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If Free Beer and Hot Wings say dont watch this...
I'm saying dont click this link

See you on the flip side
The only time FBHW has ever seriously pissed me off was when they were constantly talking about 2girls 1cup. It seemed like there was a stretch of 2 or 3 weeks where they mentioned that stupid vides every day. Yes, they kept saying , "nooo don't watch it, no seriously really don't watch it" knowing full well that the more they talked about it, the more people would be curious and want to see it. If they truly didn't want people to watch it, they are smart enough to know not to talk about it. That was the only time i've ever dis liked the show enough to shut the radio off before the show ended.
Wowie Groovie !
It depends on the context. If it's a TV show, chances are I won't watch it because it's probably stupid. If it's a YouTube video, chances are I will watch it because it has to be pretty extraordinary (if also abhorrent) for them to mention it on the show.
That's what she said.
Titan ! Wrote:The only time FBHW has ever seriously pissed me off was when they were constantly talking about 2girls 1cup. It seemed like there was a stretch of 2 or 3 weeks where they mentioned that stupid vides every day. Yes, they kept saying , "nooo don't watch it, no seriously really don't watch it" knowing full well that the more they talked about it, the more people would be curious and want to see it. If they truly didn't want people to watch it, they are smart enough to know not to talk about it. That was the only time i've ever dis liked the show enough to shut the radio off before the show ended.

and this is exactly how I got all my friends to watch it. Everytime I would see my buddies...'you didn't watch 2girls1cup did you?' 'i wouldn't do it if i were you...' so on and so forth
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
I agree titan, the first day or 2 was ok but they went on and on about it and said "DON'T WATCH IT" about 20 times a broadcast. Knowing good and well that the more they talked about the more people would watch it. Then when people would call or email in about how disgusting it was, they throw up the disclaimer "We TOLD you not to!"

They played the role of the kid that always goaded kids into doing something to get them in trouble, then acted innocent.
I will usually watch it when i get home, lol!
Titan ! Wrote:The only time FBHW has ever seriously pissed me off was when they were constantly talking about 2girls 1cup. It seemed like there was a stretch of 2 or 3 weeks where they mentioned that stupid vides every day. Yes, they kept saying , "nooo don't watch it, no seriously really don't watch it" knowing full well that the more they talked about it, the more people would be curious and want to see it. If they truly didn't want people to watch it, they are smart enough to know not to talk about it. That was the only time i've ever dis liked the show enough to shut the radio off before the show ended.

Unfortunately, I missed that "don't watch" line and also the description of the clip . . . and I typed it in, it came up, and I threw up. That was just effin sick.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
OMG... of course... 2girls1cup, lemon party, and the other one that I don't remember right this second. Actually, my girlfriend and I had a lot of fun with 2girls 1cup and showing everyone we knew... her mother was appalled... it was great!!!! I didn't gag like the guys did though... and NO it is NOT something that I do!!!
I watched it ASAP. Everything they said about it was hilarious, I got so many people to watch it
I told my buddy to watch it not telling him anything about 2 girls 1 cup I have not watched or plan to he was pissed and grossed out. it was great
Most of the time I will watch the videos they reference. There are a few that I didn't watch, 2 girls 1 cup being one. It was obviously something gross from the way they were talking, and I didn't have a desire to see it, especially after I figured out what was in the video. Yuck!!
I usually take their word for it. If they say something is worth watching, I will probably check it out. If they say not to watch something, I usually don't. Still have not seen 2girls1cup, and probably won't.

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