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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - PUNK ASS C-BLOCKERS!

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: PUNK ASS C-BLOCKERS!
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 2:17 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
and now, a word from the president

listen up all you punk ass bitches, and you wanna be ballers

their is a new crew representin, and its about damn time that you ass clowns learned your role on this board and recognize the truest niggers up in here

we are the HOOCHIE LOVIN JEW CREW, we are jewish, we love hoochies, and we have hoochies, we also pack heat, and kill people all day everyday

where are all your hoochies? we HAVE them, we have the hottest hoochies, wearing COOCHIE CUTTERZ

we rule this messageboard, their is no turning back, this is the end for all of you, hope you had fun in your tiny little spot in the limelight


"Baruch Atah Adanoi Eloheynoo Melik HaOlam BoRay Pree DIE CBLOCKERS"

dont hate the players, hate yourselves because being a c-blocker must fucking suck

Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate adolescentmasturbator Message Board
This Is Red
This is Green

This message was edited by WhackBagKid on 8-18-01 @ 1:25 PM
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 2:19 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
That's right well said WBK you c-blcokers are getting pathetic and old. You punks are done for, guerilla style warfare in fight club on all you punk ass motherfuckers.

Tonreddog is gone and it's a good thing cause he'd be the first to go. Sorry but bashing isn't fair but someone had to do it.

So here is how it is gonna be anyone on the c-blcokers wants to come over do it now or get fucked, properly fucked.

Fuck the c-blcokers, fuck the members fuck the whole theory of the c-blcoker team. Fuck the c-blockers as a clique, posters and as a motherfuckin crew. You motherfuckers can't hang with us, you are gonna die.

You act like you protect the women of the board and like you get all the bitches. Well the only bicthes i see are the c-blocker members.

Don't one of you motherfuckers got aids or something? You claim to be tough guys but you ain't shit. We are gonna prove you are bitches and the only hoes i see are you, bow down before us.

The shot has been fired try to fuck with us now.

If I could capture the rage of today's youth and bottle it
Crush the glass from my bare hands and swallow it
Then spit it back in the faces of you racists
and hypocrites who think the same shit but don't say shit
You Liberace's, Versace's, and you nazis
Watch me, cause you thinkin you got me in this hot seat
You motherfuckers wanna JUDGE me cause you're NOT me

She-Mail Me Here

This message was edited by GonzoStyle on 8-17-01 @ 2:24 AM
i know better than to ask for a status from you mean ol' mods
Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag
I shall call him mini-FTL
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 2:25 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Death to c-blockers!

the HLJC is gonna kick your pussy asses all over this fuckin place, so join us or die!

what are you goofy motherfuckers gonna do now without your leader ronreddog? come on lets see what you got!

the HLJC is gonna fuck up all ya'll c-blockers

Here I am expecting just a little bit
Too much from the wounded
But I see, See through it all
See through,
And see you.

My adopted Mini-critics are ScubaSteve and drusilla.

10 days and counting until GrkQT can host the "CLS is finally gone" party
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 2:34 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
For as long as has existed, there have been those who have used to it satisfy there own perverse ends. They have leeched off the the posters, and developed some sick and deviant existance. They live at the frayed ends of the board, yet the travel freely among us. They are a plague. They are a Disease.

They are the C-Blockers.

There attempts to impress the few ladies of with antiquated gimmicks, bad jokes and horrible anecdotes can no longer be ignored. They are a cancer to the very life-blood of this board, and their existance is a threat to us all. But there is hope.


We are the few who have decided to end this sick farce of a internet relationship. No longer will we allow their flirtations to distract us from our fun. Long gone are the days when they freely-roamed the board, stalking our girl and harrassing those who know these girls ("C-Blocking" them). We will hunt them down as if they were our prey. We will make their lives hell, as they have done to us. That is where i come in.

