The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Opie's Announcment......
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Discussion Topic: Opie's Announcment......
F the S out of her A
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 1:02 AM
Psychopath Registered: Jun. 01
Everyone who knows me knows I love the Norton [kissass but honest] almost as much as I love the Froy [/kissass but honest].
Martling made his career (if you can call it that) based on antique jokes centered on racism and ignorance. Norton is a hardworking comic with an original act.
What was said about his ability to show restraint shows that he can be part of the show without making it a three-man act.
More Norton = More Gooder
Shouldn't there just be a Norton section on the message board? This is like the fifth thread tonight where I have commented in favor of him.
This is ice. It's what happens to water when it gets too cold. This is Kent - this is what happens to to you when you don't get laid.
Opie's Sack Lunch
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 7:55 AM
Psychopath Registered: Jun. 01
I think Norton is the perfect fit, he says things the boys think but won't say. Besides he hasn't used every possible Wall Street reference possible.
Soldier of Fortune Spec Ops Division
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 8:51 AM
O&A Board Regular Registered: Feb. 01
Norton knows when to restrain himself even when certain jokes, no matter how funny they may seem, arent really appropriate in the certain situation. Martling is just a prick. i think Norotn will be a better fit on the o&a show than Jackie ever was on Stern.
Wealth is too precious to be entrusted to the rich