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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - BRING IT ON!!!!

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Displaying 26-50 of 71 messages in this thread.
Posted ByDiscussion Topic: BRING IT ON!!!!
Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Consciousness UFC
(I'm a dick and I like to ruin people's plans)
posted on 10-31-2001 @ 11:39 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00

Asshole wrote:

And it only took you four weeks (how long the Max Headroom sigpic was displayed) for you to figure that out?

Ok, with that comment you have succeeded in what is the equivalent of pissing off your parole officer.

Congratulations, FAGGOT!

Funny how ev'rything was roses
When we held on to the guns

Write To Me Here

AIM: SmarterChild

Joe Soprano
posted on 10-31-2001 @ 11:39 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

and now I am welcoming you to strike two for being a stupid cunt with your response.

Well hey, pardon the response, but it was a bit shocking to me how in this thread adter so much time has past did anybody decide to determine the Max Headroom sig pic exceeded boundaries...


I see you arguing Seph and Kid, any reason why you are leaving me out, Unisoprano?

I've been focusing too much on the top two on the list, but the Unisoprano comment mighta done it - eh, I'll deal with you when the time comes...

"Who made you the comedy police?" - Mike Dinacola

posted on 10-31-2001 @ 11:41 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Joe keep making jokes in this thread. We want you to further prove our point.

Resident Board Socialist
IM me at stickysituation2
Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Consciousness UFC
(I'm a dick and I like to ruin people's plans)
posted on 10-31-2001 @ 11:44 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Seph, I know this should be in your Favorite Math Equations thread, but...

33977 bytes/1024 = 33.2 kb's = Joe Soprano Has 2 Strikes

Funny how ev'rything was roses
When we held on to the guns

Write To Me Here

AIM: SmarterChild

Joe Soprano
posted on 10-31-2001 @ 11:44 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
What? I only created this thread for the intent of settling our differences... I see no progress has been made...

"Who made you the comedy police?" - Mike Dinacola

Sean Cold 3:16
posted on 10-31-2001 @ 11:44 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

eh, I'll deal with you when the time comes...

No, I think you will deal with me now. You think that you are just going to dismiss me with your lame ass attempt at a joke?

Here is a thought, try, ummmmm, just posting. You can not be funny just like Kid can not be a mod and Magoo can not be straight. I am tired of you posting examples of you your senseless humor. You just fuckin suck, deal with it already. And I have that mod thing under my name, and I have yet to talk with one person who says you are even remotely funny, so does that get it through for you, jackass?

And That's The Bottom Line......

E-Mail Me

I am Jack's total lack of suprise.

Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 10-31-2001 @ 11:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Joe... why are you still trying?

Revert to my page 1 post.... stop trying. Your attempts to prove yourself are AWFUL.

You don't get it, do you?

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
No more droogs for me, for adoption is over.
Noellevious.... she's made me so proud. Viddy well, little brother... err, sister.
I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 10-31-2001 @ 11:47 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

I see no progress has been made...

The understatement of the year...

I never had a real problem with you JS, but I gotta tell you - you're not all that funny, and you're coming off like a huge tool here. You might be smart to just chill out for a while.

..Land of the free...home of the brave...

You can reach me through AIM or email. Don't be shy, drop a line and say Hi!

Joe Soprano
posted on 10-31-2001 @ 11:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Well okay then, let's at least come to a compromise here... I can refrain from posting things that can be allegedly comical... Consider this, though: I've seen people's share of lame jokes before, yet nobody said jack about them... [Al Pacino]But I'm the bad guy?[/Al Pacino] Therefore, if the whole point is to come to the board and have fun, then what point is it to come when you can't exhibit your own fun? But I'll make some alterations to make you happy - and NO, it won't involve dying or getting in any coffins, sorry. But, no offence to anyone and everyone here, don't think that my life won't be the same if I won't be accepted here, because I, too, have friends that get my humor - or, as you might say, put up with it.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

"Who made you the comedy police?" - Mike Dinacola

posted on 10-31-2001 @ 11:51 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Just give soprano. Do it now before you dig an even bigger hole.

Resident Board Socialist
IM me at stickysituation2
Joe Soprano
posted on 10-31-2001 @ 11:58 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I believe my above statement resembles a truce. Just remember, I didn't have to go and post this thread.
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:00 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

Just remember, I didn't have to go and post this thread.

But since you did, you deal with the consequences. Dont try this fucking cop-out manuever. If you didnt post it, K1d or myself would have. Dont act like you are doing us a big favor. You see everyone screaming in your face that you arent fucking funny and you punk out.

Christ, you are fucking pathetic.


Vengence be thy name. Death be thy Chore. Move swiftly, Move silently and cede thy Wrath.


posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:01 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I think the difference is that other people don't make constant bad joke after bad joke. And we better to see no more constant jokes about insert body part here or anything for that matter starting right now. Either that or you are totally fucked.

