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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - What bothers you about

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: What bothers you about
Black Rock Coalition
Do you have a basketball in your car?
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 5:21 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00

5. Merge with Give people other reasons to type in the URL. I don't know the politics around this, but you asked for opinions, so there it is.

Yes dan! This should happen. Instead of "", rolls off the tounge easily and many listeners will flock to here.

This place should be a one stop shop or anything related to O&A. The videos and pics would perfectly compliment the discussion here. Why if merging is not possible you can stragically link this board to several items on foundry. It might be also better to intertwine fm chat with the board and fm itself.

FUCK BIN LADEN!!!! We'll show you a "holy-shit war!"

Justin Rowe,
proud citzen of New York State
and the USA.
St Johns.U.'04

The sky is blue
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 5:44 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
OK. Now that I've read through this all lemme touch upon some things:

Adoption: In my opinion, as with many of you, I have begun to feel over the past half year that adoption is plain ol' silly. I still can't get over the fact that I have 'adopted' people who are 15 years older than me.

I gave up adopting about the last 5 months as a regular member. I am new as an adult to this world, and just consider myself a kid who can vote.

Can adopting work? Sure. But it shouldn't be a "Hi, I'm here, I'm ready to impose myself on you" type thing. All it should be is newbies posting asking for help. Nothing more.

Nicey nice policy: It helped to balance things out but now its ridiculous. Sure posting the "Dear member" thing was funny at first but its purpose is stupid.

This isn't college orientation. Its a message board. You posts messages. If people disagree or don't like you, so be it. However if someone is disrupting the board, that is when mods come in.

The amount of members/activity: Now I'm not going to get into the quality of the discussions here, but people shouldn't complain about the amount of members.

This is the first message board/chat community I've ever been on, but I have checked out other boards as well. With all of these boards, be them gaming webistes, news websites, sports websites, etc., they never had nearly as many members logged on at once as this one does. (Excluding mainstream things like, etc.)

So any way...

...fuck dick ass shit cock bitch ::fart::

Wanna be the coolest kid on your block? Get an 'I love Froy t-shirt!' Add it to your sig today!
Email me at [email protected]

This message was edited by Fez on 10-13-01 @ 6:05 PM
That's Miss Jesus Cooze to you!
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 6:11 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01

I lurked on the board for about a month or two before I joined. I knew this board was a reflextion of the show, made up of fans and listeners. And I didn't think it fair, or smart, to just jump in. First of all, I only "knew" O&A for about two months while I vacationed on the east coast. I didn't consider myself a seasoned follower-- I really was a hanger-on. I was a newbie. But I really took pride in that. I LOVE ONA. They took two of the worst months of my life and gave them meaning and happiness and entertainment and even comfort. I had a reason to get up everyday. I was as devoted to that show and those guys as I thought they were to me, their fan, one of millions. I took pride in being their fan because they stood up for their right to be themselves, to say what they wanted, and to DO WHAT WAS ENTERTAINING FOR THEIR FANS. They didn't take crap, they got up everyday and did their job and did it well. I am still proud to tell people who have never heard of them about the show because it stands for free speech, for entertainment, for being yourself, for doing things that are new and original....

Mind you, I said I thought that this board was a reflexion of the show....

Lately...? I don't think that the mods are dicks. I don't think that they just ban people for being stupid, or even reckless. I have only been here since about March, but I've never seen someone JUST banned. Usually, it is spammers, or consistant a-holes that really do disrupt this place. I think that if you join the board, you have the responsibility to follow mod orders or suggestions because you've accepted that this board HAS mods, and you want to be here, so you should listen to them. It's like when people move to America, become a citizen, and then get pissed when they have to salute the flag. If you see a mod doing some seriously questionable shit, don't call them on it in a thread. IM or email, or IM them in a chat, but don't attack them in front of everyone else. There's shit that happens where you can't see or hear it-- IM's for example, maybe another thread. Just.... Don't assume the mods are arrogant, big brother types JUST because they're in charge.

I think this place could be better if we go back to basics. Most people are calling for a return to GD, etc. Well, let's DO that! Let's talk about the show! It's better than ever, or at least that's what you people are saying! So, dammit, don't WAIT for other people to start a GD thread, get one going yourself! Even if it sucks, we'll learn how to be funny eventually!

