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realtor question
i've been trying to get a certain realtor to show me some houses i find online. i ask to see them on saturday mornings because it's easier. 2 weeks ago, her assistant called me that friday night and said the house we were supposed to look at is "under contract." this past saturday, she called me literally 1 hour before the scheduled time and said it had also just gone "under contract" the day before.

is this some bullshit terminology that really means "i don't think you're worth showing houses to"?
Next time you talk to her say, "Fine, I will find another realtor to show me these houses." In this housing market, I wouldn't doubt it if she found a way.
"I'm glad to see those 'Worthless Whore' lessons turned out well for you."
Under Contract is a term used when the seller of the property has an offer for their house and has accepted it but the sale has yet to be completed pending inspections and final signing, things like that. Things may still fall though on the house allowing other bidders to make an offer if they wish.

I don't believe it is due to your agents trying to snowball you or anything like that. The sellers agent and the sellers are the ones that stop the showings and bidding process once an offer has been accepted.
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
ok, cool. twice in a row didn't seem right, and i thought it could have been this particular realtor not wanting to waste time with me because she has shown me houses before that i didn't offer anything on. still wouldn't put it past her, but at least i know it could be legit.

thanks both of you
Any realtor that turns down business right now doesn't deserve to be a realtor.
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
Jiggy Wrote:Any realtor that turns down business right now doesn't deserve to be a realtor.

And that's the truth! 8-)
The sellers agent may be a huge Jack Ass and could be costing their clients a bunch of money.
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
dingdongyo Wrote:ok, cool. twice in a row didn't seem right, and i thought it could have been this particular realtor not wanting to waste time with me because she has shown me houses before that i didn't offer anything on. still wouldn't put it past her, but at least i know it could be legit.

thanks both of you

Do you have an agreement with this agent to act as your (buyers) representative?
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
A realtor, unless specifically allowed by a seller, cannot show a house that is pending. Don't give up your search dingdong, as it is currently a buyers market (at least it is in TN). You might want to, if you haven't already, tell the agent what you are looking for (area, price range, sq ft, etc.). He/she can then enter those parameters into the search function on the local MLS and come up with more prospective properties for you to purchase. I was a realtor for 10+ years, and currently my work in law involves the state association of realtors.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Queenie Wrote:A realtor, unless specifically allowed by a seller, cannot show a house that is pending. Don't give up your search dingdong, as it is currently a buyers market (at least it is in TN). You might want to, if you haven't already, tell the agent what you are looking for (area, price range, sq ft, etc.). He/she can then enter those parameters into the search function on the local MLS and come up with more prospective properties for you to purchase. I was a realtor for 10+ years, and currently my work in law involves the state association of realtors.

Queenie trumps me with expertise.....I defer to the Queen! 8-)
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
What area are you looking in Dingdong? I hear Auburn is a great market right now. But, if you want to be south, come to Standish!!!!
dingdongyo Wrote:ok, cool. twice in a row didn't seem right, and i thought it could have been this particular realtor not wanting to waste time with me because she has shown me houses before that i didn't offer anything on. still wouldn't put it past her, but at least i know it could be legit.

thanks both of you

We had that with a couple of homes in a row too. Just bad luck, is all. Don't give up on those homes, though, the pending deal on one of our two fell apart, and it came back on the market.
Also, ask the realtor if the seller would be willing to take a backup offer on any house that may be pending that you like.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Queenie Wrote:A realtor, unless specifically allowed by a seller, cannot show a house that is pending. Don't give up your search dingdong, as it is currently a buyers market (at least it is in TN). You might want to, if you haven't already, tell the agent what you are looking for (area, price range, sq ft, etc.). He/she can then enter those parameters into the search function on the local MLS and come up with more prospective properties for you to purchase. I was a realtor for 10+ years, and currently my work in law involves the state association of realtors.
yes, good call. i do get the automated emails from this realtor. i usually end up doing my own searches anyway just to check. i should probably redo the whole loan approval process anyway, it's been a while. prob not the same anymore.

Queenie Wrote:Also, ask the realtor if the seller would be willing to take a backup offer on any house that may be pending that you like.
i didn't think of that. i'll have to keep that in mind for next time.

mainerliser Wrote:What area are you looking in Dingdong? I hear Auburn is a great market right now. But, if you want to be south, come to Standish!!!!
i've been getting hits from the androscoggin area. i'd like to find one <= 100,000, and the further south i look, the more rare those get. in any case, it'll probably be a little while, because i got pissed and blew some closing cost cash on a new tv at circuit city to feel better. but i'll keep my eyes open.

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