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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Softball Game - The Rematch

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Softball Game - The Rematch
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 07-26-2001 @ 6:20 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
Actually I spoke to GS about that very fact Slackjaw.

If a shit load of new people decide they want to play and confirm, we may have an expansion draft and allow two new teams to enter, in which case we'll have a little tournament.

Is my train in vain, has my soul gone to waste
Am I just a victim of, a victim of my lost faith
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 6:26 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01

Straw there is an offer on the table for you to shut the fuck up.

Booooooooy, you better hope I am yelling for your team and not at them... ;)

I was bi when being bi wasn't kewl.
Mmmm tastes like chicken to me, wanna lick?
Fez claims this land in the name of Portugal!
Why worry about the train if it never makes it around the tracks?? IrishAlkey wuz here!!!
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 6:31 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
I will make sure you get a 90 quart cooler of ice dumped on you

Not just that faggy cooler Doc used the last time

::Hint - dont wear white::

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1 Tequila, 2 Tequila, 3 Tequila floor
E-Mail Me
AOL/AIM - oanda1027fm
Flock of Moosen's Bodyguard
Anger problem?
What anger problem?
I hate the fucking mud!
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 7:25 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Froy, you just made my day with this thread! I knew the game was going to happen, but now that it's official it makes it much more gooder. :)
You know by now not to stick my pathetic ass at SS. This old body doesn't move as fast as it used to and you gotta have reflexes to play the infield. CF has always been my position anyway.
Can't wait to see you all again there. Early prediction, the Salad Tossers make it 4 games to 0 by the end of the day. ;)

"What are you speaking, German Brian?"

"Brian, what the hell are you talking about?"

Proud to have graduated Mrs. Moosen on 7/21/01

This message was edited by Flock of Moosen on 7-26-01 @ 7:29 PM
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 7:25 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
I'd like to catch this game since I missed the first one and have heard all about how much fun it was. I won't play because, well, I don't want to embarass myself. I'll just cheer a lot and cook.

Let me be the first to volunteer bringing food for the picnic area. I also volunteer to coordinate a list of whatever people would like to bring, so if it's okay with Froy, anyone who can bring anything, shoot me an email (addy in my profile). I'll keep a running list of stuff.

Looks like this is going to be fun.

"This is, This is Legal isn't it?"
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 7:27 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
oh, sure, Froy. pick a date that i cant go on AGAIN. :(

King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 07-26-2001 @ 7:37 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
Sure Joyce, feel free to coordinate food & drink.

Sorry to all those who can't make in on that date. No matter what day I pick, someone isnt going to be able to attend.

Is my train in vain, has my soul gone to waste
Am I just a victim of, a victim of my lost faith
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 8:07 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well, if it stays on the 11th, then us designated bleacher-monkeys won't be able to make it.... DX and I will be in Baltimore...

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.

Me droogies: None.
Syndra has graduated and will one day take on droogs of her own.
Two positions available. Come and get one in the yarbles.... if you have any yarbles.
Drunken GW
I Pissed on a Church to get this Status.
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 8:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

Don't start me up like a Rolling Stone
I'll leave sulking like Macaulay Culkin home alone.

posted on 07-26-2001 @ 8:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well, well, well, a rematch! I will try to make it out for support purposes. I will check back in a few days to see if anything has developed.

Froy, maybe I will get to meet you this time around.

Now, can I be the bookie? ;)

Sig pic courtesy of the one and only CBH, one sick F!

Please WOW this bully today!

E-Mail Me

posted on 07-26-2001 @ 9:10 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01

I will make sure you get a 90 quart cooler of ice dumped on you,

Is it me or do all spics who wear a cup have muscles when behind their computers? LMFAO ;)

I must go now and rest my energy and my voice for the game. No one better wear ankle socks! LOL

I was bi when being bi wasn't kewl.
Mmmm tastes like chicken to me, wanna lick?
Jon Benet Norton
GTA3 Criminal Activity Specialist
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 9:10 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Oh shit not the rematch! I knew it, it was inevitable. Three more days of soreness and recooperation here I come. You can count me in for the rematch. Maybe this time we can win one!
P.S. Brain, don't bring NEW batting gloves this time around. Either that or take the old new ones and rub them in the dirt for a little while so it LOOKS like you can actually play! ;)

Check out my band at: Visit this Website

"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent" -Machiavelli-
My adopted newbies are sweetasacherry and F the S out of her A
E-Mail Me
According to GonzoStyle, I stuff sausage for a living!
Opie's Sack Lunch
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 9:11 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Middlesex resident and softball player wannabe. I would like to play, Add my name to the draft please. Salad tossers and kid touchers huh? tough choice!

posted on 07-26-2001 @ 9:19 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Well this time around two umpires will be calling the game. It's only fair that as hard as everyone plays, that at least one umpire shouldn't be F'n Blind and verticaly challenged.

Play Ball!