This board used to be really entertaining, but now it's like no one even cares. People are bitching that no one else is "Doing their job" or something. Like it's my job, or anyone else's to be a constant sourse of amusment... What if we turned on O&A monday afternoon, and they were just sitting there complaining about how lousey their callers' comments were. It's they're show, they entertain us. Callers just help and provide feedback. Likewise, on this board, we're all we got. We can't depend on anyone to just come here and be interesting. We all have to try and be interesting ourselves. If we're not, then we'd better learn. This is a reflextion of the show, yes, but also a unique creation. Screw the old board, screw wackbag, hell, screw R&F. With all due respect, we're not them, and they're not us. If it's so great there, then go there. But don't forget that this place is only as good as the people who come here.

Lastly, I still think this board in interesting. It's where I can talk with people who are intellegent, have differing opinions, and who don't gloss over the events at hand, whether small like the piss shivers, or big like, oh, i dunno, war. I like that, even tho' I disagree with a lot of people, I still get new ideas and new ways of thinking about things. I think it's superficial and kinda lame to bitch about things like status (not a crack at you vinny, sorry), and alliances, and "too many thread about __________" bitches. I'm sorry, but if you don't like it, ignore it. Then go make an interesting thread. Chances are, if you can't think of an interesting current events idea, it's because it's been done to death, or you don't have a hard opinion on it. Well, then start a thread that YOU ARE interested in. Versatility. GS starts a thread about what book you're reading recently, then starts one about how he hates george foreman. DO something if you're not happy. Take the fucking inititive!

I'm just happy to be here. If one day, I'm not happy, I'll leave. But I can't ever see myself leaving. EVen if I have to stay up nights to think of interesting topics FOR you people, I'm not leaving. I like what it COULD be too much to give up on it.

Proud to call Gonzostyle my fellow brother in Christ

"I'll fly my country's flag outside my home everyday for the rest of my life, even if it's three inches tall and hoisted on a toothpick! GOD BLESS AMERICA!" --My dad

Thank you to all the vets who have helped me to believe.
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 10-13-2001 @ 9:52 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01

my one problem with the board is that everyone kisses Froy's ass a little too much!

You know, I could care less who kisses my ass. I will be the first one to tell you, and everyone who knows me well personally will agree that I do not do things to make myself look better. I do not care how many people flatter me, try to get in my good graces, or try to gain my favor. I do things because I think they are right and not for any other reason. And as far as me 'mingling', let me put it this way. I am always approachable, don't feel that you can't come and say hello or talk to me at a gathering. But I am not going play the cheery restaurant owner (unless it's an official party.. ie: Anny party), asking everyone how they're enjoying their meal. Like everyone else, I'm there just to hang out. Don't take it personally if I don't come over and sit down with you and get into any deep profound conversation. I am a recluse. I just want to relax and take it easy.

In other news... the adoption agency has been under renovation consideration for a while now. That is why there hasn't been a fresh thread for it in GD.

The 'nicey-nice' attitude... this is not going anywhere. You want to have it out with someone, take it to Fight Club.

The planning of more parties... There are official gatherings in the works. (Xmas Party, 2nd Pool Tourney, etc.) I am not going to hold extra gatherings just to make people feel better about themselves. Joe will have a new venue for his weekly gigs, other than that, I'm not going to create any extra get-togethers, nor am I going to cancel or put them on hiatus.

News threads... they bother me to no end, I do not read half of them to begin with. But I am not going to tell people that they cannot post them. I have tried to cut back on some of the more superfluous posts (ie: bday threads), but I am not going to begin enacting quotas on types of threads.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 11:37 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
1. The non mods -- Shut the fuck up.
"(The skipper too)". You know what, fuck you!!

This board used to be perfect, blah, blah ,blah.

"fuck you, giligan.

posted on 10-14-2001 @ 12:31 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

Well, I won't mention any names, cough, GonzoStyle [], but some of the mods would be right at home in the Taliban. Fairness and a certain amount of civility should be a prerequisite for the job. It isn't and it shows!

Ok so we are the bad guys an I respect your opinion of that. But what bothers me is this. People complain we are dictators but to be truthful half the mods really are barely visible on the board the others either are visible but don't even act like mods and just post. So i see the stereotyping of the big bad mod syndrome, yet I do not see anyone with an example. I know personally and for other mods we do a hell of a lot of work that you all do not see and can not begin to comprhend.


I could not disgree with you more. You also mention that when this place was all about internal board stuff and not outside bs this place was rocking. Well, the outside lives of the members, through parties, became the internal board shit. Mods fighting Mods, members attacking other members through third party info about what a certain person did at a party. Cliques were formed.

