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11/04/2008 Show (Election)
I felt like talking about todays show where they wanted to know who they would pick for president between the four. I wanted to see what you guys thought

Jayde the Spaz
nice avatar you have there. I thought that chick was hot in that movie.
Vote Zane/Joe!
Everyday you reinvent yourself into a bigger cock-shite than ever. It's incredible. I don't know how you do it. I admire you.

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.
Funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Great work Joe. You made Zane fight a 15 sec fight against himself.
I'd vote for Free Beer mostly because of the process of elimination. Zane is all or nothing and would waste the nation's money on the newest fad, Hot Wings wouldn't get anything done because he'd be too busy staring, and Joe would be too focused on climbing random walls in the White House and laying pipe to get anything accomplished. Also, I would love to see Free Beer burn the leaders of other countries and make them humble, and listening to Free Beer's speeches littered with word smishes would be wonderful.
zetsyuk Wrote:nice avatar you have there. I thought that chick was hot in that movie.

thank you. i dressed up as her for halloween. it was hott.
I'd vote Hot Wings ONLY because he is the ONLY one on the show to have some balls and stand up for what he truly believes in. The other show members are too led by others. They don't usually stand up for what they believe in. MAYBE FreeBeer would, but the fact that he is too scared to let anyone know that he is R or D leads him to be swayed by others.
I vote Zane...just because at the least it would be an interesting 4 years.
Why did you sign your "name" at the end of that post, but none of your others?
How else would we know it was she that posted it?!

Hot Wings 2008.
That's what she said.
Allyson Wrote:How else would we know it was she that posted it?!

Hot Wings 2008.

I agree. Hotwings already has a myspace group "Hotwings for President in '08". He's already more organized then the others.
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
Damn, I'm a member of that group and I voted for Freebeer.

I'm a flip-flopper!
Zane would get my vote. Much like one of the callers said, he's such a crazy mofo, you'd have to be out of your mind to attack the country and cross him.
jaydethespaz Wrote:
zetsyuk Wrote:nice avatar you have there. I thought that chick was hot in that movie.

thank you. i dressed up as her for halloween. it was hott.

Don't be shy.
I voted for Hot Wings. Not only does he most closely represent the same positions as I, he's also the one, as has been said, that I feel most frequently sticks to his beliefs no matter what. You don't always agree with him, but you know where he stands. Also he seems to be the one who most often researches the facts and draws conclusions based on facts.
hotzester Wrote:I voted for Hot Wings. Not only does he most closely represent the same positions as I, he's also the one, as has been said, that I feel most frequently sticks to his beliefs no matter what. You don't always agree with him, but you know where he stands. Also he seems to be the one who most often researches the facts and draws conclusions based on facts.

Agreed. You should be on his campaign team. You convinced me!
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Joe or Zane.

Hot Wings is too much of a know it all that he comes off as arrogant sometimes. Free Beer is the absolute worst (despite HW display today) when it comes to taking a joke. He gets more defensive than anyone despite the fact that he gets made fun of the least.

I know, none of these are really qualities for election a president. I'm judging them based on who I like the most because my brain is broken after having to use if for the real election.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
Zane, just cause he is conservative and can't do much worse than the financially inept people that have run or will run.
lokizilla Wrote:Zane, just cause he is conservative and can't do much worse than the financially inept people that have run or will run.

You obviously haven't heard about his past personal situation(s), have you?
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
I pick Zane in hopes that he'll take the Instant Replay to U.N. meetings, so when some nation's leader is giving a proposal, we can hear "[drop]good idea![/drop]." -Or when some leader is talking about poverty in their country, we can hear "[drop]Wow! Cool story, horrible bitch![/drop]" or "[drop]You're too dumb to tell a story.[/drop]"

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