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Obama's stimulus package
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list

What follows are a number of the spending projects included in the economic stimulus bill filed by Democrats late on Friday, which will be voted on in coming days by the House of Representatives.

This is not a complete list. Instead, it is an overview of some of the major items found in this bill in terms of spending. No judgments are made about the need for these expenditures.

That is up to you, the voter, and your elected members of the House and Senate.

You can find the full text of the bill, H.R. 1 at

Here is a sampling of what we found:

$44 million for construction, repair and improvements at US Department of Agriculture facilties

$209 million for work on deferred maintenance at Agricultural Research Service facilities

$245 million for maintaining and modernizing the IT system of the Farm Service Agency

$175 million to buy and restore floodplain easements for flood prevention

$50 million for "Watershed Rehabilitation"

$1.1 billion for rural community facilities direct loans

$2 billion for rural business and industry guaranteed loans

$2.7 billion for rural water and waste dispoal direct loans

$22.1 billion for rural housing insurance fund loans

$2.8 billion for loans to spur rural broadband

$150 million for emergency food assistance

$50 million for regional economic development commissions

$1 billion for "Periodic Censuses and Programs"

$350 million for State Broadband Data and Development Grants

$1.8 billion for Rural Broadband Deployment Grants

$1 billion for Rural Wireless Deployment Grants

$650 million for Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program

$100 million for "Scientific and Technical Research and Services" at the National Institute of Standards And Technology

$30 million for necessary expenses of the "Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership"

$300 million for a competitive construction grant program for research science buildings

$400 million for "habitat restoration and mitigation activities" at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

$600 million for "accelerating satellite development and acquisition"

$140 million for "climate data modeling"

$3 billion for state and local law enforcement grants

$1 billion for "Community Oriented Policing Services"

$250 million for "accelerating the development of the tier 1 set of Earth science climate research missions recommended by the National Academies Decadal Survey."

$50 million for repairs to NASA facilities from storm damage

$300 million for "Major Research Insrumentation program" (science)

$200 million for "academic research facilities modernization"

$100 million for "Education and Human Resources"

$400 million for "Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction"

$4.5 billion to make military facilities more energy efficient

$1.5 billion for Army Operation and Maintenance fund

$624 million for Navy Operation and Maintenance

$128 million for Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance

$1.23 billion for Air Force Operation and Maintenance

$454 million to "Defense Health Program"

$110 million for Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$62 million for Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$45 million for Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$14 million for Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$302 million for National Guard Operation and Maintenance

$29 million for Air National Guard Operation and Maintenance

$350 million for military energy research and development programs

$2 billion for Army Corps of Engineers "Construction"

$250 million for "Mississippi River and Tributaries"

$2.2 billion for Army Corps "Operation and Maintenance"

$25 million for an Army Corps "Regulatory Program"

$126 million for Interior Department "water reclamation and reuse projects"

$80 million for "rural water projects"

$18.5 billion for "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy" research in the Department of Energy. That money includes:

$2 billion for development of advanced batteries

$800 million of that is for biomass research and $400 million for geothermal technologies

$1 billion in grants to "institutional entities for energy sustainability and efficiency"

$6.2 billion for the Weatherization Assistance Program

$3.5 billion for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants

$3.4 billion for state energy programs

$200 million for expenses to implement energy independence programs

$300 million for expenses to implement Energy efficient appliance rebate programs including the Energy Star program

$400 million for expenses to implement Alternative Fuel Vehicle and Infrastructure Grants to States and Local Governments

$1 billion for expenses necessary for advanced battery manufacturing

$4.5 billion to modernize the nation's electricity grid

$1 billion for the Advanced Battery Loan Guarantee Program

$2.4 billion to demonstrate "carbon capture and sequestration technologies"

$400 million for the Advanced Research Projects Agency (Science)

$500 million for "Defense Environmental Cleanup"

$1 billion for construction and repair of border facilities and land ports of entry

