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FU Hollywood!!!!
Quote:Originally posted by Hawt Baux
They're trying to reach a younger demographic, sadly by ruining movies that are great to begin with.

Thats totally correct!!! They want the average 13-18 year old male to spend money to see this "movie".
In one breath,Hollywood is gonna say,
"Hey,check out this movie abot NY gangs...being in gangs makes you cool", but as soon as some kid commits a gang related crime, they're gonna say,
"We never intended this to happen,we tried to portray the horrible things that go on in gangs and we dont condone any gang related violence".
I'm just pissed because after the remake comes out and it tanks at the box office, years from now,when people talk about "The Warriors", most of them will only remember the remake and the "real" one will be long forgotten!:mad:
"I keep the bible in a pool of blood so that none of its lies can affect me"

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