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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - a serious topic---FAT CHANCE in Hell

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: a serious topic---FAT CHANCE in Hell
posted on 07-10-2001 @ 10:39 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well Mendi is a professional publisher the Grk, she knows how to word it to get some intrest.

What Would Jesus Do? He died so the rest of us could have a better life. Why don't you go and follow his lead.
"You have to commit to the stupidity"-Adam Ferrara, star of "The Job" and Olive Garden Commercials
Star of Pleasure Production's Adult Feature "The Unlucky Guy" Now availabile on DVD at finer adult establishments near you.
E-Mail Me
Named an Official C-blocker by RonRedDog on 6/5/2001 At 2:25 P.M.
There are still two place settings available at my table and remember, all the free breadsticks and salad you can eat.

posted on 07-10-2001 @ 10:47 AM      
Registered: Jul. 01
ok, im a little new to the board....but been listening and laughing my ass off since the beginning in seems to me that anyone who is comfortable with their own bodies and themselves should have the ample (no pun intended opportunity to not only enter, but be voted on and possibly win the contest...

i think that the contests are cool, and i always vote on them both on foundry, as well as i appreciate the human all forms, chubby, skinny, "barbie doll" and otherwise, but mendi, it is in the modern society's eyes that "thin is in" ...always has been (with the exception of the dutch painters, who loved a big girl), and probably always will bring lots of laughs to the show, and i hope you keep on keepin on here, it makes an already awesome show that much better....

ive never been a "chubby chaser", but i think that everyone has something special about them, and until it is truly found and seen, to judge by what you see is a short-minded thing...

just one man's opinion


Absolutely spectacular, and 1337 as hell.
posted on 07-10-2001 @ 1:58 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
As someone here mentioned in passing, thin was not always is. A long time ago, thick women and men were considered attractive because they could afford to get food in them, combared to a poor and lowly peasant, who couldn't afford fine foods, was thin, and was therefore unattractive.

That slowly started to change when people started to become more health conscious. It suddenly became that the rich people were becoming skinnier because they could afford lean cuts of mean, healthier milk, ect. ect. It was then that the poor started to gain a little weight because of the poor nutritional value of the food they were eating.

posted on 07-10-2001 @ 5:24 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01

I wonder if Ernie and Bert are comfortable with their size? LOL

Well... Ernie could stand to lose a few pounds.
Now Janice... she's a POA! :-)

I AM The Party.

"I always fall asleep to the sound of my own screams... and then I always get woken up in the morning by the sound of my own screams. Do you think I'm unhappy?"
Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 07-10-2001 @ 8:35 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Well, that's how society is today.
However, it's not just women, it's people in general. The most you can do is just keep your head up and do the best you can with what you have been given in life.'s headhunter and big brother to a select few

One sucessful graduate: whichwaymediumorrare
And a brand new headhunter in training: Short hills mall

posted on 07-11-2001 @ 12:02 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
MaMaC - All-

Sorry to go off off topic here...

But that pic of Ant Preggers is just TOO
God-Damn, Knee-Slappin, Gut Bustin, Trailer-Livin', Few-Teeth-Havin', Banjo-Playin', Sister-Rapin' funny.


Dante: Any balls down there?
Jay: About the biggest pair you ever seen, dingleberry.

"`You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk.'
`What's so unpleasant about being drunk?'
`You ask a glass of water.'"
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 1:14 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
these are all great points.some not so great,but we all forget one little thing ITS THE O+A SHOW.if they decide who picks the finalists then so be it.just as soon as we all are working for there show we can change it.till then i guess we have to go along with the way they do things.i like it that way.let the creative people do there thing.

OPM * chick
posted on 07-13-2001 @ 8:31 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01

I posted this for a serious discussion about how people feel about bigger women.

ok, not to get all cheesy on u guys but I think that people shouldn't have to work up to other people's standards of beauty. You should like how u look, and if u don't, change that for yourself, not for what somebody else says.

I think that the main thing should be that you're comfortable with how u look and can accept yourself, as long as u can do that u'll be happy. Plus lots of people like different body types. I try to not be superficial and not judge people by their appearance.

1st girl graduate of Jon Benet Norton's school of kid touching

~* here comes a storm in the form of a girl *~

This message was edited by OPM * chick on 7-13-01 @ 8:44 PM
posted on 07-31-2001 @ 1:17 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01
Mendi, I realize I'm really HELLACIOUSLY late having just met you on AOL Messenger today, but I support you 100 %.... you go girl!!


Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 07-31-2001 @ 6:17 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Man, talk about dragging out an old one,
And I just brought it back to the top. I feel like a fool.

Everyone has a reason to live.
My reason is to piss off my opposition because I enjoy their misery.

Now accepting applications for two new headhunters to be trained.

posted on 07-31-2001 @ 7:05 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
hey Zee. It was nice talking to you too. See you online sometime soon. And Filzy yeah this one is old.

Be sure to check out my site at or check out Big Butt Magazine at
Nana's Precious
posted on 07-31-2001 @ 7:29 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
you've got to be fucking kidding me......

"what, I thought we were all just having fun..."

guardian of f_tarded

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