I am freelance. I am Yakuza. I am Hitokiri. Not bound by the ties that bind the HLJC, but able to summon their full power. All of their strengh, none of their weaknesses. My life has been purpose, to see the end of the C-Blockers, to give hope to future generations of

And as the Samurai of the Isshin Shishi swept across the plains of ancient Kyoto and Nippon to destroy the Tokugawa Shogunate, so shall I. My lineage commands great power, power that will be utilized against my enemy. Power that dwells from Death itself. My sword craves blood, and it will be satiasted.

Prepare to meet thy doom C-Blockers. Your days are numbered.

"With just a touch of my burning hand
I send my astro zombies to rape this land
Prime directive, exterminate
The whole human race
And your face drops in a pile of flesh
And then your heart, heart pounds
Till it pumps in death
Prime directive, exterminate
Whatever stands left"
- The Misfits

Here is my Email Address. Here is my IM name. It's there for a reason. Please use it. Oh god, I'm so lonely...........

This message was edited by Sephiroth on 8-17-01 @ 2:44 AM
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 2:35 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
The only punk ass bitches I spot up in this mother fucker are you no life havin insomniac hoochie lovin jew faggots. You want a war, well you looked for it with the wrong gang. I was on the opposite side of the c-blockers, every chance I got, I would block their asses, but now, I join and unite all c-blockers everywhere. Rise up, rise up and lets waste these mothers.

It's just "I love you" can mean a lot of things, like "You'll do till someone
better comes along", or "I can't describe how I really feel but I know I'm
supposed to say this", or "Shut up, I'm watchin' TV"...

Adopted Dukey77777 on 8/13/01. Let me know if he pisses in your wheaties.
Just Jon
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 2:39 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
It's time for the old skool to meet the new blood. You punk ass biatches are meetin' the business ends of our gats. That's the 411 for those of you C-blockers gonna be eatin' our nines!


E-mail: [email protected]
AIM: JonNeedsSN
Adoptee: I have an empty basement yet again...
You listen to me! While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is I am a nay-sayer and a hatchet man in the fight against violence! I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King! My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a love. I love you, Sheriff Truman.
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 2:44 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

The only punk ass bitches I spot up in this mother fucker are you no life havin insomniac hoochie lovin jew faggots. You want a war, well you looked for it with the wrong gang. I was on the opposite side of the c-blockers, every chance I got, I would block their asses, but now, I join and unite all c-blockers everywhere. Rise up, rise up and lets waste these mothers.

lmmfaocyaapabmf gilligan couldn't get anyone to like him on the island and now barrel boy wants to lead the c-blcokers to their doom. Ok general Custard you are the sacrificial lamb for us to make matzho from. You are only on the opposite side cause you aren't accepted by the HLJC. You should rethink this cause you stand no chance, we';ll cut your ass open and gut you like a fish punk. Now rest in peace cause you are deceased like your pussy crew. You got no women to assimilate and you can't c-blcok us, you need a c to do so and you pussies have no balls.

If I could capture the rage of today's youth and bottle it
Crush the glass from my bare hands and swallow it
Then spit it back in the faces of you racists
and hypocrites who think the same shit but don't say shit
You Liberace's, Versace's, and you nazis
Watch me, cause you thinkin you got me in this hot seat
You motherfuckers wanna JUDGE me cause you're NOT me

She-Mail Me Here

Sick Andy
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 2:51 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
this is gonna get UGLY... wow the Aftermath of this is gonna one intresting sight

This conflict will look like this at many times i imagine:

LIFE, as they say is TORTURE, ITS TORTURE!
Go fuck yourself!
Like The Greaseman would say, STOP BEING SO MMMM GAY!!!

This message was edited by Sick Andy on 8-17-01 @ 3:06 AM

The Dark Enforcer/Angry Stoned Pimp
New World Order Secret Police Chief
Proud Inventor of the "Cream Cheese, Peanut Butter and Jelly" sandwich
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 2:55 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Listen all u stupid little faggots. Ure time is up its time to be destroyed. We are now the dominate sepcies. Its our time to take our u dried up pieces of shit. HLJC forever!!!!!!! C-blockers will be a thing of the past...