Resident Board Socialist
IM me at stickysituation2

This message was edited by adolescentmasturbator on 11-1-01 @ 12:06 AM
Cranky Ass
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:02 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
I don't care if Joe is funny or not. What I do think is anyone who gets this upset about not finding him funny has serious issues.


Read Me On Foundry | Listen To Me On Radio | AIM Me | E-Mail Me

Support Firemen, Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army, and everyone else helping restore peace.

I like sports because I enjoy knowing that many of these macho atheletes have to vomit before a big game. Any guy who takes a job where you gotta puke first is my kind of guy.....Sties are caused by watching your dog shit.....We're all fucked. It helps to remember that.....If you love someone, set them free; if they come home, set them on fire.....Most people are not particularly good at anything.....Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music.....I never eat sushi. I have trouble eating things that are merely unconcious.....The only good thing to come out of religion was the music.....There ought to be at least one round state.....In comic strips the person on the left always speaks first.....Why can't there be more suffering?.....Where does the Dentist go when he leaves the room?.....I almost don't feel the way I do.....There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.....Fuck soccer moms.....Human beings are kind of interesting from birth until they reach the age of a year and a half. Then they are boring until they reach fifty. By that time they're either completely defeated and fucked up, which makes them interesting again, or they've learned how to beat the game, and that makes them interesting too.....The bigger they are, the worse they smell.....No one can ever know for sure what a deserted area looks like.....Baseball is the only major sport that appears backwards in a mirror.....There is now a Starbucks(c) in my pants.....Carlin is God.....
ACK (Anthony Cumia) + 2.15 ... OPIE (Opie Hughes) - 0.30 ... FAG (Rick Delgado) + 5.15 ... EARL (Black Earl) - 10.15 ... TWTO (Sandy Cane) - 23.15 ... PRST (Pornstars Not Getting Naked) - 66.15 ... GOAT (Jim Bruer) + 29.15 ... MBOP (Andrew Dice Clay) - 14.15 ... MOHR (Jay Mohr) + 5.15 ... PEDO (Jim Norton) + 25.15
Sean Cold 3:16
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:08 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
And what would a thread be if Cranky didn't rub his limited brain cells together to inject his point?

Thanks, CA, for ending my night on such a high point.

And That's The Bottom Line......

E-Mail Me

I am Jack's total lack of suprise.

Cranky Ass
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:10 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Happy to oblige. I don't claim to be witty, humorus or profound, so don't expect that in this reply. Just find it funny how upset people get over Joe. C'mon, if you don't like him, scroll on by.


Read Me On Foundry | Listen To Me On Radio | AIM Me | E-Mail Me

Support Firemen, Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army, and everyone else helping restore peace.

I like sports because I enjoy knowing that many of these macho atheletes have to vomit before a big game. Any guy who takes a job where you gotta puke first is my kind of guy.....Sties are caused by watching your dog shit.....We're all fucked. It helps to remember that.....If you love someone, set them free; if they come home, set them on fire.....Most people are not particularly good at anything.....Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music.....I never eat sushi. I have trouble eating things that are merely unconcious.....The only good thing to come out of religion was the music.....There ought to be at least one round state.....In comic strips the person on the left always speaks first.....Why can't there be more suffering?.....Where does the Dentist go when he leaves the room?.....I almost don't feel the way I do.....There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.....Fuck soccer moms.....Human beings are kind of interesting from birth until they reach the age of a year and a half. Then they are boring until they reach fifty. By that time they're either completely defeated and fucked up, which makes them interesting again, or they've learned how to beat the game, and that makes them interesting too.....The bigger they are, the worse they smell.....No one can ever know for sure what a deserted area looks like.....Baseball is the only major sport that appears backwards in a mirror.....There is now a Starbucks(c) in my pants.....Carlin is God.....
ACK (Anthony Cumia) + 2.15 ... OPIE (Opie Hughes) - 0.30 ... FAG (Rick Delgado) + 5.15 ... EARL (Black Earl) - 10.15 ... TWTO (Sandy Cane) - 23.15 ... PRST (Pornstars Not Getting Naked) - 66.15 ... GOAT (Jim Bruer) + 29.15 ... MBOP (Andrew Dice Clay) - 14.15 ... MOHR (Jay Mohr) + 5.15 ... PEDO (Jim Norton) + 25.15
Joe Soprano
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:11 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

You see everyone screaming in your face that you arent fucking funny and you punk out.

But not after an hour of weighing your opinions... Like I said before, my integrity won't change whether or not me and my humor (or lack thereof) are taken for granted.


Christ, you are fucking pathetic.

HAHA, you got me -

And the recent dissing of Cranky Ass just proved a point - that I'm not the only one who gets a share of your wrath.

