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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Don and Mike are Screwed..

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Don and Mike are Screwed..
I SUCK AT TEH INTARWEB. I am in awe of the awesomeness of AwesomeWBK. Now this looks like a job for me, so everybody... just follow me, cause we need a little... controversy, cause it feels so empty without me.
posted on 03-01-2002 @ 1:23 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
"Dumbass this board is for people that listen to the show religiously and can comment on almost all topics!! Take your four posts and go to D &M message board its alot like there show NOT FUNNY (I dont know if they have 1 just a strong feeling it would suck)!"

Soooo....basically I'm not enough of a looser to post on this site. OK, thanks for straightening me out. Maybe when I get less of a life than I do now I'll come back here. But then again, I don't know if I could ever talk out of my ass and lie enough to fit in.

posted on 03-01-2002 @ 1:37 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02
Hi all. Newbie here from DC. Got to be honest that I listen to O&A, Stern, and D&M (in that order). Like them all when they are funny, but think all 3 are guilty of slow radio at times. But hey, it's still entertaining and beats the hell out of the crap most music stations are rotating these days.

Anyway, just wanted to point out to any that were not aware that Don Geronimo aka Mike Sorce is also PD (Program Director) at WJFK. It was my understanding he helped bring O&A to WJFK (but maybe not?) How will (if at all) Don being PD figure in any "war" that escalates w/ O&A? I know little of politics in radio so I am naive about how much power a PD has. Cut and pasting an article below re: Geronimo at JFK. Curious with anyones thoughts.

"(from Wash Times) It was the first local ratings report since July, when WJFK moved popular late-afternoon hosts Don Geronimo (whose real name is Mike Sorce) and Mike O'Meara to an earlier time period, replacing them in the lucrative afternoon-drive slot with the New York-based "Opie and Anthony" comedy show.
"There may be some hard feelings from the hard-core Don and Mike fans. They may not be ready to accept this new team from out of town," says Tom Taylor, editor of M Street Daily, an industry trade publication.
When "The Don & Mike Show" aired weekdays from 3 to 7 p.m. last fall, it ranked first in its time period. But with "Opie and Anthony," WJFK's ratings dropped to 17th place in that slot.
The numbers don't worry Mr. Sorce, who also serves as WJFK's program director. He says it will take "Opie and Anthony" time to find its audience.
"You don't flip a switch and start off with a big rating. It takes time," he says.
And even though WJFK's overall numbers are low, the station still does well among its target audience of young men, Mr. Sorce says.
WJFK may be able to afford to be patient with "Opie & Anthony."
The station, which is owned by a Viacom subsidiary, generated $33.8 million in revenue in 2000, the most of any Washington radio station, according to estimates from Chantilly media research group BIA Financial Network.
Listeners still like "Don & Mike," which now airs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. It tied for fourth in its new time period, an improvement over G. Gordon Liddy's 10th-place finish in the slot one year earlier.
WJFK fired Mr. Liddy last July when it overhauled its schedule."
Oblivious to all things...PERIOD!!!!
...including this status.
posted on 03-01-2002 @ 2:11 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
did anybody read that article... "opie and Anthony still riding high after an XFL pregame show" what the fuck? If thas what Don and Mike associated people think we're all fucked.

Note; after reading that and almost passing out from laughter i threw my monitor out my window.

Q: What does it mean to be a newbie in SU??
A: Well basically I'm that tiny guy on OZ that gets fucked by everyone.

"I HAVE A DREAM... that some day all newbies and regulars will be able to post together and not be judged by the number of their posts but by the content humor and character of thier ideas."
Oblivious to all things...PERIOD!!!!
...including this status.
posted on 03-01-2002 @ 2:14 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
please read that articule... it says "opie and Anthony still riding high from a National XFL pregame show"

... i just through my monitor out my window

Don & Mike show sucks dick like their websites

Q: What does it mean to be a newbie in SU??
A: Well basically I'm that tiny guy on OZ that gets fucked by everyone.

"I HAVE A DREAM... that some day all newbies and regulars will be able to post together and not be judged by the number of their posts but by the content humor and character of thier ideas."
posted on 03-02-2002 @ 2:48 AM      
Registered: Mar. 02
quote: much power a PD has.

Not much. Opie has stated before that it is only a title, and in fact he holds the same title at WNEW. The only show Don could possibly take out would be the "Sports Faggots", I mean Junkies, and he might not even have authority over them. Liddy was fired by Ken Stevens, not by Don.
Stern and O&A are Infinity's top two shows, Mel's not gonna let Don screw with them.
By the way I was a Don and Mike fan... Until I started listening to O&A, that is. It's like a chick going from Pee Wee Herman to John Holmes. No contest.

