03-09-2002, 06:45 PM
Sephiroth Wrote:What the hell is this 'Region' shit? I saw a cheap Apex DVD etc. player that also plays MP3's for 75$ new, but it said something about only playing discs labeled Region 1. I wanted to pick it up as a second player that had mp3 playback, but I was like "wtf is Region 1?" Does Region = Country? If so, why would they be made like this?Arthur Dent Wrote:While on the subject of DVD's. Anybody know a RELIABLE site for the De-Regionizing hacks for DVD players?<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.VCDhelp.com">http://www.VCDhelp.com</a><!-- m -->
I'll check out those links that were posted for help later. Maybe the answer is in those links.
While we are on the subject, does anyone know a quality DVD Player review site, other than the standard CNET et al..?