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Thanksgiving plans
Be nice, it's the dear Becky they are talking about the Koresh incident in Waco when Reno told the FBI to blast them. Remember now?
motorboatking Wrote:Going with my wife and kids to the Lions' game this year.

BOOOO... Nothing is going to change until we stop giving them our money. If you want to watch them, I propose you do it on the road, where they can't profit from it.
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
Rock Monster Wrote:
Jo Wrote:somebody explain it. now.

do what i say cause i said it.

You go to Waco every year, and don't know what he's talking about? Seriously?

that whole thing was forever ago, only you old kooks remember that kind of stuff. it took me a few minutes but i got what Biff was saying but i was more amazed he actually referenced something like that.
Jo Wrote:
Rock Monster Wrote:You go to Waco every year, and don't know what he's talking about? Seriously?

that whole thing was forever ago, only you old kooks remember that kind of stuff. it took me a few minutes but i got what Biff was saying but i was more amazed he actually referenced something like that.

Old? I'm only 4 years older than you...
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
Rock Monster Wrote:
Jo Wrote:that whole thing was forever ago, only you old kooks remember that kind of stuff. it took me a few minutes but i got what Biff was saying but i was more amazed he actually referenced something like that.

Old? I'm only 4 years older than you...

you act like you're as old as Biff. no joke.
my mom got a new house last month, so my family is probably going there. my nephew has kids with 2 different women who hate each other. and now the current one doesn't like me.

should be fun.
I will be cooking for my family at my father's this year. My mother used to cook every year, but she passed away in January, 2004. I tried to step in her shoes (big shoes) that year, but my brother was being such a dick, I decided it wasn't worth it. But I did try again a couple of years ago, and it turned out better, but not optimum. My brothers don't usually come to my Dad's anymore on Thanksgiving Day, but catch him on the weekend after. We'll probably watch the Titans beat the Lions and end with a picking session (me, my father, and one of my sons play guitar). I'm sure Plungee and I will work in a few games of pong. I am looking forward to it.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Queenie Wrote:We'll probably watch the Titans beat the Lions ....

The Lions are going to walk all over the over rated Titans!! Big Grin

3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
Hey, speaking of Thanksgiving - for anyone cooking this year....the best tip I've EVER gotten regarding Thanksgiving dinner is to brine your turkey beforehand. Get a big clean bucket, preferably one that is your "Turkey Bucket" and nothing else, and fill it with cold water, and your choice of herbs/spices, and a good amount of salt. (Or google "brine recipes" and take your pick.) Let it sit in the cold water for about 24 hours before you cook the turkey. The result will be the juiciest, most delicious turkey you've ever had.
Going to the in-laws, they aren't as crazy as my side of the family.
Admin Wrote:
Jo Wrote:every year we go to our home in Waco, Texas and spend Thanksgiving there with like 20+ family members i'd never otherwise see or know about. it's always a big event and ends with my dad and uncle proving their macho-ness in a family football game in the yard againest eachother. last year, my dad went in for the tackle(tag and touch is for girly men apparently)and ended up bear hugging my cousin into the ground like some crazy backyard wrestling maneuver and busted one of his ribs. good times.

So Janet Reno didn't kill them all afterall....

That's what came into my mind right away, too.
We Ain't Comin Out.....I'm not old, and I still remember (and caught the reference)

Oh, and to answer Biff...we rent a school Gym every year, and there's a blind auction, and's a fantastic time.
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.
So basically Becky failed, right?
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Admin Wrote:So basically Becky failed, right?
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
hotzester Wrote:Hey, speaking of Thanksgiving - for anyone cooking this year....the best tip I've EVER gotten regarding Thanksgiving dinner is to brine your turkey beforehand. Get a big clean bucket, preferably one that is your "Turkey Bucket" and nothing else, and fill it with cold water, and your choice of herbs/spices, and a good amount of salt. (Or google "brine recipes" and take your pick.) Let it sit in the cold water for about 24 hours before you cook the turkey. The result will be the juiciest, most delicious turkey you've ever had.

I did this last year. Turned out great. There are good recipes on Alton Brown specifically.
potthole Wrote:
Admin Wrote:So Janet Reno didn't kill them all afterall....

That's what came into my mind right away, too.

Apparently that means your old.
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
Guess I'm old"m used to it, the hubby likes to callme old, even though I've only got a month on him.
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.
I'm heading up to Oregon to see my dad's side of the family.
They're also the best cooks when it comes to holidays.
Where in Oregon Mark? I have family in Gresham. I also have family in Ridgefield, WA (right over the line)
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
I'll be in the Coos Bay area. Here's a map to show you where in relation I'll be from where your family is.

[Image: oregonb.gif]
[Rosanne Rosannadana drop]Nevermind[/drop]
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
dino Wrote:
Admin Wrote:So basically Becky failed, right?

motherEff you guys. it ain't no OKC bombing, who the Eff is talking about Koresh as like it's some big deal and everybody knows about it. go ask a dude on the street about Koresh and tell me just how befuddled his face gets.
I think you'd be surprised, Becky.
Jo Wrote:go ask a dude on the street about Koresh and tell me just how befuddled his face gets.

But ask about Waco, Texas, and I bet at least 75% remember "something about a compound and a stand-off."
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
Rock Monster Wrote:But ask about Waco, Texas, and I bet at least 75% remember "something about a compound and a stand-off."

no, just Janet Reno and David Koresh.

sidenote: David Koresh is a perfect topic for my upcoming psych paper so thanks y'all for the reminder of his crazy. i might actually do my own suggestion and take to the streets for a survey.
Jo Wrote:
Rock Monster Wrote:But ask about Waco, Texas, and I bet at least 75% remember "something about a compound and a stand-off."

no, just Janet Reno and David Koresh.

sidenote: David Koresh is a perfect topic for my upcoming psych paper so thanks y'all for the reminder of his crazy. i might actually do my own suggestion and take to the streets for a survey.

Here's some websites for you ma'am:

I know you are very capable of doing this yourself, I just wanted to try and help!!
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Admin Wrote:So basically Becky failed, right?

In massive fashion.
For the first time in seven years, my thanksgiving isn't going to be so hectic. It'll be much more sad this year, but I guess I'll be able to relax and enjoy things. My parents are divorced, so I've always had two thanksgivings to go to. Then I had a girlfriend/ fiancee for seven years. So between the two of us, we went to at least three thanksgivings together (11:00, 2:00 and 5:00....a LOT of eating). This year my mom will be out of town, and my relationship ended....soooo.... I've got one to go to with my grandparents, but my grandmother was diagnosed with alzheimers this year and doesn't remember much.
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
airhornahole Wrote:That's awesome. Volunteering is great. I love helping others out.
c/hunky firemen

You're bringing the kids? Do they get to help or just sit in a corner and be bored?

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