$6 billion for energy efficiency projects on government buildings

$600 million to buy and lease government plug-in and alternative fuel vehicles

$426 million in small business loans

$100 million for "non-intrusive detection technology to be deployed at sea ports of entry

$150 million for repair and construction at land border ports of entry

$500 million for explosive detection systems for aviation security

$150 million for alteration or removal of obstructive bridges

$200 million for FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter program

$325 million for Interior Department road, bridge and trail repair projects

$300 million for road and bridge work in Wildlife Refuges and Fish Hatcheries

$1.7 billion for "critical deferred maintenance" in the National Park System

$200 million to revitalize the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

$100 million for National Park Service Centennial Challenge programs

$200 million for repair of U.S. Geological Survey facilities

$500 million for repair and replacement of schools, jails, roads, bridges, housing and more for Bureau of Indian Affairs

$800 million for Superfund programs

$200 million for leaking underground storage tank cleanup

$8.4 billion in "State and Tribal Assistance Grants"

$650 million in "Capital Improvement and Maintenance" at the Agriculture Dept.

$850 million for "Wildland Fire Management"

$550 million for Indian Health facilties

$150 million for deferred maintenance at the Smithsonian museums

$50 million in grants to fund "arts projects and activities which preserve jobs in the non-profit arts sector threatened by declines in philanthropic and other support during the current economic downturn" through the National Endowment for the Arts

$1.2 billion in grants to states for youth summer jobs programs and other activities

$1 billion for states in dislocated worker employment and training activities

$500 million for the dislocated workers assistance national reserve

$80 million for the enforcement of worker protection laws and regulations related to infrastructure and unemployment insurance investments

$300 million for "construction, rehabilitation and acquisition of Job Corps Centers"

$250 million for public health centers

$1 billion for renovation and repair of health centers

$600 million for nurse, physician and dentist training

$462 million for renovation work at the Centers for Disease Control

$1.5 billion for "National Center for Research Resources"

$500 million for "Buildlings and Facilties" at the National Institutes of Health in suburban Washington, D.C.

$700 million for "comparative effectiveness research" on prescription drugs

$1 billion for Low-Income Home Energy Assistance

$2 billion in Child Care and Development Block Grants for states

$1 billion for Head Start programs

$1.1 billion for Early Head Start programs

$100 million for Social Security research programs

$200 million for "Aging Services Programs"

$2 billion for "Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology"

$430 million for public health/social services emergency funds

$2.3 billion for the Centers for Disease Control for a variety of programs

$5.5 billion in targeted education grants

$5.5 billion in "education finance incentive grants"

$2 billion in "school improvement grants"

$13.6 billion for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

$250 million for statewide education data systems

$14 billion for school modernization, renovation and repair

$160 million for AmeriCorps grants

$400 million for the construction and costs to establish a new "National Computer Center" for the Social Security Administration

$500 million to improve processing of disability and retirement claims

$920 million for Army housing and child development centers

$350 million for Navy and Marine Corps housing and child development centers

$280 million in Air Force housing and child development centers

$3.75 billion in military hospital and surgery center construction

$140 million in Army National Guard construction projects

$70 million in Air National Guard construction projects

$100 million in Army Reserve construction projects

$30 million in Navy Reserve construction projects

$60 million in Air Force Reserve construction projects

$950 million for VA Medical Facilities

$50 million for repairs for military cemeteries

$120 million for a backup information management facility for the State Department

$98 million for National Cybersecurity Initiative

$3 billion for "Grants-in-Aid for Airports"

$300 million for Indian Reservation roads

$300 million for Amtrak capital needs

$800 million for national railroad assets or infrastructure repairs, upgrades

$5.4 billion in federal transit grants

$2 billion in infrastructure development for subways and commuter railways

$5 billion for public housing capital

$1 billion in competitive housing grants

$2.5 billion for energy efficiency upgrades in public housing

$500 million in Native American Housing Block Grants

$4.1 billion to help communities deal with foreclosed homes

$1.5 billion in homeless prevention activities

$79 billion in education funds for states
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Wasn't most of his campaign based on cutting government spending? And now he's added funding for abortions and then there's this long list of things that he wants to spend money on.
i don't know if this helps anyone, but i added the list just for fun.

this totals 299.973 billion. not counting whatever was left out.
Don't forget Pelosi's awesome stance on the contraceptive pork. I don't remember the exact number, but I know it's in the neighborhood of two hundred million.
[drop]Yeah, good idea[/drop]

From what I can tell, she's basing her argument on the opinion that providing children with what they need is expensive.. so let's prevent more children from being born. I guess that kind of makes sense, but the reality is different and not that difficult to figure out.