I could not disagree with you more, most of the cliques that were formed were in formation before the parties or included people who never even came out to parties. The only clique if you can call it one was the fingerbang clique. Plus do not forget without the parties 80% of the board members would not be here, I will also point out your opinion is one of a person who has never come out to a party. Like i said to dozens of people I can not explain a gathering to anyone who has not come out. I will admit bullshit caused from the board itself was carried over to parties but that has to be nulled.


Then you get all the inside jokes that only a small few party go-ers will get.

You will always have inside jokes party ot not. The whole show itself is one big inside joke and there are so many inside jokes on the board itself.


I am not going play the cheery restaurant owner (unless it's an official party.. ie: Anny party),

So you do not care enough unless people are making donations to the board. Then when you do at an i.e anny party it's an act.


I am not going to hold extra gatherings just to make people feel better about themselves.

It's not about you playing daddy to anyone froy. Don't you get it? You do not and never have set up an unnofficial party, no one is asking you to do so. This is not cause people feel they are not getting enough attention or cause they need to be made to "feel better" This is to ensure that people here can once again be friendly and thought I will agree this place was far from perfect a year ago, but it was as close as this imperfect board can get. The parties helped that cause people got to know eachother and you yourself got to meet people who have since then become your friends.


Joe will have a new venue for his weekly gigs, other than that, I'm not going to create any extra get-togethers, nor am I going to cancel or put them on hiatus.

That is very cool and I will love to see bro joe again. But we need and will have get togethers that are not directly related to the show or "official" parties sanctioned by you, not to be defiant but to help the board and not help people help themselves.


froy OWNS the board, he runs it, he can do what he wants.if one day he's thinking "i'm gonna ban anybody who doesnt fall down on the floor, grovel, and praise me as their lord and savior at the next party", he can

ahem of fbdbling that is great that you are brainwahsed enough to believe that. I know personally froy would never ask anything remotely close to that but do not forget one thing. Without the members this board is nothing at all, it is a URL. The people have a right to voice their opinions because though he may pay the bills, we all live in this home that is known as


Maybe its the alchohol talking, but my one problem with the board is that everyone kisses Froy's ass a little too much!

Add that to response to fdblinufiy statement.


I feel bad for a few who suddenly have a strike and say "WTF?" because they can't think of a damn thing they've done wrong.

Any member who has been banned can send mail to [email protected] to find out why they were banned. Anyone who has gotten a strike usually knows and for those who do not know they can IM most any mod to find out.

To add a few more things, we have all stated what is wrong and we can kinda catch a glimpse of the damage. Now is time to fix it froy can not fix it nor can I. But as a whole we can fix it. For the news threads i wanna see more threads coming from your mind rather than cut and paste. If you wanna cut and paste the story atleast try to retype a summary and add your opinion as to why this belongs on the board. Fuck nicey nice, don't become assholes but do not close a thread cause you do not wanna reply to it cause the answer may hurt someones feelings, fuck that. You don't like the board gatherings? fine do not come. But this place is not meant to be run by one person nor a band of mods, we may enforce the rules but we as a whole run this place.

The lunatics run the asylum, this is a beast which can not be tamed.

As far as merging us with foundry, that is the day you can etch the date of death for this board.

"These dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation
shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government
of the people, by the people for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
-- Abraham Lincoln

She-Mail Me Here

I have a little Wick.
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 9:13 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Man, I love this thread:

Tooling on people made this board what it was, plain and simple. Did we all carry it too far, OH HEll YEAH. But, if a Mod asked us to back down we did.

Most of the O& members are male, we love to eff around with people, that was taken away, and from Froy's response, it appears for good. Well, that is one of the reasons this board is not the way it used to be.

Now, I am not saying we should hammer everyone we can, but maybe ease up on the nicey nice shit.

E-Mail Me
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 10:18 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I think the biggest problem here is all the old people that hang around here....oh wait, nevermind, thats not the problem. :-)

Without going into a page long opinion, here are a few thoughts;

The bashing always has and still continues. Not to the extent it did in during the heyday uf Upuat but it continues. If your a deek, your going to get abused. Froy has stopped the automatic abuse of newbies which was a good thing. The mods intervene when it gets to abusive, if they need to.

The fact that the board gets no on air recognition anymore, the fact that Ant really isn't here anymore is not helping. It is getting less and less O&A oriented.

The show has also changged significantly since syndication. There is little we can add to the show. We have all said pretty much everything we can say about Stalker Patty, Retarded L&S and Rocco. The rest of the show is commercials. Who wants to talk about commercials?