I SUCK AT TEH INTARWEB. I am in awe of the awesomeness of AwesomeWBK. Now this looks like a job for me, so everybody... just follow me, cause we need a little... controversy, cause it feels so empty without me.
posted on 03-02-2002 @ 3:23 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02
OK Dino, "Sports Faggots"??? Fuck you. You are a pussy ass bitch and if you wanna bring shit against the Junkies you are playing on a whole different plane. Bring it! You will not survive in suburban DC.

posted on 03-02-2002 @ 4:10 AM      
Registered: Feb. 02
Not survive in suburban dc? Now I'm laughing. I believe Cllege Park is Suburban Dc, and I believe it's a bunch of damn losers who couldn't survive a weekend in ny.

Officially Self Appointed Moderator

The Whole Fucking Thread
posted on 03-02-2002 @ 11:25 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00

I hope this doesn't sound like blasphomy. I just don't know enough of the background stuff to fully understand the situation. I just know that no matter how much lobbying D&M did for afternoons back when, no matter how much backstabbing,'s oiver. O&A won. As O&A fans, we won. So why wouldn't the 2 shows do a little something to help each orher out? And from the sound of everything, it's a one way fight, where O&A don't want to help them or get their help.

A radio war IS help. Problems between shows is radio's way of helping each other. More people will pass by Don and Mike to see if they catch some bad mouthing and some of thier fans will do the same during 2-7.
Tension between shows helps everyone.

posted on 03-02-2002 @ 11:26 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00

I RaTher have the radio chick On WNEW than have Don & Mike

Lets not go over board now!

I SUCK AT TEH INTARWEB. I am in awe of the awesomeness of AwesomeWBK. Now this looks like a job for me, so everybody... just follow me, cause we need a little... controversy, cause it feels so empty without me.
posted on 03-02-2002 @ 2:13 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
Hahah I'm laughing too. I make a lot of posts when I'm drunk. Peace.

Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 03-03-2002 @ 2:22 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Great, pigfucker radio comes to Philly.
Six months and YSP's ratings will be down the toilet, Thank you Don and Mike for great Kryptonite radio.

As far as I'm concerned, humans have not yet come up with a belief that's worth believing.
~George Carlin,
Napalm and Silly Putty

[Email][email protected][/Email]
posted on 03-03-2002 @ 8:24 PM      
Registered: Aug. 00
Question to DC listeners: Are O&A the victims of that shite reverb Don and Ken think is a great idea?

I believe Howard is and he hates it, of course. Don and Mike can't be that much older than O&A and are actually younger than Howard, and yet they sound older than both shows combined.

posted on 03-03-2002 @ 8:50 PM      
Registered: Feb. 02
Those fucks suck and they just want us to let them on our island. Well the island can not handled 4 tons you fat fucks!!!


"They work up a sleeping giants" That dumb Jap from WWII...

posted on 03-03-2002 @ 8:53 PM      
Registered: Feb. 02
Don and Mike are fucking boring. They're worst than that scitzofrenic fruit Phil Hendrie

Rest In Peace ,Stuart Adamson of Big Country -1958-2001
posted on 03-03-2002 @ 11:00 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
ahhh. this is bringing back fond memories of Leykis. "ok, we're out. We'll be back tomorrow at 3. To our listeners, flip on over to KROCK and check out Kane." Remember when they walked into the studio when Leykis brooadcasted from WNEW? Next time D&M are in NY, they should walk in and have it out.

"...but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong"

Download Dice's 'Scary Scumbag 2' Trailer

BIG A.S.S. #12161
posted on 03-04-2002 @ 12:09 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
Don and MIke Don and mike. Jeeze they need to just go!.. but hell i use to be a former don and mike fan. .i friggin use to love the show.. they use to do a really good show.. i know it's hard to believe. but i swear they use to really kick ass... then they got national.. no longer local guys doing DC .. the show did drop a lot but still it stayed okay ,, i mean they did dominate the ratings in DC for like ever. and DC is like the 7th market in the county it's not this back woods hick place .. it's a bunch of high tech firms and goverment contractors and very rich people. in fact the county i live in the average home vaule is 500 grand.. so please it's not fucken dukes of hazard.. Don and mike went to Ny and the show drop so damn fast it was like what the fuck happen.. they wanted NY to love them. why? its about MONEY being number 1 market , being Mainstream like O and A .. I will admit compare the market NY to Dc and DC is poo poo., but Okay a point i wanna make is 18 mins of commercials. Yes i know this isn't that right post to put this in. okay a lead in show shouldnt hurt the ratings of a establish show. .for example those who like the WWF. do you really give a shit what TNN or UPN have on before raw or smackdown, no of course you dont.. i bet most people who watch WWF can't tell you whats on before the show.. But what Opie does have a gripe about is the show brings in NO new listeners.. thats true when you have a bad lead in your'e not going to get more people then if you have a kick ass lead in.. but O and A if they have lost listeners shouldn't be Don and Mike fault. i dont know the ratings in NY . i dont know if they gain or lost. but if they lost maybe people want them to do a better show. i know i read some post . some people hate norton, some people hate all the games they play now. maybe thats the reason not fuck face Don and shit for brains Mike..

