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The effing replays
Whatever you do, don't play something that's more than two days old.

Screw the people who may have missed a Joe stunt from the week previous, they can go to the website like the rest of us. PLAY SOMETHING OLD FOR EFFS SAKE!
Jeez, calm down. Is this really the main concern of your life, if they replay something from this week? Go have a dude ram it up your poop chute (and so on so forth)
If I wanted to hear the same thing I heard 5 minutes ago...I'd go back to the Bob&Tom show.
When I happen to hear something two days in a row, it does annoy me, but most often I'm getting to hear something new, so I don't mind it.
Please do, FB & HW is only for radio affianados (big word you don't understand, means people who appreciate radio). GIMME BACK MY SON!
yogurt, i think you may be confusing afficianados with retards because what you just said makes no sense whatsoever. douchebag
yogurtsling Wrote:Please do, FB & HW is only for radio affianados (big word you don't understand, means people who appreciate radio). GIMME BACK MY SON!
It's an even bigger word when you include all the letters.
Sorry to all the perfectionists out there.
yogurtsling Wrote:Sorry to all the perfectionists out there.
You can't screw up simple spelling when calling other people stupid. Any other time is OK. Them's the rules. What can you do?
nothing. you're right. 5 minute self-ban imposed. I'm stupid.
Looks like Mr. Milwaukee has deleted his account.
Yep. One of the biggest rules of the internet. If you're going to call out someone for being stupid, make sure you don't misspell words or use horrible grammar. If you do, you automatically fail.

As far as the replay thing, I don't mind it too much simply because based on other shows, FB&HW do it far less. John Boy and Billy do it to death, replaying their silly skits and pre-recorded stuff like Mad Max, and sometimes they even replayed simple conversations they had from the day before. That's by far one of the laziest shows I've ever listened to and I can't believe I loved it for years. I still think based on actual live on air time, John Boy does maybe 15 minutes an hour. And it used to be worse because the old man Raiford used to do 2 freakin commentaries an hour; last I checked he only does 1 now. Back then John Boy did 10 minutes an hour.
Back from the banning. Sorry to all for my poor spelling while calling others out. Lesson learned.
potthole Wrote:Looks like Mr. Milwaukee has deleted his account.

He was actually only a guest.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!

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