The news threads are really getting old. Maybe a news topic (or call it an Ikea/Teenweek topic) might help.

We need more creative threads, more thought provoking posts, not the cut and paste or look what I got in the mail threads.

People need to get back to being demented, not just nicey nice.

Will this thread change anything? Probably not, but it was nice to see a thread that made people use their brains again.

Who want's to play Afghan Bingo?
B1 - B52 - A10 - F15
BINGO! - Buh-bye Mother F'er
Oh and kissy-pie huggy-poo The Froy thing.

American Patriot, Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.

This message was edited by o&aswallow on 10-14-01 @ 11:10 AM
Always will bow down to the power of the Faceman!!!!
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 11:14 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
Since my name was mentioned in this thread by my friend, GS (yes, I consider him a friend, as I do many others on this board), I feel I should respond.

The reason I have not been posting as frequently as I used to is mainly because I have not been enjoying myself here. There has been an influx of people who, in my opinion, are just tools and have nothing to contribute. It seems that every thread has become a chat thread between the same people. I don't have a problem with chat threads (slackers thread, questions thread, and things of that nature) when they are started to be just that. But when everyday I come to this message board and there are nothing but news articles and nothing else, it gets to be tiresome because I have been coming to this message board to get away from the problems of the world and to have some fun.

Another reason I have not been posting as frequently is FoundryMusicJeff. He pisses me off to no end. I have never addressed this on the board or in private, mainly because regardless of the situation, he would come out the victor because he has the control of the board and the power to determine if I stay or go. I have had my differences with other mods in the past and they were addressed on the board and in private. At no time did I fear having a "custom status" or being banned. After typing this, I cannot be sure that this won't happen now.

I come to this board every day looking for some fun and the other day I found it. I took a jab at Froy and he jabbed back. And you know what? It was fun. That's the one thing I do enjoy about this board. You can say what you want to who you want without any repercussions, for the most part. It wasn't like that when I joined this board almost a year ago.

As for adoption, I was adopted by Doc Smith and he showed me the ways of the board and how it works. I just don't see it working like that anymore. Someone (sorry, I can't remember who it was) had stated that for the most part, adoption seems to be "let's see how many newbies I can get under my belt". I agree with that 100% (for Slash and GS, 57% ). Being an adopter myself, I have had my fair share of newbies and, for the most part, they have all become productive posters on this board. I said and did to them the same things that Doc Smith said and did for me. But, as of late, it seems that anyone who has approached me to be adopted has mainly had their own agenda and felt that the only reason they needed to be adopted was to be accepted. I, for one, have never looked at who adopted someone to determine whether they were a good or bad poster. I look for quality in their posts.

I'm not going to sit here and defend a former mod who is also a good friend of mine. As Sean has pointed out, he has his own message board. I am not only a regular poster there, but I am also an admin as well. That has not stopped me from reading THIS board every single day. You can bash him until you are blue in the face, but ultimately he is going to turn out to be "that old gag" and then the vet that everybody misses. Whether or not you agree with the reasons why someone leaves this message board, I think some people (Gonzo, Froy, Gooch and the rest) take it a little too personally. When I joined this message board and searched FAQ, it never once stated that this was the only message board I could belong to and never stated that I could not start my own. I don't know the reasons he gave you for leaving and I don't want to know the reasons for his leaving, because they are personal between you and him.

And, in closing, when I joined this message board, it was nothing but O&A all the time. Now it's is just an Off Topic message board with an Opie & Anthony forum.

Newbies No mas once again. If you are interested in being adopted AIM. OAbrokenjaw or e-mail [email protected]

Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 11:17 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Froy has stopped the automatic abuse of newbies which was a good thing.

Not really, man... as I said, automatic abuse has been replaced with automatic "go get adopted" - and is that REALLY better? Seems like the same shit to me.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
Me droogies:
Noellevious.... she's made me so proud.
Two positions available. Come and get one in the yarbles.... if you have any yarbles.
Ok, I know this is all a ploy, but, I'll play anyway.

Dylan? BAH! I've heard BETTER!

posted on 10-14-2001 @ 12:58 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
Ok, I have a few questions.
Are females allowed here or is this mostley just a males message board?
If Newbies are just regarded as a thorn in the side, why hasn't this become a private message board closed to new members?
Bashing - What is your exact meaning of this word? Is it playful banter or is it maliciousness? Please excuse my ignorance, I wasn't here a year ago.

