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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - What will be the hottest PS2 game of the late summer/fall (PS2 haters need not reply)

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: What will be the hottest PS2 game of the late summer/fall (PS2 haters need not reply)
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 07-25-2001 @ 3:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

4. Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 2 (Septemeber 8th)

FInally I have a date!! NOBODY could give me a date since they dropped Dreamcast production.. for that tid-bit I will overlook the transgression of both using MY character in your sig, and ommitting MY name as an FF savant..
Push B-Select dammit!!!
(it's a joke.. relax ;) )

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun!"
Unofficial Biggest Whore of
Reaver Strike Battalion
Rage Brother #1, Paladin of Hatred
Where's my snare? I have no snare in my headphones.
posted on 07-25-2001 @ 7:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
Heh heh. Great minds think alike, Senor Magus. Raziel is the ffin shit. And hey, another FF savant...? In the words of Norton. 'Nice'.

The date for LoK: SR2 I got from Electronics Btq. Amy Henner and her crack team of crack addicts are going back a forth still refining graphics for it and the game should be out from the 8th to the 17th they said. Take that for what it's worth... I'm psyched and can't wait for it.

Thine In Honor,

"Those blind with rage... are by destiny ensnared."
-Ariel of the Circle of Nine
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 5:57 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
It would be a great ending if Raziel gets returned to his former self, wings and all.

But that's a disney ending and the geme will most likely be anti-climatic like the first one was.

"Go fist yourself, useless bitch!"

Screen name yotaruvegeta
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 6:41 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

Lord Magus said this incredibly funny shit:
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! FInally I have a date!!


That has to be the funniest thing i heard all month! Thanks "Savant".

::snickers and cackles::

I hate you. I hate everything you stand for. Please, for the love of Christ, do not send me a E-mail
Join the Black Science Institute...... Or Die screaming.
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 7:57 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Ha ha, Magus! If you were on the radio, we could have isolated that sentence.

Magus, you need to check out sites like, and

"Go fist yourself, useless bitch!"

Screen name yotaruvegeta
Gameshark Thinktank
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 8:54 AM      
Registered: May. 01
Smack Down3 is coming out! psm gave it a 9/10 so it should be pretty good.

Thanx to Austin 3:16,and jerichoholic1.
You can e-mail me at [email protected]
my sn is gamepro100
graduated from the adolescentmasturbator school of newbies
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 11:24 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Fo real? A 9! That's the highest rating a smackdown game has gotten. Now I'm pissing my pants in anticipation of finally bringin home a PS2!

"Go fist yourself, useless bitch!"

Screen name yotaruvegeta
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 11:56 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Lord Magus said this incredibly funny shit:
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! FInally I have a date!!


OK.. yeah.. that's an "Isolate that" line if I ever heard one...
Fallen.. any ideas on Blood Omen 2?

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun!"
Unofficial Biggest Whore of
Reaver Strike Battalion
Rage Brother #1, Paladin of Hatred
Where's my snare? I have no snare in my headphones.
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 2:36 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
Certainly Magus, mon ami.

Blood Omen 2 takes place shortly after Kain chose to damn the world instead of sacrifice himself to restore it. Humans still are plentiful throughout Nosgoth as well as many vampiric offsprings created by Mortanious and the Circle of Nine.

Kain begins gathering his power and other vampires to his aid to conquer Nosgoth. However, when he attacks Meridian his vampire allies betray him and the Seraphan Knights defeat Kain. Having been left for dead, Kain goes into a 200 year coma. When he awakes, he swears vengeance on his traitorous allies and all humans.

Basically, you have to go through the game severely weakened attain the Soul Reaver again, kill your former allies and the leaders of the Seraphan. Thus, taking your place as Dark Megalomaniac Lord of Nosgoth. Cool eh?

Btw, this takes place nearly... 800 years before Raziel was even created. Nearly 3000 years before Raziel became the Soul Reaver.

