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Ok, so as a math geek I have been testing out this theory for years. My hypothesis is that under normal circumstances (barring crazy towns who need ticket money and pull you over for doing 25.5 in a 25), one will not be pulled over/ticketed for going less than 120% of the speed limit. That is to say, for a speed limit of 25, 30 is acceptable; for a speed limit of 55, 66 is acceptable, etc.

My theory has yet to be disproved so I'd like to open it up to the board. Has anyone here gotten pulled over and/or ticketed for doing less than 1.2x the speed limit?
That's what she said.
I run 80+ down I-94 to work nearly everyday. and haven't been pulled over yet (knock on wood)

To add to your hypothesis, I think by NOT slamming on your brakes when you see a cop you don't appear guilty....I just maintain as if i'm doing no wrong and I don't even get a glance. Been running this way for 10 years almost.
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
I got pulled over and ticketed for 66 in a 55. That was a few years back however.

Since I had kids I rarely exceed the speed limit anymore.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
I did get pulled over once in my 4 years of having a license, but I was going 74 in a 50. Of course it's everyone else's fault but my own, so my justification is that it was a 3-lane highway with no one on the road. 50 is a little silly.
That's what she said.
Admin Wrote:I got pulled over and ticketed for 66 in a 55. That was a few years back however.

Since I had kids I rarely exceed the speed limit anymore.

I try to stay lite on the accelerator when the kids or wife are in the car. When it's just me I fingerbanging go
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
I used to set my cruise at 82 in a 70 zone. (now I have a granny car, and feel stupid going fast) Never got a second look. I think 66 in a 55 is pushing it a little bit. I try to stay at about 62ish. (about 113% the speed limit)
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
I have tested the theory myself, purposely going 20% over the speed limit past a cop and I've never gotten a second look.
That's what she said.
i got hit once for 75 in a hard on the accelerator so that i could get up to speed and wasn't binding up the guy i pulled in front of and never let off....I saw the officer and immediatly pulled over and had everything ready before he had even pulled a u-turn. didn't cut me a break though. Undecided
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:i got hit once for 75 in a hard on the accelerator so that i could get up to speed and wasn't binding up the guy i pulled in front of and never let off....I saw the officer and immediatly pulled over and had everything ready before he had even pulled a u-turn. didn't cut me a break though. Undecided

I got caught for 77 in a 55. Ticket for 60 (or maybe 65) Guess I got lucky!
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
The guy that ticketed me was a total douche. He said two words to me: license, registration. I had to ask him how fast I was going. He booked me for the full 24mph over and for going through a "safe zone" whatever the hell that is. I pled it down and it still cost me about 4 c-notes.
That's what she said.
I was driving to work one day and was doing the same speed as everyone else until a semi got behind me. I noticed traffic was about to stop and the semi behind (fully loaded) did not show any signs of stopping. I accelerated and got over in the next lane, at about the same time I passed a motorcycle cop. Fingerbanger pulled me over. After he gave me the ticket (66 in a 55), I asked him why he stopped me and not the semi. He replied, "Well, it is just a little easier to pull over a car rather than a semi in morning rush hour traffic."
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
I think it also depends on the area of the country that you live in.
Queenie Wrote:I was driving to work one day and was doing the same speed as everyone else until a semi got behind me. I noticed traffic was about to stop and the semi behind (fully loaded) did not show any signs of stopping. I accelerated and got over in the next lane, at about the same time I passed a motorcycle cop. Fingerbanger pulled me over. After he gave me the ticket (66 in a 55), I asked him why he stopped me and not the semi. He replied, "Well, it is just a little easier to pull over a car rather than a semi in morning rush hour traffic."

what a pickle-kissing fingerbang
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
I know quite a few cops and have asked them this question. They have stated that 7mph over will not warrant a ticket but 8 will. Many of them gave me this explanation.

I tend to go 5 over and no more just to be on the safe side in case of a dick cop. Actually as of late I have been going 73 on the highway (speed limit 70) and it's amazing how many people I pass.
“I wanna tell Y’all that I ain’t votin for nobody that don’t say freedom enough. Freedom ain’t free, Free Beer. We gotta fight for freedom, Hot wings. Zane you gotta eat freedom fries...Freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom..FREEDOM!"
landmammaldolphin Wrote:I know quite a few cops and have asked them this question. They have stated that 7mph over will not warrant a ticket but 8 will. Many of them gave me this explanation.

I tend to go 5 over and no more just to be on the safe side in case of a dick cop. Actually as of late I have been going 73 on the highway (speed limit 70) and it's amazing how many people I pass.

I-94 is a jungle....I'll run 77 and will get passed. I'm one in a pack of 3 running 80. we'll group together and run down the road.
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
I have NEVER gotten a speeding ticket driving my truck. It's always in the Mustang....hmmm? Makes me wonder...

It's too fun to drive I can't help it!!!!
Plungee and I come I-65 South to Nashville every morning. Between Bethel Road and Millersville, 2 White House drug cops sit in the median every morning. Of course, the speed limit is 70 but the fingerbanging idiots still slow down to 60-65. We watch to make sure they are not pulling out, and that would be the only reason to slow to below 70. If they are not sitting there, then I know traffic is going to be slow on down the road with all the rubber neckers looking to see who got stopped for a drug search.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
I hate people slowing down because a cop sitting in the median, they are why people get rearended. if you're going the speedlimit, you don't have to go 10 under when you pass a speed trap.
Cops have a little saying.