People are crazy and times are strange
I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range
I used to care, but things have changed
The Painter
1/2 a bottle of Jack Daniels... it's a cure-all
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 1:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
What bothers me? It's too slow. Takes too long to load sometimes. Are 200 pages of history really needed. Clear out some of the dead wood.

As far as the other shit goes, the board goes in cycles. Good times, Bad times. Just like real life. Be patient, it'll come back around.

posted on 10-14-2001 @ 1:16 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

The majority of members are men, but that is because the majority of show listeners are men. Women are not O&A's target demographic for a reason. None of my female friends find them amusing, and most of my guy friends are shocked that I know who they are. Women are more than welcome on the board...but I do think that as a woman on the board you have to be careful because A LOT of the men here are vultures who will IM you etc. once they know you are not a guy trying to meet, hook up etc. Besides that, things here are pretty equal, unless of course you put yourself out there.

As for the newbies being a thorn in people's sides, I don't think anyone feels that way unless they are assholes. I think the perfect example of that is KensPen...he came in here and his first post was a really funny one tooled on him, they told him he was funny... You're only as annoying as you want to be....

"I know every one of you, I know the sea of torment, doubt, despair and unbelief." -Walt Whitman

I wear a helmet and lick the windows
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 1:36 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Well, first off. Change the I love the Froy in your sigs. That makes me sick. Stop sucking up. Froy I do have a lot of respect for you, but you know what? I refuse to kiss anyone's ass.

Next, about the status. It doesn't really bother me what I have. If a mod likes to jerkoff by using his powers, then go right ahead. I feel it's pathetic, but whatever makes you happy.

Another thing. Don't hate me because I run another site. Competition makes the sites better. Let me just say that the site I run by no means is competition to you guys. But realize that there will be other sites. All you guys have to do it step up and you will overcome them, and you'll be better for it.

Finally, I basically agree with everything Gonzo said. That was the perfect post. If I missed anything, just read Gonzo's post again and add what he said to mine.

*edit* Adressing my post count. I post when I feel it is appropriate and there won't be any reprocussions, some people should do the same.

An example of the non-posting because of reprocussions is the circle jerk of making fun of ezboard. I'm only 16, I cannot afford a board so I have to make it free. I can't help it. I'll add things as they come to me.

For the record, on my site anyone who makes fun of this board or tells people off that belong to this are taken care of. I don't like that shit and it's just plain wrong. We would like to be like the baby site of you guys. At peace at all times. But when you guys make fun of us it's very hard to control my members. *edit*

Thanks for the pic Jo.

Graduate of the Mr. Brownstone Academy of Dance, you've been warned.

This message was edited by FoundryMusicDragon on 10-14-01 @ 2:08 PM
Sean Cold 3:16
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 1:46 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

I'm not going to sit here and defend a former mod who is also a good friend of mine. As Sean has pointed out, he has his own message board. I am not only a regular poster there, but I am also an admin as well. That has not stopped me from reading THIS board every single day. You can bash him until you are blue in the face, but ultimately he is going to turn out to be "that old gag" and then the vet that everybody misses. Whether or not you agree with the reasons why someone leaves this message board, I think some people (Gonzo, Froy, Gooch and the rest) take it a little too personally. When I joined this message board and searched FAQ, it never once stated that this was the only message board I could belong to and never stated that I could not start my own. I don't know the reasons he gave you for leaving and I don't want to know the reasons for his leaving, because they are personal between you and him

You know what, I was not going to single out any event that took place in this thread but if you think for one fuckin moment that I am going to sit idely by why you spout your phoney rhetoric and wax philosophicly about Corpse's greatness, you can suck my dick. He lied about his reasoning to leave here and just like every other bullshit artist, he made sure to take a jab at this board as well. He talked to me on the phone the day he figured out that his whipped ass could no longer hang here. He said he was going to get his life together and that he had no time for a message board. He said he had yet another job that would change his life for ever. Well, he lied about all of that shit. Funny how the day he left is the same day your board went live. I know for a fact one of the reasons he left is because some of us here held Seph in higher regards than him, so don't give me any of your shit, BJ. Here is a new FAQ just for you: I don't give a fuck if you post here or not in all actuality. You are not one of the elite members that this board is going to miss and niether is your "friend". Corpse stole, yes, he took from here his core membership and created a cheap, third rate knock off. No one ever said you can't post anywhere else but when you attack this place, you are attacking the members that you left behind and you are attacking me. You don't like Jeff, well, you silly one eyed fag, tough shit. Guess what, I don't like him much myself at times, but I get over it. You just proved to be another fuckface who can't hang. I take it personally because not even including his full of shit swan song of a post, he lied to me. So take your assumpsitions and stick them staight up your ass side ways. Just like in the real world, this place has it's defining moments as do the members who have stuck by this hell hole through thick and thin. Your defining moment was when you left, congrats, you finally got noticed more now than you ever had while being here.