Children grow up and, ideally, become contributing members of society. Once they graduate from public schools and enter university or the workforce, they're on their own. The elderly, however, are a different story. And please don't consider me ageist or an elder-hater or whatever.. it's simply that people are living longer than Social Security was ever intended to provide for. When it was implemented, people (mostly men) worked until they were in their late 50's or early 60's, retired, and died in their early 70's. People are living longer now, on average, and the system no longer works. It goes back to the commercial principle of supply and demand. There's more elderly people now who are living longer at a bigger expense than there are people to pay for their care.

So the system is broken, and the best way they can address it is to bust out a couple hundred million bucks (borrowed.. not on hand) to prevent more people from being born? That's counter-intuitive, seeing as how a smaller workforce in the future will simply shortchange the people who are working now and will probably live longer than the last few generations (unless that pesky obesity thing clogs our arteries early enough). Anyway, rant over.
Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?
Just wait till they raise the taxes to pay for all of this
The contraceptives grant in it was taken out today. the mall needs to be fixed...what about other things??
I think I'd rather invest in a mall. That at least can attract people, and hopefully attract a few more dollars coming in. All these empty malls across the country are doing no one, especially the municipalities they're in, any good. No occupants, no tax revenue.. and it all goes downhill from there. I can't believe only 325 mill is earmarked for road and bridge improvements. Michigan alone could probably use that much.
Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?
I think the guys hit it on the head this morning. I know they didn't completely agree with the guy that said we're heading to communism, but they did agree with some of it. I think it's another step towards it, but what would you expect with a Socialist president? This is all about his "redistribution of wealth."
Yeah.. this isn't really a "stimulus" package if you look closely at it. It's a spending package, plain and simple. It'll result in the creation of more federal agencies, which is exactly the wrong direction. Everyone else is forced to downsize in difficult economic times.. why should the government be any different?

Also, if you do the math, it's a money pit. Obama's goal is to save or create 3 to 3.75 million jobs. I'm assuming none of them will be CEO-level pay, so let's give them the median American income which is reported to be in the neighborhood of 40 grand. Now take 825 billion (the proposed amount, which will balloon once it comes time to vote) and divide that by the maximum of 3.75 million jobs created/saved. I get 220,000. That's how much each of those median income jobs will cost. Perhaps it'll be worth it five and a half years down the road.. but is it prudent to gamble on that right now?
Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?
Heres my question?? When are we actually going to elect someone who understands what it is like to be a normal everyday middle class American. This is ridiculous. Why is it that this country that is supposed to represent opportunity and hope, the only people who can succeed in politics are the wealthy, it is very frustrating for those of us who want to get involved in politics, but can't becuase of how much money we have. Just my thoughts. Thanks
And just think, boys and girls. We're only 8 days into these first four years!

At the risk of sounding inflammatory, this is EXACTLY why I've been so vocal in my disagreements with President Obama.

This is only going to get worse, and as has been mentioned, remember - this stuff all has to be paid for somehow.
hotzester Wrote:And just think, boys and girls. We're only 8 days into these first four years!

At the risk of sounding inflammatory, this is EXACTLY why I've been so vocal in my disagreements with President Obama.

This is only going to get worse, and as has been mentioned, remember - this stuff all has to be paid for somehow.

Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
My god, the man has been in office for 8 days and the only thing iv seen on these boards in complaining after complaining. If he can do atleast 1 thing better then what Bush was doing then we are in luck. I have not seen anyone on this whole entire board say one good thing about Obama. I can't wait until he fixes our nation and makes every single person who judged him based on his first EIGHT days shuts up
Quote: can't wait until he fixes our nation and makes every single person who judged him based on his first EIGHT days shuts up

And when that happens, I'll be the first in line apologizing for the pre-judgement. But I don't believe that's going to happen. But I have to ask, when was President Bush "given a chance"?
Well Bush had 8 years and he messed up, thats why we rip the hell outta him
Obama has had 9 days and you guys are alrdy going after him
Without reciting bumper sticker platitudes, how do you define President Bush's "mess ups"? I don't care if you disagree with me, all I'm asking is that if you're going to attempt to enter the forum of intelligent debate, you have well-founded, evidence based arguments and not use ambiguities like "messed up".
Perhaps if he didn't base most of his campaign on cutting back the budget to then turn around in the first 8 days and try to pass bills that spend wildly, we wouldn't be able to bitch about him. He's been nothing but a liar. And remember this, the economy has nothing to do with the President. It has everything to do with the Fed and with you and I. WE are the economy, not the President. The president is only trying to raise our taxes and take away more of OUR money and give it to people who don't have so much. While I agree that we should help out the less fortunate, we should also do that on a voluntary basis. Forced charity isn't charity at all, it's communism.
I'm a Dave Ramsey listener and I got this in my e-mail from him this morning. Thought I would share.

Well, we the people have a new president. It
Cuppie is right. I have been following the Dave Ramsey plan for a little over 4 years. Besides my house, I'm only $7000 in debt. I have plans to have that amount paid off in the next year.... I feel so sorry for my co-workers that spend spend spend. I can see the light of debt freedom, and man does it look good.
[quote]Tax Breaks
These aren
lokizilla Wrote:Cuppie is right. I have been following the Dave Ramsey plan for a little over 4 years. Besides my house, I'm only $7000 in debt. I have plans to have that amount paid off in the next year.... I feel so sorry for my co-workers that spend spend spend. I can see the light of debt freedom, and man does it look good.

Dave Ramsey is nothing more than a motivational speaker. Nothing that he says is enlightening or genius. And yes, unfortunately, I have seen him live.
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
You don't have to be enlightening or genius to be correct.
I followed Ramsey's plan and got out of debt. It sucked working two jobs but it was nice only having a mortgage payment and nothing else.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Back to the topic at hand, why wouldn't taking all of this money that the government wants to spend on the bailout, and turn it into a small business/entrepreneurship grant fix things?

This would encourage those with the entrepreneurial spirit to take the giant step, thus reducing a good portion of the unemployed citizenship. It would also generate tax revenue in the form of self-employment and small business tax. Plus, it would give those who run the businesses capital to invest in products they need for their business, which stimulates the retail sector, creating more demand for jobs in those businesses.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Rock Monster Wrote:
lokizilla Wrote:Cuppie is right. I have been following the Dave Ramsey plan for a little over 4 years. Besides my house, I'm only $7000 in debt. I have plans to have that amount paid off in the next year.... I feel so sorry for my co-workers that spend spend spend. I can see the light of debt freedom, and man does it look good.

Dave Ramsey is nothing more than a motivational speaker. Nothing that he says is enlightening or genius. And yes, unfortunately, I have seen him live.

Oh totally, everything he says is common sense stuff. Sad thing is, he's as popular as he is because there are a ton of people out there that lack such common sense.
You have to BUY Dave Ramsey's stuff, right? Does the only page in his book say "Stop spending money on frivalous things like books telling you how to save money"?
Yeah, I do find it interesting that he touts saving and not spending on stupid things, but then charges something like $50+ to attend one of his speaking events.
motorboatking Wrote:You don't have to be enlightening or genius to be correct.

I never claimed that he was wrong.

potthole Wrote:Yeah, I do find it interesting that he touts saving and not spending on stupid things, but then charges something like $50+ to attend one of his speaking events.

