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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - The newbie bashing has to stop.

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: The newbie bashing has to stop.
posted on 03-11-2001 @ 7:38 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Its good to know the adoption program is gonna start again. I know we all get a little pissed when we are asked a fairly obvious or "stupid" questions, but that is from our perspective. To the newbie, it is a honest and sincere question, deserving of a real response. I will gladly adopt 2-3 newbies, and do my best to help make the transition to the board easier for them.

P.S. Fez is a dick, Yadda Yadda Yadda....

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Fez claims this land in the name of Portugal!
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posted on 03-11-2001 @ 8:14 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
Fez i only have one word for you DILLON

J/K man well said

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posted on 03-11-2001 @ 8:38 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Well fucking said Fez.
It's about time that someone said something about this.
Granted, there some stupid people on this board, but there are also some good one on this board too. Once in a while help someone out if they don't quite understand.

What makes you look over here?
What are you, queer?

posted on 03-11-2001 @ 8:53 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I would just like to add that In the past month of february I came back to the board and had some trouble. I opened my mouth said things I shouldnt have and pissed some mods off.

I since then apologized Listened to the best advice given to me by Kingpin. He has helped me straighten out.

I would like it if people would just give it up already, take your comments to FC with me Iam trying to be productive on the board, I want to help make this a great place to kick back and have some fun. This weekend ive been dealing with people calling me poat whore and things like that.
Listen this place is addictive its like a chat room only you have to wait to see someones reply.
Im not trying hard to be funny so stop giving me that to. I would like it if people would just drop it already.

I have chatted with a lot of you in several boards but when one person that you all seem to look up to comes in and bashes you all forget that and pile on. If its a joke thats fine I like jokes just accept it if I do it back.

Now I have been taking this all as a joke as of late. But now im reading that its not a joke. Listen im not hear to cause trouble or to bash new people. I like this place its a lot of fun ecspecially during the show. This week was the first time I actually got to listen to the show and post. I had a good time and you guys gave me Props galore for a pic one minuete and thrashed me the next.

So heres what it is, If ya really dont want me around, Fine I'll leave I wont stay where Im not wanted just go to FC and leave a message if you strongly feel that way. If not then lets just have some fun thats all I want to do.

Now to anyone that got mad at me for posting alot this weekend I apologize I thought I was being productive. and to Raven who was mad at me earlier I also apologize. I wnat to help out anyway I can in shaping up the board id like to adopt a few people when we get started with the new program. Oh and Mods and owners this also goes for you if you feel you dont want me around let me know. post in FC.

Ok guys thats it. I gotta go watch the SOPRANOS.

posted on 03-11-2001 @ 11:32 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
Fez: Dick!!

posted on 03-11-2001 @ 11:39 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
I agree with Fez, and I have tooled on newbie's myself. The Newbie bashing takes something away from the board. We could be chasing people that could add something to the board, by all tooling on them for a dumb post. As Fez said most Newbie's don't know better and have to get use to the board. Some of the things are just plain retarted, but most of them are people not knowing any better.

posted on 03-11-2001 @ 11:41 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
dilloning? oh my..oh my lord...screw the idea of stopping the newbie bashing, lets stop the board..its gettin kinda gay and its kinda ruining and tiring the show out a lil bit..just a tad..maybe thats just my opinion

This message was edited by Hannibal on 3-11-01 @ 11:45 PM
Kid Afrika
posted on 03-11-2001 @ 11:42 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
This reminds me of a joke...

Two bulls are staning at the top of a hill overlooking a group of cows. The younger bull says to his father, "Hey Pop, let's run down there and fuck some of those cows." To which the elder bull replies, "No Son, let's walk down there and fuck them all."

Just a thought, why frighten the herd to get one newbie, when we can feast on the lot for a long time?

One in the chamber for the anger that I build inside,
For the mothers that cried, for my homies that died.
The begining is an ending, am I just a slave?
So I got to be brave from the cradle to the grave.

Jon Benet Norton
GTA3 Criminal Activity Specialist
posted on 03-11-2001 @ 11:50 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
I'm in total agrrement with Fez and frot and when the adopt a newbie program goes into affect I'll be mor ethan happy to adopt some of them.

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posted on 03-12-2001 @ 12:11 AM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Hey Fez

"I crush the rush. I rule you fool!" Phil Anselmo
Adopter & Mentor: Fez
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posted on 03-12-2001 @ 2:29 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
kid a, you couldnt be more eloquent...

official drunk driver of the fuck truck....
posted on 03-12-2001 @ 8:25 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
Fez, do we really need 10 different posts on this subject, and Hannibal you just earned your ass strike one....

"Think before you write" -

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oy vey
posted on 03-12-2001 @ 8:52 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Does this all mean I can post stupid, non-related shit and get away with it!