And, at least the post did accomplish one thing, I acctually got Lunabae to post somewhere other than the Questions thread.

:::sniff, sniff:::

I am so proud=)=)=)=)

And That's The Bottom Line......

E-Mail Me

The Answer is no, I do not like you.

This message was edited by Sean Cold 3:16 on 10-14-01 @ 3:33 PM
Soldier of Fortune Spec Ops Division
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 2:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Sean awsome thread dude. Ok i just got done reading this thread and almost everything i had to say was said by gonzo in his 2 initial posts. But there are some other things such as, to this post


Eff you newbies who complain about being called a newbie or the archaic tradition of celebrating post counts. It's like a Freshman complaining about being called a Freshman by Seniors in a high school. It's part of the culture and you will grow through it. You're complaining that we don't accept you immediately, well, I've seen too many fresh-meat die that I don't even ask what their name is anymore.

Oh, and about kissing Froy's ass, Fuck the little 14 year old shithead. I loathe the Froy.

Bravo, i couldnt have said that better. This place is jus ike HS, the older people arer like Seniors that move on and the newbies are the freshmen. Deal with it.


Another thing. Don't hate me because I run another site. Competition makes the sites better. Let me just say that the site I run by no means is competition to you guys. But realize that there will be other sites. All you guys have to do it step up and you will overcome them, and you'll be better for it.

Im in agreement 100% with ya Dragon, since i help him run the board i do have some of the same opinions. We made that board so we could have a place where we didnt have to worry about getting banned or tooled on for our actions. We were in no way competing with this one. Nothing against anyone here at all. i dont think we deserved being bashed for it either.

Another thing is the "I Love the Froy" bs. U dont have to show that u love him by having that in ur sig. He even said that u dont have to kiss his ass. so dont.

Lastly, jus as Gonzo said on the 1st page, any grudges ive had with anyone from here im am as of now dropping. If we want to better this place i think well have to get along somewhat. and that doesnt mean being nicey nice either. a god fight everyonce and a whie is good for yer health. But the personal vendettas have to go out the window.


As far as the other shit goes, the board goes in cycles. Good times, Bad times. Just like real life. Be patient, it'll come back around.

Painter is totally right about this, jus like in life this board is cyclical, we have our ups and downs. this board hasnt even gotten to its prime yet. trust me when we get there ull know it.

ive said my peace for now if anything comes to mind ill say it later.

Wealth is too precious to be entrusted to the rich

Go to Foundry Chat, and talk to other O& members

King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 10-14-2001 @ 2:19 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01

Change the I love the Froy in your sigs. That makes me sick. Stop sucking up. Froy I do have a lot of respect for you, but you know what? I refuse to kiss anyone's ass.

LMAO. You really don't get that do you. It's a joke. 99% of you don't even know how it came about. It wasn't even my idea. It's something that was spawned out of an on-going joke that only 3 or 4 people originally knew about. I don't care if you put it up or not. I don't give a shit who kisses my ass, that has never been nor will it ever be what I am about. You are free to put or not put whatever you like in your signatures so long as it fits the guidelines.

As far as other parties are concerned. GS I think you missed my point with the cheery restaurant owner comment. The people who know me, know that I am a recluse. I much prefer to hang out and lurk at gatherings. My point is that when it's an official gathering, I'm expected to play the host. And when I charge admission, then it becomes my responsibility to make sure that people are getting what they want and having a good time. Is it an act? Not in the least, you know me, you know I'm not fake.

On the topic of other message boards, let me make this perfectly clear... I do not care what other sites you post on. So long as it isn't candyland, you can post anyplace you like. I have never had a problem with, so far as I am concerned we are two separate entities. As far as the spin-offs, I don't give a shit, they don't exist in my opinion. I have more than enough to worry about without having to play messageboard-wars. Your posting on other sites WILL NOT INFLUENCE YOUR STANDING HERE, unless there arises a conflict of interests in which the mods feel you should not be an adopter, etc.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 2:41 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I can't believe I have to say this, but (and it's not just to you JJ, your post was just the last one I read on the subject)

Another thing is the "I Love the Froy" bs. U dont have to show that u love him by having that in ur sig. He even said that u dont have to kiss his ass. so dont.