This is exactly why I think he is scum. He charges money to go to his event, for his "plan", for his books, everything. He knows people will pay it because they are desperate not to lose everything. He's taking advantage of people that are already down.
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
potthole Wrote:Yeah, I do find it interesting that he touts saving and not spending on stupid things, but then charges something like $50+ to attend one of his speaking events.

$50 to save hundreds is well worth it in my book.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Oh I don't fault HIM for it. He's just providing the supply to match the demand. It's no different than a company providing food because people tend to get hungry if they don't eat.

To me, the people who fall victim to it are the ones upon whom the responsibility falls upon. I'm not saying it's bad that it works, but I'm very much a personal responsibility kinda guy.
hotzester Wrote:Oh I don't fault HIM for it. He's just providing the supply to match the demand. It's no different than a company providing food because people tend to get hungry if they don't eat.

To me, the people who fall victim to it are the ones upon whom the responsibility falls upon. I'm not saying it's bad that it works, but I'm very much a personal responsibility kinda guy.

A damn good way to be! 8-)

However, some people need extra motivation, which is what Dave Ramsey supplies.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Exactly. I was more referencing the statement that he's scum. (I'm not quoting much today, using my clipboard quite extensively!)
I've seen him live, read his books (which by the way if you call him he usually gives away, and if you can't afford one he'll tell you to go check it out at the library), and gone through his financial peace university. The only thing I paid for was for FPU, and that was $93. That $93 goes towards the cost of having the materials printed and put together. I'm not going to say I agree with 100% of everything he says, but the fact is, since I've gotten on a budget (because of him) and started paying off my debts, I only owe on my student loans, I have a retirement fund started and over $1000 in a savings account in case of emergencies. Oh and his live events are $35 a piece unless you go in a group then they are $20. A lot of the times he'll give away tickets to those too if you call him and ask him a question. He's a generous person. You can be rich and not be a dick.
Admin Wrote:I followed Ramsey's plan and got out of debt. It sucked working two jobs but it was nice only having a mortgage payment and nothing else.

But you really didn't need Dave Ramsey to tell you that. Most people know what to do, and how they got where they are. I could work 3 jobs and never see my family......

I am sure his plan does work. If he is so great, why not help these sheep for free? He obviously has enough money to live on for the rest of his life.
Good information, Cuppie. Sounds like he's doing more than he needs to. He (pardon the pun) puts his money where his mouth is. I can respect a dude like that.
Rock Monster Wrote:
motorboatking Wrote:You don't have to be enlightening or genius to be correct.

I never claimed that he was wrong.

potthole Wrote:Yeah, I do find it interesting that he touts saving and not spending on stupid things, but then charges something like $50+ to attend one of his speaking events.

This is exactly why I think he is scum. He charges money to go to his event, for his "plan", for his books, everything. He knows people will pay it because they are desperate not to lose everything. He's taking advantage of people that are already down.
My point was that he comes off as having common sense, though common sense can be enlightening. Ramsey even more or less states this. Why all the anger-hate? This is still a somewhat capitalistic economy. Are U2, The Police-etc. taking advantage of those who pay to see them in concert or purchase their music? We're getting off subject -sorry guys.
jus' P Wrote:
Admin Wrote:I followed Ramsey's plan and got out of debt. It sucked working two jobs but it was nice only having a mortgage payment and nothing else.

But you really didn't need Dave Ramsey to tell you that. Most people know what to do, and how they got where they are. I could work 3 jobs and never see my family......

I am sure his plan does work. If he is so great, why not help these sheep for free? He obviously has enough money to live on for the rest of his life.

My feelings exactly.

I also have only mortgage debt, and a little school debt. I didn't need Ramsey to tell me not to spend what I don't have, because someday I will be held accountable for that debt.

I have also listened to his radio show a few times recently. All of his "success" stories are people that make $150,000 + a year for household income. Is it really that hard to pay off your debt if you're wealthy?

I just don't get it! (I'm thinking this line will be quoted very soon...)
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
Should have refreshed . oops.

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