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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - What kind of pussy are you?

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: What kind of pussy are you?
posted on 12-06-2001 @ 4:37 PM      
Registered: May. 01

Take the What Cat Are You? test by

nuff said

if need
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I have always been on the outside looking in and I have always prevailed. I will wage a war that will leave men broken and battered. Many perceive me as having no hope my victory will be an upset. But hope and perception have never ruled my life.
Quote the Raven, nevermore."
Mistress Of The Double Posts
posted on 12-06-2001 @ 4:46 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Take the What Cat Are You? test by webkin!

I'm so cute!

"One girl, I drove through three states wearing her head as a hat." ~ Garland 'The Marietta Mangler' Greene
"Hand me the keys, you cocksucker!" "In English, please?" "Excuse me?" "In English." "Hand me the fucking keys, you cocksucker, what the fuck?"

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