It's called Irony and Sarcasm people. We're making fun of people who kiss ass by BLATANTLY kissing ass with "I love the Froy" It's a running gag, an inside JOKE. I can't believe some people would misinterpret such an obvious goof as being serious.

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun!"
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 2:56 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Change the I love the Froy in your sigs. That makes me sick. Stop sucking up. Froy I do have a lot of respect for you, but you know what? I refuse to kiss anyone's ass.

Yeah, it's been said twice now but since it's in my sig I feel the need to respond....

Yes, it's a joke. Yes, you obviously do not get it. I got it as soon as I saw it and laughed my ass off... and the joke was timed really well, as it was about time to phase out of the 9/11 theme and move back toward a bit of humor.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
Me droogies:
Noellevious.... she's made me so proud.
Two positions available. Come and get one in the yarbles.... if you have any yarbles.
Shelle Bink
True star of the celebrity softball game: the redhead in section 101.
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 3:08 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01
I'd tell you, but I'd be banned.

The "safer" thing I'll address are simple:

I hate the false friendships... you know who you are

Wanna Get Me Wet?
Soon To Be Irish Citizen
Soldier of Fortune Spec Ops Division
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 3:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
shelle u know the people that are ur friends here care about u very much.

Wealth is too precious to be entrusted to the rich

Go to Foundry Chat, and talk to other O& members

Psycho Bitch
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 3:46 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01
The only thing I think that really "bothers" me about is the constant complaining about the site. It's a message's not a dictatorship or a's a message's ot's a message board . There is no right or wrong way to run it. In my opinion if people don't like the way it's run they have a choice...leave. No one is forcing anyone to stay here if they don't like how things are. Several people mentioned other message boards. Find one that better suits your needs. Change is the one constant in life. Things change, people come and go. Accept that you cannot control these things and embrace the change. If you don't then you will be fighting the very thing that makes life interesting. I'm sure a lot of people are also tired of the grumbling that goes on about how things were better in the "old days". People can't keep living in the past.

I never understand the people that bitch and moan about being picked on. Like the people who complain about their statuses....Give me a break. Do you really think anyone here thinks that what your status says defines who you are?? You have got to be kidding me. If you feel the need to whine about what your status says you have much bigger problems going on and should seek help.

Personally, I could care less who is kissing who's ass...who is fighting with who and what so and so said to what's his name. I am not interested in the personal dramas and the rumors that circulate around this place. I don't need to know certain things. But the people complaining about the "I love the Froy" joke crack me up....Yeah, I confess..the only reason I have a strike is because my sig doesn't say "I love the Froy" lol lol lol ...(Yes, some idiotic tool actually asked me that).
Froy is not really a king and being a mod on does not make anyone any better in the real world. None of them think this way. None of the mods/admins are unapproachable. I understand how some of the newbies may feel this way. I'll admit that when I first joined I thought Froy was kinda snobby and that Jeff was a dick. Then I met them both and I'll tell you Froy is a lot of fun and Jeff is a sweetheart. It's quite unfair to judge people if you don't take the chance to get to know them.

Bottom line is this is a message board, it exists for pure enjoyment. People take this shit waaaaaay too seriously. I have enough problems in my real life to worry about what silly things are going on here. I come here to vent about things or to escape reality for awhile. The day this becomes reality is the day I leave. It won't be fun anymore and that would defeat the whole purpose of coming here.

If I seem a little scattered There's an empty space where something used to beat
I'm definately shattered Like some stupid piece of china How pathetic of me

Let it be me, I'll be your poetry in motion. A desolate island when you sail the deep blue ocean. All your tomorrows for all your yesterdays. I'll be a lamb or a lion you can tame. And I hope and I pray that my offer will find its way. Yes I know there'll come a day, when in return I'll need the same. Let it be me, the star who guides you through the night. I'll make it worth your while.

i know better than to ask for a status from you mean ol' mods
Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag
I shall call him mini-FTL
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 3:59 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

This message was edited by CriticsLoveSnatch on 10-14-01 @ 4:08 PM
Always will bow down to the power of the Faceman!!!!
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 7:36 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00

No one ever said you can't post anywhere else but when you attack this place, you are attacking the members that you left behind and you are attacking me. You don't like Jeff, well, you silly one eyed fag, tough shit. Guess what, I don't like him much myself at times, but I get over it. You just proved to be another fuckface who can't hang. I take it personally because not even including his full of shit swan song of a post, he lied to me. So take your assumpsitions and stick them staight up your ass side ways. Just like in the real world, this place has it's defining moments as do the members who have stuck by this hell hole through thick and thin. Your defining moment was when you left, congrats, you finally got noticed more now than you ever had while being here.