Thx to FN Moron for the sig. -wCw- 1
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 3:05 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
The c-blockers were a thing of the past. But now, the call has been made for all c-blockers everywhere, young and old alike to awaken and crush this uprising!
If you continue to find it necessary to call the women of "hoochies" then we will have to stand up and destroy you. We will stand by our women and protect their honor and good names.

Bring it on!

It's just "I love you" can mean a lot of things, like "You'll do till someone
better comes along", or "I can't describe how I really feel but I know I'm
supposed to say this", or "Shut up, I'm watchin' TV"...

Adopted Dukey77777 on 8/13/01. Let me know if he pisses in your wheaties.
Black Rock Coalition
Do you have a basketball in your car?
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 3:09 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00
*signs for when this board is getting too big* when you have many factions competing :)

::lent stays back and watches like a car wreck::

--Lent, the poster formerly known as Rowelentless--

2 Slots (huh huh I said slots) are now open in the LENT's school of enlightenment.

posted on 08-17-2001 @ 3:12 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

The c-blockers were a thing of the past. But now, the call has been made for all c-blockers everywhere, young and old alike to awaken and crush this uprising!
If you continue to find it necessary to call the women of "hoochies" then we will have to stand up and destroy you. We will stand by our women and protect their honor and good names.

Bring it on!

Ohh you wanna hate on the HLJC what can i do hate us but you will perish punks. You will stand by your women? So you are gonna stand by eachother cause i see no women but the male members who have tucked their dicks or lack thereof between there legs and ran off like the bicthes they are. Seems in the hour we have been formed up we have recruited double the women you have. To all the women who wanna join please come over to the winning side. We actually stand by and protect our hoochies. Unlike the punk's of the c-blcoker team. We actually have power and you will all bow down before our power by the end you will know who we are you will know the immense power you will fear us you will embrace us and love us all at the same time. I smell the fear on you already, i sense the fear i see it in you.

If I could capture the rage of today's youth and bottle it
Crush the glass from my bare hands and swallow it
Then spit it back in the faces of you racists
and hypocrites who think the same shit but don't say shit
You Liberace's, Versace's, and you nazis
Watch me, cause you thinkin you got me in this hot seat
You motherfuckers wanna JUDGE me cause you're NOT me

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 08-17-2001 @ 3:44 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
for all my fellow HLJC members i made a little logo for us with the help of austin.

If I could capture the rage of today's youth and bottle it
Crush the glass from my bare hands and swallow it
Then spit it back in the faces of you racists
and hypocrites who think the same shit but don't say shit
You Liberace's, Versace's, and you nazis
Watch me, cause you thinkin you got me in this hot seat
You motherfuckers wanna JUDGE me cause you're NOT me

She-Mail Me Here

Mr. Brownstone
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 3:54 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
I'm jewish, I love hoochie, and I pack heat. Where do I sign up?

Two openings available at Mr. Brownstone Academy of Dance .

I see stupid people...They're everywhere...They don't know they're stupid...
crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 4:53 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
um, uh, wha? huh?
could somebody please explain?

that's the last time i'm going to work, i'm gonna sit right here and watch my screen til i figures out what the fuck is goin on here.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. --Victor Hugo
regardless of my status, i am a nice person. no really, i am, i swear;) crack hitler belongs to me :)
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 5:05 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate adolescentmasturbator Message Board
This Is Red
This is Green
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 6:32 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
The C-Blockers are Republicans and the HLJC are Democrats(Jews always vote Democratic). There is absolutely no difference between you so I declare war on both of you. Join the Socialist C-Bloc and stop the evils bogeousie acts of these two groups.

