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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - New TOOL album ROCKS!!!

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: New TOOL album ROCKS!!!
American Fing Psycho
posted on 05-16-2001 @ 11:05 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
I have to agree with you tony. Ticks and leaches is such a great song

Props to Pantera
"Hey i never said I was a good drunk"
"I don't hate the seals. I just hate the enjoyment they give to people." Bachman
posted on 05-17-2001 @ 8:58 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
OK, here is my second thoughts on the new album.
Yesterday, I thought it sounded pretty repetitive. But I have been listening
to it since, and have gone through the whole thing a few times. Then I
turned it up. It became a whole different album. You can hear all kinds of
things you can't hear when it's soft.
Musically, this album is better then I thought, you have to pick it apart a
little. It has many levels to go through. There's also some really great
riffs here. Listen to the riff on track 5 "Schism". That's some good shit. I
also really like track 7 Parabola, and track 8 Ticks & Leeches. It is true,
that most of the songs could have been about 4 minutes, but if you listen to
the whole thing, it makes sense.
Lyrically, Maynard hit the nail on the head. He's got some great lyrics on
here. Here's the problem though. When they mixed the album, I think that
they made his voice too soft for most of the tracks. You have to turn it up
really loud to hear what he's saying. I don't mind mysterious, but every
track? That's a little too much for me.

So my second thoughts on this album are, it's a winner. I don't know how
I'll feel about it in a month, but right now it was worth the $15.

posted on 05-18-2001 @ 9:20 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01

Hey allyourbasearebelongtous, the napster comment was a joke. I am maynard. Get it now tool?

Yes, I get it. Now I feel like a tool for letting that joke fly over my head.


posted on 05-18-2001 @ 10:26 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Here's the problem though. When they mixed the album, I think that
they made his voice too soft for most of the tracks. You have to turn it up
really loud to hear what he's saying.

Maynard...I noticed the same thing. I have only been listening to the CD on my Diskman and haven't had the opportunity to listen to it on my stereo yet, and had a pretty hard time hearing the lyrics.

Also, if anyone has a link to the site with the lyrics on it, please E-Mail Me or post it on the board. Thanks!

All I've undergone
I will keep on
Underneath it all
We feel so small
The heavens fall
But still we crawl
All I've undergone
I will keep on

posted on 05-18-2001 @ 3:50 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01

Also, if anyone has a link to the site with the lyrics on it, please E-Mail Me or post it on the board. Thanks!

Your wish is my command: - Is there nothing it can't find?


posted on 05-18-2001 @ 4:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
quote: - Is there nothing it can't find?

Not at all. It's funny to hear people argue that ask is better engine lmao. I bought the album even though i downloaded all the songs. Tool is one of the few bands I would consider buying most i just burn to cdr.

Email me at [email protected]
[email protected]
IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

The Fourth International Is At Hand. The Beautiful Hand of Socialism Will Come and Sweep Away the Imperialist Pigs. Crush Your Oppressors.
posted on 05-18-2001 @ 4:40 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
OK. i have been waiting to post my opinion until I gave the cd i really good listening to.. Now that I have listened to it about 5 times since I got it on Tuesday, I must say it kicks fuckin ass.. Maynard's voice is incredible as usual and it is an excellently put together 77 minutes of music.. it is pretty different than the other 2 cd's but they havent sold out and they still have stuck to there orignal roots.

proud graduate of Newbie University. Honor Student of Lord Magus's class.
E-Mail Me

posted on 05-18-2001 @ 4:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
banana juice this is their fifth cd. I'm assuming you are not counting their ep opiate and the video and live cd Salival.

Email me at [email protected]
[email protected]
IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

The Fourth International Is At Hand. The Beautiful Hand of Socialism Will Come and Sweep Away the Imperialist Pigs. Crush Your Oppressors.
posted on 05-18-2001 @ 9:29 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Hey, I downloaded schism on Napster when I heard it
on the radio and STILL went out and bought Lateralus
when it came out. Napster fucking rules. Some people
use it to download a whole album of stuff, which is ass.
Then they should have to pay for it. But guys like me,
who only download like one song from an album, NEED
NAPSTER. And Tool is great for this reason: With every
album/ep/DVD/whatever they put out, their skills get
honed and their talent gets more refined. If you listen
to the rockin' of Undertow and then listen to Lateralus,
you'll be amazed at how different yet still fucking
awesome they sound.

Adopted by Fez as of 5-13-01
SLASH's New Buddy, but shhh...
I am not allowed to tell anyone.
posted on 05-18-2001 @ 10:39 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

When they mixed the album, I think that
they made his voice too soft for most of the tracks.

I think having the vocals so far in the background is sheer friggin' genius!!
The band is by far the most talented and artistic around today.
Read the review in Rolling Stone, it hits the nail right on the head.
I thought they were amazing when I first heard "Opiate", and, they just keep getting better.
Got a free copy, and , I'm going to buy the real thing in the morning.

Sluggo667...Neighbor of the beast...
posted on 05-19-2001 @ 2:15 AM      
Registered: May. 01
Also, when I first listened to Aenema, I was
disappointed. I was used to Opiate, Undertow, etc. It
was so similar, yet I just couldn't like the whole album.
One thing about Tool, they are so fucking hypnotic. The
more I listened to their album, the more I loved EVERY
FUCKING SONG on it. I haven't felt that way about an
album since Nirvana. If anyone has any doubts about
Lateralus, just listen to it a few times. You'll

Adopted by Fez as of 5-13-01

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