First off please tell me when and where I attacked this board or its members. Also did I or did I not say I did not know the reasons that Corpse gave you for his leaving. I think I said I did not know. Did I once say that your bashing of him was wrong? No I did not say that either. Furthermore did I stop posting on this message board? No I have not stopped I have just slowed down, for no reason other then that I felt I had nothing to contribute. Shoot me if I would rather have something useful to say then just post the first thing that pops into my head. You say my defining moment was when I left. Did I leave? I don't think I did.

Wow you called me a silly one eyed fag, boy that hurts I did not know I had one eye and I am sure no one else did either. I posted to this thread because you said that it would have no bearing on peoples status here on the board. Well look at that, not only did you single me out, I am also no longer an adopter. That's funny because I thought I was a good adopter and always STUCK by this board. Bash me if you want, I really don't care. Call me one eye, call me a pirate or cyclops, I have dealt with it all my life and always will. But ya know what in the long run you are the one making an ass out of yourself not me.


This message was edited by Brokenjaw on 10-14-01 @ 7:38 PM
Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Consciousness UFC
(I'm a dick and I like to ruin people's plans)
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 7:40 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00

Psycho Bitch wrote:

In my opinion if people don't like the way it's run they have a choice...leave.

Remember that advice, your advice the next time you bitch about shit.


Psycho Bitch wrote:

it's not's a message board

and followed up with...


Girl Interrupted wrote:

I never understand the people that bitch and moan about being picked on. Like the people who complain about their statuses....Give me a break. Do you really think anyone here thinks that what your status says defines who you are?? You have got to be kidding me. If you feel the need to whine about what your status says you have much bigger problems going on and should seek help.

For someone who bitched and fucking moaned that she would never come back to chat and that you would leave unless I removed an addition that I added to your status that was a dig at myself NOT at you, you have a LOT of fucking nerve to spout that shit. Take your own advice and seek help!

I love The Froy:

The I love The Froy shit was a joke that only a few people, as Froy pointed out, knew about. Out of the 99% of the people that didn't know, a percentage were privy to the "inside joke" second hand. The rest were just sheep who added it to their sigs. In retrospect, a part of why I had it in my sig fits ALL 3 categories and plus another category or 2. To be clear, it was NEVER an ass kissing thing on my end.

Nicey Nice:

When it comes to nicey nice, I have one question...

How long would news stations and newspapers stay in buisness if all that was reported was boy scouts helping an old lady cross the street?

I have never personally acknowledged the nicey nice attitude when I posted nor do I bash unnecessarily. Use your heads and choose your battles wisely. And by all means, if you aren't a mod do NOT try and act like one. It will not get you "noticed" in a positive way.


I have always thought it was the most candylandish idea ever brought to the board. I don't know how it was ever taken seriously. I have never taken part in it, even when mods were allowed to adopt. Survival of the fittest is the way it should be. If one needs to be coddled and spoon fed so they know how to behave on a message board then it's time to draw a warm bath and open a vein, PERIOD!

News and Entertainment threads:

OK, as I explained to Gonzo (NOT Gonzostyle) in his weekly band plugging thread "Poppa Squat" - He is to update his existing thread and not start weekly threads. The same rule shall apply to news and entertainment threads.

IkeaBoy, confine your copy/paste entertainment stories to 1 thread per day.

TeenWeek, confine your copy/paste news stories to 1 thread per day.

That is update your threads with new stories. This will keep everyone happy. The both of you will be able to hone your copy / paste technique, the board won't be cluttered up with threads of this nature, and all the members who get their news exclusively from will find it all in one covenient place.

Also, IkeaBoy and TeenWeek, try and do as GonzoStyle, I believe posted, and add something that comes from your own head. Say something, say anything...

Other Boards:

First off, to me only one other board exists other than

As far as Corpse's board...

Well, I was never a close friend with Corpse. If he left here under false pretenses and lied to his friends, he has to live with that. Since I was not personally involved, I have nothing personal to add to the discussion.

As Sean pointed out, there are those of us who have been here since practically the beginning and who stuck with this place through thick and thin, even when thin was too thin to skate on.

It's that quality (loyalty), that should be respected NOT a position a few of us hold.

Funny how ev'rything was roses
When we held on to the guns

Write To Me Here

AIM: SmarterChild

This message was edited by SLASH on 10-14-01 @ 7:50 PM

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