12-06-2002, 04:56 AM
Quote:As for Russo, I don't put much blame on him coming up with the stunt (if he was indeed the "mastermind"); wrestlers having been performing that particular stunt for a few years before the fall, and, as the WWF was using the same harness guys that WCW used for StingBut, Sting never had a "quick release" on his cable. The plan for Owen was for him to use the release to make it look like he just fell from the roof, or something like that. It was really fucked up to put the guy in danger like that.
As for the Russo/Piper thing, I don't buy for a second that it was a shoot. Bob Ryder is the one reporting that it was a shoot, but Ryder also works for TNA and is just putting whatever spin on it that Russo wants. Russo has a thing for working the "smart" fans and his own workers. Russo is a scumbag.