My thoughts? Well, from what I've seen so far it should be pretty sweet, even though most of the Silicon Knights and Eidos team is finishing up LoK: SR2 for shipping. The engine is similar to Soul Reaver... however there will be much more action and much more bloodsucking. After all, Kain is a vampire. ;-) I can't wait to try his stealth killing moves and projectile blood sucking (as per Blood Omen 1).

I'm more psyched for Soul Reaver 2 because it's further along in the storyline and stars Raziel... but hey, it should still be a good game I believe.

Thine In Honor,

"Those blind with rage... are by destiny ensnared."
-Ariel of the Circle of Nine
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 2:40 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well.. actually, I've read that review.. I was hoping more for a proposed release date if you had any idea

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun!"
Unofficial Biggest Whore of
Reaver Strike Battalion
Rage Brother #1, Paladin of Hatred
Where's my snare? I have no snare in my headphones.
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 2:58 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
Heh. I thought I would post that little clip in case of people not seeing it.

Release date you ask?

FINE ;-)

Both the GIA, and IGN say late January.

Silicon Knights Rep says target date is Jan 17th.

Thine In Honor,

"Those blind with rage... are by destiny ensnared."
-Ariel of the Circle of Nine
posted on 07-27-2001 @ 8:40 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
I just got done with Onimusha. Solid game that gave me hours of enjoyment. I just didn't like the fact that I couldn't fast forward through the dialouge sequences.

"I won't be active in the day to day operations of the club at all." --George Steinbrenner 1973.
posted on 07-27-2001 @ 9:55 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Magus, go to or Lazy!

BTW, I heard that a nude transformation scene from Onimusha was cut out. Is that true?

"Go fist yourself, useless bitch!"

Screen name yotaruvegeta
posted on 07-27-2001 @ 9:59 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
I think that i way know what your talking about. The end of the game, which leads into sequel, the main character going from full demon armor to no shirt very quickly. That could be it. The panda bear costumer is very distrubing. I tried playing the game with it, couldn't do it.

"I won't be active in the day to day operations of the club at all." --George Steinbrenner 1973.
posted on 08-16-2001 @ 11:57 AM      
Registered: Jul. 01
Okay, say it with me now:


This game has bitching graphics, sound, and very, VERY twisted storylines! I think this is what affected that South Park episode, "Scott Tenorman Must Die"!

"Oh, real nice, Cartman! He was your friend, you fat f*ck!"
I won the last Sig contest & all I got was this cheesey status...
Who is driving? Oh my God! Bear is Driving! How can that be?!?
Kickflip b/s Tailslide Strike Team
posted on 08-19-2001 @ 9:54 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
i think it will be Tony Hawk 3 and metal gear solid 2

"I've got a weird thing for girls that say 'A-boot'" - Banky Edwards
posted on 08-21-2001 @ 2:56 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Well I've played every FF released in the U.S...even if the graphics were not great (especially compared to what they can do now) the storylines were always very compelling, bringing me back for more. My personal favorite FF is probably the same as everybody else...the characters Red 9, Cloud, Cid, Barrett, ...the development was amazing, especially with Sephiroth being probably the best developed FF villian to date.

I'll wait to buy a PS2 till the prices drop, but the first game I get will be MGS2:Sons Of Liberty...but you better believe I'll be forking over $$ for FFX the day it comes out

First ever grad from the Newbie Academy: Lord able to fly solo.
Currently training Thrillhouse and SA_Like_It_Is until 8-24

If you want to be adopted,
[email protected]
"No one is thinking if everyone is thinking alike"-Gen. George S. Patton
posted on 08-21-2001 @ 5:43 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01


All you guys are mntioning the all hit/blockbuster games, but what about some games that are good but will slip under the radar?

OK...sticking my neck out here...but I really enjoy playing Gauntlet, especially with the surround sound going. Maybe it's just a chick's game, though. I enjoyed playing it in the arcade, long ago...


Proud graduate of JJ's School of Board Basics and Higher Learning

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