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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Using the Board While Working - The New Era

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Using the Board While Working - The New Era
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 9:40 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 00
For my online personality, Sam is the one and true god.

For my real life personality, God is a-ok.

Damn I hate this log-in crap. I'm too stupid, so I start reading threads and then I finally want to reply, and I had to go all the way back and log-in..then go back through all the windows. We need a board that takes less intelligence and forethought. I'm gonna go post this very thing in GD... ;)

Official Sarcastic Bastard of
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 9:40 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
3 threes you don't talk about at work or with friends: Sex, politics and religion.

So do you think Clinton was saying "oh god" when he was gettin a hummer from Monica?

Mornin tools. Bright and cheerie day, ain't it? I hate wednesday.

Proud staller of Gary Coleman
Have you seen the dash button?

Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 9:50 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Agnostic. Exactly. Prove it to me.

When God himself pops down to Earth to say "hiya", I'll believe he exists, cause he's right there in front of me.

See, if you think about it, every religion has a different god, different belief structure, morals, values, all of them are different.

So, here's something you blind-faithers didn't think about.


The Hindu god AND the Catholic god couldn't have BOTH created the Earth. Wouldn't they have fought for bragging rights? Throw in every other god from every other religion and you've got yourself a Battle Royal.

Imagine it being like in South Park - you die, and go to hell, no matter how good you were. Why? Oh, I'm sorry, the correct religion was the Mormons...

Hey, look.... "O&A Worshipper" has become "O&A Board Regular" - is that as new as it seems to me, or am I just dense enough that I didn't notice?

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.

This message was edited by FollowThisLogic on 2-28-01 @ 9:52 AM
Cap'n Fudge
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 9:50 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I think it was in Dogma, and I would have to agree.

I can't stand agnostics because they can't make up their mind.

Ventriliquist Detective
[email protected]

posted on 02-28-2001 @ 9:57 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Capn--it's not that we can't make up our minds, it's just who am I to say that someone's religion or beliefs are wrong just because I don't believe them myself...I definitely don't believe in organized religion, esp. Catholicism and fundamentalist religions, but that's a whole other story...

and hey, I don't want to denounce that there's a God if there really is one in the end, then I'd be totally screwed!--not that I am saying there is one

Let's see if I'm hearing this right
Is it just I should take
And never endings are glad
To carry out the dead
Your idols burn in the fire
The mob comes crawling out (take us down and out)
I'm reclaiming their minds
Destroying everyone

There's no one here
And people everywhere, you're all alone
Kid Afrika
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 9:57 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Ok, so anyway, here I am at work. :) Just got some work taken from me and given to another department. Hmmmmmmmmm? are they making my job easier, or are they gonna fire me?
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:01 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

I can't stand agnostics because they can't make up their mind.

It's got nothing to do with making up one's mind... it's the simple fact that no one can deny - I can not prove that God exists. You can not prove that God exists. No one can. The only one able to do that would be God, if he exists, but that's a big if.

But on the same token, no one can really prove he does NOT exist either.

So that's where agnostics sit. No proof, so fuck it.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:03 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
FTL - did you grow up in a scientific family? Just curious. My brother-in-law did and he's a die-hard "prove it to me" athiest.

Capn - I don't think the nature of religion can be bound down to one specific religion and everyone else goes to hell. In essence, all religions believe in the same thing. A supreme being and creator. How they see God and worship God is what makes them different. Agnostics have the belief but haven't found the method or the need to worship.

If you look at the major religions in the world, it's an evolutionary process.

First there was Judaism. They have the Book of David and the Torah. From Judaism rose Christianity. Parts of the both books were incorporated in the Old Testament. The next to arise was Islam. The Koran holds versus from the Bible, the Book of David and the Torah. The essence of all three are the same. The difference is that there are those that chose to accept the evolution and those that chose not to and stay with their old beliefs. Who is to say which is right or wrong?

I personally look at people for who they are. Religion is irrelevant in what my judgement of people are. I respect their beliefs but I won't judge them by it.

Proud staller of Gary Coleman
Have you seen the dash button?

Kid Afrika
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:04 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Anybody at WORK today? ::wink wink, nudge nudge::

Let's keep the religion debate to a minumum, please.