Nine your fine; ten, you're mine.

So don't go ten over the speed limit.

On another note, I've been pulled over in Brentwood for doing 42 in a 45....Yes you heard it right. 42 in a 45....but there were orange barrells ....from a COMPLETED construction project.... it was an "assumed" 20MPH speed limit. They showed me the traffic law when I tried to dispute it.

Effin Brentwood cops. I hate Brentwood. I'd NEVER go there if the majority of my friends didn't live there.
i live in jersey so its expected we drive 90 on the highways, so that's what i do. Never gotten a ticket
The last time I drove through jersey/ ny area, there was a traffic jam that i sat in for 2 hours to move what should have taken 30 minutes at the most and when we finally got to the cause of the whole thing , it was because stupid people rubber necking to see some jerk whose car had broken down on the side of the road. New Jersey has all those weird jug-handle turns, and they don't let you pump your own gas, crazy place..... did I mention I was born there?
Who's complaining about not having to pump your own gas? We get full-service AND gas is cheaper in Jersey than most other places.
That's what she said.
i've been pulled over 5 times, ticketed once for 46 in a 25. sounds like a lot, but everybody speeds there, i just picked a bad time to do it.

i also got pulled over for going mid 60's in a 55 (borderline 120%), but that was coming home from a new years eve party. as soon as the sheriff saw i wasn't drunk, he couldn't wait to let me go.
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:i got hit once for 75 in a hard on the accelerator so that i could get up to speed and wasn't binding up the guy i pulled in front of and never let off....I saw the officer and immediatly pulled over and had everything ready before he had even pulled a u-turn. didn't cut me a break though. Undecided

are you my husband?? same thing happened 2 him a few years back, although I think he did cut him a break. told the cop he wasen't used to driving my BMW. he even pulled over and waited for the ticket too!!!
your momma Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:i got hit once for 75 in a hard on the accelerator so that i could get up to speed and wasn't binding up the guy i pulled in front of and never let off....I saw the officer and immediatly pulled over and had everything ready before he had even pulled a u-turn. didn't cut me a break though. Undecided

are you my husband?? same thing happened 2 him a few years back, although I think he did cut him a break. told the cop he wasen't used to driving my BMW. he even pulled over and waited for the ticket too!!!

I work for the government...I drive a ten year old Dodge Ram nicnamed 'the Rusty Pickle' no BMW for me. And if you were my wife you would have inserted "you're a retard" when posting to me
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
I used to drive between GR and Auburn Hills (North of Detroit) about 3 times a week. 96 to 69 to 75. I would just set the cruise at a tick under 80 (speed limit is 70) and go. Never had a problem. Cops wouldn't even blink. Did this for years.
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:Cops have a little saying.

Nine your fine; ten, you're mine.

So don't go ten over the speed limit.

On another note, I've been pulled over in Brentwood for doing 42 in a 45....Yes you heard it right. 42 in a 45....but there were orange barrells ....from a COMPLETED construction project.... it was an "assumed" 20MPH speed limit. They showed me the traffic law when I tried to dispute it.

Effin Brentwood cops. I hate Brentwood. I'd NEVER go there if the majority of my friends didn't live there.

I lived in B-wood for the longest time before I moved out here to Franklin. Your right the cops there are insane.
drunkenmom Wrote:
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:Cops have a little saying.

Nine your fine; ten, you're mine.

So don't go ten over the speed limit.

On another note, I've been pulled over in Brentwood for doing 42 in a 45....Yes you heard it right. 42 in a 45....but there were orange barrells ....from a COMPLETED construction project.... it was an "assumed" 20MPH speed limit. They showed me the traffic law when I tried to dispute it.

Effin Brentwood cops. I hate Brentwood. I'd NEVER go there if the majority of my friends didn't live there.

I lived in B-wood for the longest time before I moved out here to Franklin. Your right the cops there are insane.

Yeah. I've lived in Green Hills for a long time, and I always thought the Belle Meade cops were bad until I started driving in Brentwood.

The Franklin cops aren't a Sunday picnic either though.
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
your momma Wrote:are you my husband?? same thing happened 2 him a few years back, although I think he did cut him a break. told the cop he wasen't used to driving my BMW. he even pulled over and waited for the ticket too!!!

I work for the government...I drive a ten year old Dodge Ram nicnamed 'the Rusty Pickle' no BMW for me. And if you were my wife you would have inserted "you're a retard" when posting to me

lol...the BMW was many many moons ago BC..(Before Children) now I'm sporting an eleven yr. old ford explorer my girls have named grassy. And I call my hubby Capt. Dumbass most of the time.
In a 65 I usually go 73-74, never have a problem. Anything less than that and it's usually just 5 over. I think the lamest I've been ticketed for was 63 in a 55, every other ticket I've gotten has definitely been deserved.
I normally try to stay within 7 of the posted speed limit, and have never gotten a speeding ticket.
generally, around 7 mph over the limit is the threshold where cops will start pulling people over. less than that and you can mount a legitimate argument in court that you weren't actually speeding due to inaccuracies in the measuring devices (radar, stopwatch, speedometer, etc). those things arent perfect so you have to be going a good amount over to really prove you were indeed speeding.

but mainly it depends on the cop and the road. a dickhead cop might pull someone over for going 5 mph over while a guy who is more relaxed will let cars pass that are 10-15 over.
I was pulled over for 65 in a 55
pants on the ground! pants on the ground!

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