(QT, I'm available for private pitching lessons again ;-) )

o&aswallow Recognized His Destiny Early.
Too Many Hotties, Not Enough Horny Goat Weed

Now accepting foster children applications. Cash only, no checks.
Email at [email protected]

Frat Guy has rented one of the foster bedrooms as of 7/21. Yes ladies, another college boy is in town for you to ravage.

It at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed. - Curly Howard.

Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.
Joey BigArms
I Need An Old Priest And A Young Priest
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 9:19 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Early prediction, the Salad Tossers make it 4 games to 0 by the end of the day.

Early prediction; Flock will be moved to CF since he can't handle SS. ;); Like a retarded yoyo, you will keep coming back.

This message was edited by Joey BigArms on 7-26-01 @ 9:20 PM
Fez claims this land in the name of Portugal!
Why worry about the train if it never makes it around the tracks?? IrishAlkey wuz here!!!
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 9:22 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01

one umpire shouldn't be F'n Blind

I dont remember seeing brokenjaw as the umpire

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1 Tequila, 2 Tequila, 3 Tequila floor
E-Mail Me
AOL/AIM - oanda1027fm
Black Rock Coalition
Do you have a basketball in your car?
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 9:23 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00
I guess I will make the arduous trek to NJ for the game.

If ANYONE from Long Island wants to set up a car pool. Email me ASAP!

I might play though. I don't think either one of the teams would want me to do any fielding. I suck at it. I think I'll be a better hitter.

--Lent, the poster formerly known as Rowelentless--

As of 7/18 HowdyFaggot is enrolled in the LENT school of enlightenment
King f-tard
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 10:40 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Brain, just go with wristbands, much less humiliation. And I am going to wear knee highs this time.

I am now looking for young f-tards to mold and shape for our community. If you are interested,
IM me Or E-Mail Me

Nothing to see here - move along. And by the way, OJ did it.
Alcohol. The cause of and solution to all of life's problems

posted on 07-26-2001 @ 10:50 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

DrunkenGW in his greatness said:



lol such a humble person reminds me of mickey mantle.

I wouldnt worry about having to make 4 teams i mean for 4 teams we will need approx 100 people to play. Last game i was short on subs, no joke here i took the loss i mean we blew a lead and lost. But what i am saying it we should have 25 people to a team not 16 or 18 like last time. I am sure plenty of people will say they are coming and not come like last time and on top of that a few people who played last time might not be able to play again this time.

But like last time EVERYONE will definetly play. To those who worry about physical ability trust me besides people like ge and tequila we are no beauts on the field. I plan on bringing my babe ruth jersey and my gut to fill it out, swing a couple times and sit on the bench scratch what little balls i have and fart so i am ready.

Do we have all we need? last time GW came through with bases and such and joyce will be taking care of the food she caters strip clubs very well from what i seen. So we should be all good for this one.

No matter what we're all out to have fun and i plan on being more into this one and not let my team down, onto victory or atleast free beer, food and some fun.

If I could capture the rage of today's youth and bottle it
Crush the glass from my bare hands and swallow it
Then spit it back in the faces of you racists
and hypocrites who think the same shit but don't say shit
You Liberace's, Versace's, and you nazis
Watch me, cause you thinkin you got me in this hot seat
You motherfuckers wanna JUDGE me cause you're NOT me

She-Mail Me Here

Lt Boogaloo
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 11:08 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I wanted to add to the raging cacophony for a game by updating the masses on field status:

As of 11:04pm I DO NOT have a confirmed location. The way things look, it will be Echo Lake Park, which is in lovely Westfield.


I'll even be nice and splurge for the liquor permit.

As for bats, bases, other assorted sport shit, you're on your own.

If you want to help me, or suggest things to me, or bitch at me, or whatever, my address and AIM are posted accordingly.

Stay tuned, more updates to follow.

-Still Making A New Sig-
If my answers frighten you, stop asking scary questions
[email protected]
AIM - Lt Boogaloo

posted on 07-26-2001 @ 11:28 PM      
Registered: May. 01
I'm in -- wife is busy that day anyway, so i can get out and play

if need E-Mail Me
I have always been on the outside looking in and I have always prevailed. I will wage a war that will leave men broken and battered. Many perceive me as having no hope my victory will be an upset. But hope and perception have never ruled my life.
Quote the Raven, nevermore."
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 11:35 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01

please email your respective team captain. If you were a salad tosser you can email me: [email protected]

hey what happened, i thought buttmunch was our captain. lol.

graduated from Jon Benet Norton's school of kid touching...even though that's kinda nasty and weird
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 11:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Bangster that's because froy always gets top billing.

Resident Board Socialist
Email me here
IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate WhackBagKid Message Board
I currently have brought Syndicate into the International
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 07-26-2001 @ 11:46 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
Buttmunch is like the team GM.

Is my train in vain, has my soul gone to waste
Am I just a victim of, a victim of my lost faith
Shelle Bink
True star of the celebrity softball game: the redhead in section 101.
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 11:58 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01

I'm in -- wife is busy that day anyway, so i can get out and play

Just coz I have to work and probably can't make it....

Don't Even Bother Asking To Adopt Me...I Know My Way Around Here

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