the loss of dude shadoway. it is joes turn next and then freebeer will take his turn.

I really think it's COWBOY GAY CAMP!!!!

i swear to god......

mainerliser Wrote:
Philly Mike Wrote:it is probably the same as when hotwings missed his time, they are probably taking turns to mourn the loss of dude shadoway. it is joes turn next and then freebeer will take his turn.

I really think it's COWBOY GAY CAMP!!!!

Cowboy Gay Camp is just for Hot Wings, and maybe Free Beer.
Wowie Groovie !
The show is missing something without any of the guys there. Zane is a huge and important part of the show anyone that has anything bad to say about any of the guys is stupid. and should just stop listening.
Jo Wrote:
mainerliser Wrote:I really think it's COWBOY GAY CAMP!!!!

i swear to god......


Was it the Superman underoos this time?
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Admin Wrote:
Jo Wrote:i swear to god......


Was it the Superman underoos this time?

Was it any funnier this time?
Look, I realize those things might be a little tight and as a result push your balls against your spine, but that's no excuse to question that which is funny.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
3 and a half pages of replies... and I know nothing more than I did when I started.

To those who say it's none of our business what happened, let me say this:

"I believe that famous people have a debt to everyone. If celebrities didn't want people pawing through their garbage and saying they're gay, they shouldn't have tried to express themselves creatively
I think he has the flu. I also am willing to bet that he's wearing underware again after 'his ass exploded'.
I miss my daily dose of Zane-ism Sad
I miss Zane too! I'm definitely ready for him to be back on Monday.
wait.....Zane is missing?
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
[quote="Moobs Minger"]3 and a half pages of replies... and I know nothing more than I did when I started.

To those who say it's none of our business what happened, let me say this:

"I believe that famous people have a debt to everyone. If celebrities didn't want people pawing through their garbage and saying they're gay, they shouldn't have tried to express themselves creatively
Wowie Groovie !
Zane was getting busy for the VP debate. He looked kinda OK with his Sarah Palin suit on.
Regardless... Zane was greatly missed this week. Love him or hate him he was missed. Hope everything is okay and I hope he's back on Monday. If it's something to talk about, they will talk about it on Monday, if it's private, they won't and we shouldn't speculate or create rumors.
RUMORS??? Who would've thunk it? Why, I thought we were just a bunch 'a folks who listened to a bunch 'a guys laughing, farting, telling it like it is... why speak badly or ponder upon the absence of one who has a whole 'nother life outside of the few measly hours per day that we get to enjoy him?
People! Mr. Ten is certainly missed. But to make such a "To Do" about his whereabouts and goings-on is just plain needy and whiny behavior on our part. Give the man some room to breathe! Good Grief. You need time off, you take it. Who are we to complain? I miss him too, but this speculation and almost invasion of his personal privacy is reaching dynamic proportions. Today is Saturday. We get "The Best Of The Free Beer And Hot Wings Show" and then there is Sunday, which is music only, and then... MONDAY, either Eric will be there or he won't. No amount of bullshit posted will change anything. Just hope for the best and GIVE IT A REST. The man has a life, a wife, kids... a temper... but he's not an a-hole. He's just a guy doing his job. He pays his bills and supports his family by doing his job. Not in the "Public Eye" but the "Public Ear". Who amongst you has never needed to take some time off for something or other?
Just chill. Monday is only a skip and a jump away. When Chris was gone I worried... big time, but I didn't make a federal case out of it. Er, I mean Hot Wings.
So try and refrain... from the panic you all are feeling. Before you know it you'll forget he ever left cuz he'll be back and working that last nerve as usual. OK????
Jo Wrote:
Admin Wrote:Was it the Superman underoos this time?

Was it any funnier this time?

in the words of ron burgundy ?NOPE?
its a message bored. we can post about whatever the eff we want and speculate as much as we'd like about zane's absence. and I'm sure all the claims of "he's dead" or "he's at gay cowboy camp" are real serious insight to how we feel about his absence - yeah, we're really upset and we're really hoping our shenanigans will make sure he comes back. take it easy mystylady & realize that people are just making posting conversation on here. none of us really give a shit about zane anyway.
I heard that zane got hit by a car. he died
LEAVE ZANE ALONE!! heheh lol!!

Last time when Zane was gone for the funeral the show lacked so much. He is a huge part of the show as is Free Beer and Hot Wings.

I'm just defending him because I have a man crush on him. He is my hero.
I don't think it's being star struck wondering where he is and if everything is ok. If you had a coworker not show up for a few days and you asked where they were and got no response, then finally get a" he might be back Mon." when enough people ask. You would get curious, it's human nature. We don't NEED to know, but we are curious.
mystylady- I do remember them saying that the only way you could ever miss work is if it was something serious. Illness was not an excuse. Pardon us for being concerned about someone that we all feel like we know in some way. I dont think anyone would ever want something bad to happen to any of them or their family. They almost become like a part of the family. dysfunctional part, but nonetheless a part.
pants on the ground! pants on the ground!
We have some serious comedy geniuses in this thread.
Serious comedy is my forte'.
hotzester Wrote:Serious comedy is my forte'.

Really ? Since when ?
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:
hotzester Wrote:Serious comedy is my forte'.

Really ? Since when ?

I would say since a half hour ago.
Everyday you reinvent yourself into a bigger cock-shite than ever. It's incredible. I don't know how you do it. I admire you.

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.
20 after 7-ish.
Ok, so I didn't have to work today and therefor didn't listen to the show (I just woke up). Is zane back and if so did they say what he was gone doing? Other than being at cowboy gay camp and recovering from being dead, that is.
Alot of us know what is going on with Zane, just wish the show would be honest and tell us.
not a real lot of us.
define " a lot of us", do you have a mouse in your pocket?
Who gave the detractors power to tell people what they can and cannot discuss WRT the FBHW show?
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Nobody answered the question. Let me break this down:
1. Was zane back today?
That is all.

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