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Heroes - For you Free Beer *Spoilers*
Alright you said today that you didn't get it and didn't follow. I will explain in Lehman's terms so perhaps more sense can be made and you can enjoy the show and don't give up on it *We haven't given up on you despite the countless word fumbles!*

The first scene of Peter running through streets and into a room where Claire is and she has a gun trained on him in the future.

The surprise is when Peter tells her he's going back to stop all of it. That "Future" Peter was the one who shot his brother. Current Peter chases after Future Peter but the Future Peter obviously is stronger with all of the absorbed abilities he has over the Current one. He sends Peter off into another body somehow *Unexplained ability but it can be guessed he gained it from another Hero*

Future Peter thinks by stopping his brother that it can stop the Oppression, torture and attempted extermination or control of those with special abilities like our Heroes.

We move along in the episode and see our other Heroes. Mohinder thinks he has found a way to give anyone abilities. That's what all the mumbo jumbo science talk he was doing means.

Because the "Future" Peter when Claire calls, he tells her to stay in California. In the future that Peter came from, Claire went to Odessa to be with Nathan. Future Peter changes this and Sylar actually winds up finding her and the little semi-battle/attack happens.

Hiro is looking for his next quest and yes alot of this code is not explained yet, but if they explained everything in episode one it wouldn't be interesting to watch the rest of the season.

Try to give it a shot FB. When you watch both episodes all the way through. They were pretty interesting/good and enjoyable. Better than alot of the episodes in Season 2 which weren't as good honestly.
Wow. Well done Newb. Well done indeed.
Wowie Groovie !
As someone in the finance business, I loved in "Lehman's terms"
Best Jerks Ever Wrote:As someone in the finance business, I loved in "Lehman's terms"


it's layman's terms
Wowie Groovie !
Alright now Free Beer tonight's episode should not have been very complex to figure out but I will again try to keep you from jumping off this bandwagon. Claire wants revenge. That's what her thing is about. Syler is the son of Andrea Petrelli apparently. Which does explain why his "Mother" was dispatched so early on. But she could be lying and being manipulative. Please refer questions here and I'll be glad to answer ya Free Beer! Smile
Where's the rest of the episode re-caps ! ?
Wowie Groovie !

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