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ammunts of money in pictures, Zanes mind=blown
"wait, one thousand is a million, wait wut? Hold on. I know it has something to do with 0's!
[Image: bill.jpg]
ten thou
[Image: packet.jpg]
one million
[Image: pile.jpg]
one hundred million
[Image: pallet.jpg]
one billion
[Image: pallet_x_10.jpg]
one trillion
[Image: pallet_x_10000.jpg]
And this is why people use bank cards... or accounts...
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
I would like a pallet of money please
Humans are not rational beings, they are rationalizing
Practice safe sex, do it in a Volvo ___________ "Shut up", he explained.
Torque Wrote:I would like a pallet of money please

Yeah no kidding. I would settle for that little bundle of 1 million though. P.S. whoever is in your avatar is "wow, hot."
When they try to stick a needle in you with the H1N1 flu vaccine this as fast as you can the other way!
I think that's a self-portrait. Ditto on the creepy [drop]Wow, Hot[/drop]
Amateur Anti Spite Board Enthusiast
Ditto? What are you dittoing?
When they try to stick a needle in you with the H1N1 flu vaccine this as fast as you can the other way!
daredevil1 Wrote:Ditto? What are you dittoing?

Wow, Hot
Amateur Anti Spite Board Enthusiast
Relax, it's just me. It was actually taken when I got back to a hotel after my friends' band played and I flopped down on the bed and they took my picture. I didn't think anything of it until they sent it to me rotated 90 degrees, b/w, and with the contrast up. I don't have many pictures of myself and didn't feel like finding another picture so I just used it. I'm only surprised I haven't changed it to my car yet.
Humans are not rational beings, they are rationalizing
Practice safe sex, do it in a Volvo ___________ "Shut up", he explained.
How to spell "amount", cyborgmexican's mind = blown
That's what she said.
Allyson Wrote:How to spell "amount", cyborgmexican's mind = blown

Dammit all to hell ! How the F did I miss that ?
Wowie Groovie !

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