Oh happy day! Now I have something to do at my boring job this afternoon.

Newbies Rule!

posted on 03-12-2001 @ 8:57 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Thanks Fez,
It's great to know I won't be mad fun of anymore for posting replies...

posted on 03-12-2001 @ 9:03 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
wrong try again dumb ass
nicetr fez u stupid dick DICK!!!....LOL

It's a message in blood
It's your cryptic warning
Within the message in blood
Marks the years of pain,
And your godforsaken ending to life
- Pantera
posted on 03-12-2001 @ 9:08 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Only took 2 minutes for a response, this place rules... LOL

Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 03-12-2001 @ 10:36 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Once again, you proved my theory that antecdotes about cows boofing or midgets running will always help to get the point across :)
While being an ass to someone unlearned in the ways of the board may be a fun distraction from, say, work, I guess it's time to be tard-friendly again...for at least a week.

posted on 03-12-2001 @ 12:40 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
Well put Fez .

HardCoreDave (TvvisTofFaTe)
posted on 03-12-2001 @ 5:28 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
hannibal= reason why stupid newbies will keep gettin destroyed...f' it
ya think the board is "kind gay"...hey ass head, nobody on the board will agree wit ya cuz they're all posting happily...if ya dont like this board, you can go behind a rock, stick a gun up your rectum, and fire repeatedly...some people...

AIM: Tv v ist of FaTe

"some people jus need a ruthless beating!"

Sam Adams-"theres no beer in the food, but theres food in the beer"

This message was edited by HardCoreDave (TvvisTofFaTe) on 3-12-01 @ 7:21 PM
Is that Don on the phone?
posted on 03-12-2001 @ 9:35 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01

Sure there are some exceptions when someone's stupidity is so transparent that you can almost smell it.

Question: who determines the scent of stupidity? I agree that we should limit a pile-on, but that's why mods can lock a discussion. Besides, I have seen a few pileups that had almost as many newbies as vets tooling on a poster.

I think that encouraging new posters to stick their necks out is good, and the Adoptee program is a great idea. But let's not paint a false picture of the board. I get Dilloned, I give Dillons, it's a zen thing. Eventually, if you think, and you read, and you learn, you will find this is a good place for you. Then, you'll post without fear.

Ponderous...F*ing ponderous
posted on 03-14-2001 @ 12:57 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00

"Kyle, I'm just a stupid piece of crap..." Just some nuggets (with corn) of wisdom from the bottom of the Jersey City Sewer Department

posted on 03-14-2001 @ 1:22 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
Ya know, some people seems to be personally offended by newbies. I made a comment and some vets starting yelling at me to get adopted. I only said that becaus I missed a couple of shows. I genuinely thought it was good comment. And my stupidity isn't transparent, you can see right through it!

Arthur Dent
posted on 03-14-2001 @ 1:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
Didn't want to start a new thread for this.

To "Newbies":

Think of the board as a room full of people you don't know. Think of each thread as a small knot of people talking together in the room. In real life would you just walk up to a group of people and say the first thing that comes to mind? NO. You'd listen to what everyone was saying and think about wether or not you had something to say without embarrasing yourself. If you did, then you'd join the conversation.

Similarly, would you walk into a room of strangers, stand on a chair and shout "Hey everybody! I've got something to say! Listen to me!" ? No, you'd hang out, join a few conversations and get to know the people in the room before trying to get everybodies attention. That's what starting a new thread is like.

What I'm saying is what everybodies been saying for a long time. Think before you post. Some people can walk into a room and instantly they're accepted and welcome. Others have to take their time and get to know people slowly. So, imagine this board as a party you've been invited too. Just kick back, take it easy, and get to know how the party works, who's who, and what's appreciated and what's not.

Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again. - Marin County newspaper's TV listing for The Wizard of Oz

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posted on 03-14-2001 @ 1:49 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
Hey gustave, no one yelled at you. Believe you me, when the vets start yelling, you will know. That was just some advice. You don't seem to want it, so FUCK YOU ASS-F!
Have a nice day.

Trainwreck Radio
Cranky Ass
posted on 03-14-2001 @ 2:14 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Maybe its just me but I don't really "get" the whole newbie bashing thing. I don't really understand the pleasure some people get out of tearing into people on a message board. If someone's an idiot, the best thing to do is ignore him or her. Its the attention they crave, why feed into it?

As for people who just are clueless and need a little hand holding, I don't understand bashing them at all. I remember what it was like to not have a clue how to get around this place and can sympathize with them. Cut them some slack, a hand you help today will really appreciate it and save your ass in the future.

I don't understand the reason for the posturing, the egos and the aggression either. Its a message board, you're not scaring anyone over a computer. Everyones a tough guy from the safety of their keyboard.


This message was edited by Cranky Ass on 3-14-01 @ 2:22 PM

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