Cap'n Fudge
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:09 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Spit, FTL,

Its like Dice's bit about bi-sexuals. There's no middle ground, you either suck dick, or you don't.

I could care less if you are aethists or sending money to Jerry Falwell (although, I'd have to smack you upside the head on that one), but to knock one side and claim nuetrality seems odd.

Ventriliquist Detective
[email protected]

posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:12 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 00
Well, enough about religoin. How do you guys feel about the death penalty and abortion?

Official Sarcastic Bastard of
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:12 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00 what the f is that????

kid, where's you sig?

Let's see if I'm hearing this right
Is it just I should take
And never endings are glad
To carry out the dead
Your idols burn in the fire
The mob comes crawling out (take us down and out)
I'm reclaiming their minds
Destroying everyone

There's no one here
And people everywhere, you're all alone
Sean Cold 3:16
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:12 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Well I am getting paid so i guess I am working in a kinda of sort of way!

I love being the guy in the company who will not work in the fuckin cold!

And Thats The Bottom Line.....

E-Mail Me

Girl, don't go away mad, Bitch just go the fuck away!!!!

Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
Stature of an Oompa Loompa!
JBA's Stalker.
Post Whore One Week, Fart In The Wind The Next
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:15 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Gah damn, you guys are making me think too much this morning. First, the online personality bit and now all this religion crap.

Does anyone else have the attitude, "Fuck it, who cares, have fun until you die and then see what happens."

What you gonna do
Time's caught up with you
Now you wait your turn
You know there's no return

SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:16 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
::sniff sniff::
what's that strange smell? Oh it's Sean. What up Dawg?

Proud staller of Gary Coleman
Have you seen the dash button?

Cap'n Fudge
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:19 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Does anybody eles notice posts that appear in the middle of other posts?

Ventriliquist Detective
[email protected]

Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
Stature of an Oompa Loompa!
JBA's Stalker.
Post Whore One Week, Fart In The Wind The Next
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:21 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Capn, yeah I've noticed that since this place went live. Strange...

What you gonna do
Time's caught up with you
Now you wait your turn
You know there's no return

Sean Cold 3:16
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:23 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Bitch bitch bitch! That's all I hear from you guys these days!

I find it funny cuz it makes peeps look they have esp or something!

And Grumpy, that smell is your upper lip you stank fuck!

And Thats The Bottom Line.....

E-Mail Me

Girl, don't go away mad, Bitch just go the fuck away!!!!

posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:25 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
I think if you start writing a post and take your sweet time with it, it will appear before someone who started their post a minute later, even if the 2nd person hit reply sooner...fucks a lot of shit up

I can make up my mind...everyone's religious belief is the right belief because who gives a shit once we die...and that's the last I have to say about that!
now lets all roll up a fat one or open up a cold one because life's too short...

Let's see if I'm hearing this right
Is it just I should take
And never endings are glad
To carry out the dead
Your idols burn in the fire
The mob comes crawling out (take us down and out)
I'm reclaiming their minds
Destroying everyone

There's no one here
And people everywhere, you're all alone
Cap'n Fudge
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:37 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

I'm with you...

Ventriliquist Detective
[email protected]

Kid Afrika
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:42 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

kid, where's you[r] sig?

I wanna be like Dan. ;)

posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:48 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
Kid i guess i wasn't good enough to get you fired yesterday huh?? morning everyone... Spit i was looking at those smileys forever yesterday they keep me so entertained.

posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:51 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 00

I wanna be like Dan.

No you don't. I think everyone will gladly agree with me on that one.

Official Sarcastic Bastard of
Kid Afrika
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:58 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Pink, you were great. I'm posting from the Unemployment office. They kept me waiting for soooo long that I haX0red into their system to post on the board, while I wait. :D

Dan, it was a joke. You used to know about those...


This message was edited by Kid Afrika on 2-28-01 @ 11:00 AM
posted on 02-28-2001 @ 10:59 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
I'm glad I helped to amuse you Pink (corky ;) )
they're kind of a pain in the ass to put up, but they are funny!

Let's see if I'm hearing this right
Is it just I should take
And never endings are glad
To carry out the dead
Your idols burn in the fire
The mob comes crawling out (take us down and out)
I'm reclaiming their minds
Destroying everyone

There's no one here
And people everywhere, you're all alone

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Displaying 251-275 of 699 messages in this thread.