Resident Board Socialist
Email me here
IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate WhackBagKid Message Board
I currently have brought into the International
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 6:54 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
So it seems that there are a few board members who didn't have their own little "clique", so they made one up. They were jealous of the C-blockers so they decided to make them their enemy.
They have a cute little name, which they are adding to their status, and a logo to add to their sigs to make them feel important.

Fact of the matter is, this HLJC is just second rate. Not original and frankly, kinda stupid.



posted on 08-17-2001 @ 7:52 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
See, the army is growing. People are realizing that you are the invaders in this situation. The c-blockers are here for good. WE protect the virtue of women everywhere from pimps like yourselves.
AM, please realize that we fight for socialists everywhere, and by joining the c-blockers, you are not giving in to democracy, but aiding the fight for Socialism in a round-a-bout way.

It's just "I love you" can mean a lot of things, like "You'll do till someone
better comes along", or "I can't describe how I really feel but I know I'm
supposed to say this", or "Shut up, I'm watchin' TV"...

Adopted Dukey77777 on 8/13/01. Let me know if he pisses in your wheaties.
I have a little Wick.
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 7:57 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
WOW, The tribes have risen, go for a walk guys and see me in forty years. There is only one faction, and it's neither the Jew Crew or the C-blockers.

E-Mail Me

This message was edited by Kingpin on 8-30-01 @ 7:11 PM
King f-tard
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 8:25 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Word, THis will end. Death to all c-blockers. The HLJC is in full effect and we will not back down. Like my fellow heebs have stated before, we will end the stupidity and bring a natural balance to, and put it where it belongs.

Go Heebs, there must be more of us, rise up and show that you arent afraid, that you feel the need to join us.

Currently one slot of two is full - Dawgs47 is being shown the ways.
If anyone has a problem with him, let me know.
If you are interested in adoption, IM me Or E-Mail Me

I must remember to bend down at first base.
And your point is???

posted on 08-17-2001 @ 8:38 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01

we will end the stupidity

What, you're going to all kill yourselves?

It's just "I love you" can mean a lot of things, like "You'll do till someone
better comes along", or "I can't describe how I really feel but I know I'm
supposed to say this", or "Shut up, I'm watchin' TV"...

Adopted Dukey77777 on 8/13/01. Let me know if he pisses in your wheaties.
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 8:51 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Hey, I'm an atheist, but I hate them C-Blockers too. Can I be an HLAC team member?

SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 08-17-2001 @ 8:53 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
::walks into room absolutely fucking amazed::
::looks around at all the faggot little HLJC pussies::

Ya know, I went into retirement from the c-blockers a long time ago but when I saw this, I decided it was time to come out retirement.

Do you cock-smoking, circle jerk, pansie ass pussy mother fuckers actually think you can deal. Big fucking deal! Ya got a pussy ass mod behind. If Gonzo wasn't around, your sorry asses would run with your tails between your legs the first time you took a bitch slap from one of us.

HLJC - Hebranic Lesbian Jerkoff Cocksuckers.

It's time to go Ol' School

You want war, your sorry asses now have a war. Be prepared to die mother fuckers.

Gilligan - Start the barbeque. We gonna have a wienie roast.

Get in line shitstains. Who's first?

Don't try this at home kids.
Latest member to join my demented family: McBourbon. Be nice or answer to me!
And if he screws up let me know at [email protected]

posted on 08-17-2001 @ 9:06 AM      
Registered: Nov. 00

The C-Blockers are Republicans and the HLJC are Democrats(Jews always vote Democratic). There is absolutely no difference between you so I declare war on both of you. Join the Socialist C-Bloc and stop the evils bogeousie acts of these two groups.

I'm with you AM. There needs to be a third group to keep power from shifting and give people a sensible alternative. I'll join the Socialist C-Bloc

The New York Dragons-10,000 fans a game. No need for my help.

This message was edited by NewYorkDragons80 on 8-17-01 @ 9:11 AM

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Displaying 1-25 of 370 messages in this thread.