I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 03-04-2002 @ 12:15 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

they use to do a really good show
Sorry, never happened, never will.

the county i live in the average home vaule is 500 grand.. so please it's not fucken dukes of hazard..
You sure about that Cooter?

You know, with a period here, and a comma there, that post just might make some sense!

This week's quote : Time is the fire within which we burn...

You can reach me through AIM or email. Don't be shy, drop a line and say Hi!

Ha Ha! Made you look, hammer!!

posted on 03-04-2002 @ 12:33 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
FUCK!!!!!!, Dammit he got me on the Grammar. I was an stupid fuck to think I could pull one pass this fucken English teacher wannabe. Oh BTW as much as I hate to admit it < Don and Mike use to have a pretty good show years ago.. Hmmm wow grammacital errors on a message board hmmmm someone pointing out grammacital errors .. So original... Fuck i should have finish high school /"G.E.D good enough Diploma". thank you Chris Rock umm duh you sure about that cooter ha ha ha ha thats so fuck funny . You should try out to be a writer for SNL or a stand up comic.. boy thats rich , YOU SURE ABOUT THAT COOTER>. Well I"m stupid because i get stone a lot. but one thing IM sure about is you're a fucken loser.. And I'm not goign to kiss some fuckers ass because he has nothing better to do then post all the fucking time

crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 03-04-2002 @ 5:51 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
first of all, oxbigger, buy yourself a d, or i'll just assume you're another name for "mikeoxsmallandican'tcompleteacomprehendable sentence"

Dumbass this board is for people that listen to the show religiously
no it's not.

III. to settle an argument, because i didn't really hear most of opie's rant. was there really 18 minutes of commercials, or is that what happened in ny because d&m were going off on o&a? i know i'm missing something in the whole mix, but i (naively, perhaps) assumed that it was just them bitching because d&m "saved" their commercial time up for the end of the show. or was there actually something said that we in ny didn't hear? or am i just an idiot?

"cheer up, things could be worse - you could have been born british!";) seph rocks
need me? try: [email protected]

This message was edited by crx girl on 3-4-02 @ 5:57 AM
posted on 03-04-2002 @ 8:46 AM      
Registered: Jan. 01
I wonder how they are going to turn this around and blame O&a for every thing if the fail on wysp


Ready to go to war for the show
NO!!! You can't have any smiley faces in your status!!!
Missile Command
posted on 03-04-2002 @ 10:05 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
because they were mean and said bad things about them boo fucking hoo hoo

See you space cowboy...

Norton's Victim
posted on 03-04-2002 @ 10:14 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02
Today should be really amusing. I will definatley listen to Don and Mike just to here them get trashed by the city of Philadelphia. (Maybe they will eventually be a success, but Philly hates new people). The O&A army will be in full force today, because they know D&M are going to suck. Maybe there will be a bowling match in Philly this week and the O&A fans can show up to give there "support". This may be a bad move by WYSP, but it is going to be great to listen to.

"What have we done with innocence. It disappeared with time, it never made much sense. Adolescent resident. Wasting another night on planning my revenge. One in ten, one in ten, one in ten. Don't want to be your monkey wrench, one more indecent accident. I'd rather leave than suffer this, I'll never be your monkey wrench. All this time to make amends, what do you do when all your enemies are friends. Now and then I'll try to bend, under pressure wind up snapping in the end. One in ten, one in ten, one in ten. Don't want to be your monkey wrench, one more indecent accident. I'd rather leave than suffer this, I'll never be your monkey wrench. Tell me, tell me, tell me. One last thing before I quit I never wanted any more than I could fit into my head. I still remember every single word you said and all the shit that somehow came along with it. Still there's one thing that comforts me since I was always caged and now I'm free. Don't want to be your monkey wrench, one more indecent accident I'd rather leave than suffer this, I'll never be your monkey wrench. Don't want to be your monkey wrench fall in, fall out. Don't want to be your monkey wrench fall in, fall out. Don't want to be your monkey wrench fall in, fall out. Don't want to be your monkey wrench." - Foo Fighters
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed - Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver." -Deep Thought, Jack Handey
posted on 03-04-2002 @ 11:39 AM      
Registered: Nov. 01
this is the most uncomfortable radio ive heard in a while lol

-send transmission from the one armed scissor...
posted on 03-04-2002 @ 12:09 PM      
Registered: Dec. 01
Tim Sabian is sucking on the barrell of a 9mm right now.

Don is bragging about how he and Sabian have been friends for over 20 years. Yeah, that's why WYSP was fighting to keep them off and has been paying them NOT to be on WYSP.

posted on 03-04-2002 @ 5:44 PM      
Registered: Oct. 01
I couldn't bear to listen to Don & Mike, so someone, please tell me if the Philly folks ripped them a new asshole.

I WANT their ratings to tank. I know it may mean poor ratings for O&A, but I want D&M to plummet WYSP into the toilet, just as a lesson to every idiot who thought putting them on the air there was a good idea.

"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem

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Displaying 51-75 of 84 messages in this thread.