"Who made you the comedy police?" - Mike Dinacola


This message was edited by Joe Soprano on 11-1-01 @ 12:27 AM
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:15 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Joe, you're still trying to be funny?

It doesn't work!

Neither does your attempt at stopping this.... you've built this up yourself by all of your inane fucking posting.... FC is the site of release.

Take it like a fucking man.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
No more droogs for me, for adoption is over.
Noellevious.... she's made me so proud. Viddy well, little brother... err, sister.
Joe Soprano
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:19 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

Joe, you're still trying to be funny?

No, I'm being bluntly serious, man, get a clue... And yes I knew what I was in for by posting this thread, so YES, I can take it like a man.

As for attempting to stop this thread: You might have THOUGHT I tried to stop it, but when I laid out the compromise, I never officially ended the thread, now did I?

At least you can take this iota of satisfaction with you: The pic did make me laugh a little. Heh, friggin' amateur...

"Who made you the comedy police?" - Mike Dinacola


This message was edited by Joe Soprano on 11-1-01 @ 12:30 AM
crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:33 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

All of us are sick of you, you are dead space
Until all 14,000+ members reply in this thread sharing that thought, your point is invalid...

well, you can add my name to the list.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. --Victor Hugo
regardless of my status, i am a nice person. no really, i am, i swear;) crack hitler belongs to me :)
need me? try: [email protected]
Cranky Ass
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:36 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
If we're starting lists for members we don't like can I start nominating others? I'm sure there are people other than Joe alot of us would like to see go away.


Read Me On Foundry | Listen To Me On Radio | AIM Me | E-Mail Me

Support Firemen, Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army, and everyone else helping restore peace.

I like sports because I enjoy knowing that many of these macho atheletes have to vomit before a big game. Any guy who takes a job where you gotta puke first is my kind of guy.....Sties are caused by watching your dog shit.....We're all fucked. It helps to remember that.....If you love someone, set them free; if they come home, set them on fire.....Most people are not particularly good at anything.....Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music.....I never eat sushi. I have trouble eating things that are merely unconcious.....The only good thing to come out of religion was the music.....There ought to be at least one round state.....In comic strips the person on the left always speaks first.....Why can't there be more suffering?.....Where does the Dentist go when he leaves the room?.....I almost don't feel the way I do.....There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.....Fuck soccer moms.....Human beings are kind of interesting from birth until they reach the age of a year and a half. Then they are boring until they reach fifty. By that time they're either completely defeated and fucked up, which makes them interesting again, or they've learned how to beat the game, and that makes them interesting too.....The bigger they are, the worse they smell.....No one can ever know for sure what a deserted area looks like.....Baseball is the only major sport that appears backwards in a mirror.....There is now a Starbucks(c) in my pants.....Carlin is God.....
ACK (Anthony Cumia) + 2.15 ... OPIE (Opie Hughes) - 0.30 ... FAG (Rick Delgado) + 5.15 ... EARL (Black Earl) - 10.15 ... TWTO (Sandy Cane) - 23.15 ... PRST (Pornstars Not Getting Naked) - 66.15 ... GOAT (Jim Bruer) + 29.15 ... MBOP (Andrew Dice Clay) - 14.15 ... MOHR (Jay Mohr) + 5.15 ... PEDO (Jim Norton) + 25.15
crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:43 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
i don't know if you're the right person to be encouraging those kinds of lists here cranky...

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. --Victor Hugo
regardless of my status, i am a nice person. no really, i am, i swear;) crack hitler belongs to me :)
need me? try: [email protected]
Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Consciousness UFC
(I'm a dick and I like to ruin people's plans)
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:50 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Joe, what part of the final answer to my math equation didn't you understand?


Funny how ev'rything was roses
When we held on to the guns

Write To Me Here

AIM: SmarterChild

and i am apologizing now for the spelling errors, its 34 am and im drunk, so no time for spell check! Gotcha, SLASH i'll mmmm momo all i want! and you cant stop me!
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:53 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Nonetheless, I am getting better, I mean, just tonight, Ants in my Pants claims he laughed at one of my posts

wait wait wait...that doesn't count, Ant's is easily amused

...and i try not to let my emotions show
but it ain't a balloon i can just let go
it's an ice cream cone dripping in the sun
sticky hands
sticky arms
sticky situation...

posted on 11-01-2001 @ 12:59 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01

you are a antention whore

Geeeeeesh, take a leave of absence off the board for a little while and my position gets replaced. Sean, you could have at least got a decent looking whore for my spot. LMFAO

Oh yeah, Joe you suck.


We MUST strike against the nations, which advocate, implement, harbor or financially support terrorism, by not purchasing their products or supporting their businesses!

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Displaying 26-50 of 71 messages in this thread.