Posted By | Discussion Topic: Soprano's AJ arrested |
That Guy II
| posted on 07-05-2001 @ 10:22 AM | |
Hanger-On Registered: Jun. 01
 | What a nerd
skitchr4u G.O.O.F.B.A.H.G.S. Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
| posted on 07-05-2001 @ 10:50 AM | |
O&A Board Regular Registered: Dec. 00
 | The difference in time with AJ and Paula Poundstone is the state that the crimes occured in. New York is one of the worst states for a drug crime to take place in due to the "Rockerfeller Laws" that have been on the books forever!! Take a look at it, for the most minor crap, if they stick you with any kind of drug charge, you get sent away for quite a while...but if you did the same thing in say California, you would get a slap on the wrist and a fine. The problem he will face will be the robbery and him being 16 and not 15 which most likely means he will be treated as an adult and not a child.
AIM: SkiT4you
First Member of the JWO
IkeaBoy P.L.F.
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death | posted on 07-05-2001 @ 11:01 AM | |
O&A Board Veteran Registered: Sep. 00
 | It's true that he'll get no time in jail because of his status but it was still ILLEGAL as said. It doesn't matter our personal feelings towards pot or any drug if it's illegal, it's illegal. and yes something is seriously fucked up when kid touching is better than having pot.
As for when will pot be legal? Pot will be legal when pot lobbyists can give enough money to Congressman to start the process to reverse the law. It's ridiculous that marijuana still hasn't been taken off the list of dangerous narcotics made in the 1920s! Seriously the robbery is far worse than having pot on you in all logical esens but you can get more time for pot than for robbery.
Back to Sopranos- I think a new character next season might be a guy who starts to date/fuck Meadow just for a chance to get into the mob.
The narrator in Fight Club is the man we will be, Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is
the man we want to be
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than
The Zodiak Killer
| posted on 07-05-2001 @ 1:07 PM | |
Hanger-On Registered: Jun. 01
 | What a tool. This will be good. The lawyers will blame society and him being only a 16 year old kid. I can understand him smoking weed. We all went through the stage of wanting to try things. I just don't get the urge to hold somebody up. Is that fun? I can understand certain things, but not that. That kid is a fool.
Though as Mcaully caulkin's parents took his money look what happen to him. This could be the same case. Maybe his parents are taking all of his hard earned cash. You know what I say to that. So fucking what, your only 16 pay your dues to the people that brought you into this world. When your 18, then you can take off with your cash. Until then keep your nose clean and keep a low profile. This kid is a child star and can get BJ's from any girl he meets and he is hanging out with boys. I think he may have caught the gay from Uncle June.
If your a pisces, beware!
Adopted by: criticslovesnatch
Psycho Bitch
| posted on 07-05-2001 @ 1:12 PM | |
Psychopath Registered: Jul. 01
 | First off, Zodiac Killer AWESOME sig pic....really sweet!
Like I said before I think the robbery most likely had more to do with acceptance than need for cash. His buddies were probably ranking on him and he did it to show off. Dumb? Well, yeah but who isn't at that age? At that age everyone cares so much for what people think of them. Actually you never really get over that until so many people have fucked you over that you learn not to give a damn or you'll go nuts!! But hopefully now that he's gotten arrested maybe it'll teach him a lesson. If not, I guess we'll have another child star gone bad like "canweseeyourstuff" stated earlier
~~Psycho Bitch~~
Newbie and Metalfan's "bitch" for the next
8 days.... |