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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - O & A - faker than Rocko (Korn)

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: O & A - faker than Rocko (Korn)
Talk Show Host
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 9:44 AM      
Registered: Jan. 01
If O&A are so fake why do you listen and why are you a member of the message board. And who cares if its fake we get to here new KoRn songs which is never a bad thing

You want me, well fucking well come and find me
I'll be waiting with a gun and a pack of sandwiches


Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 10:00 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

I hate to burst your bubble, but what O&A did on April 1, 1998, was quite possibly also fake radio.

And quite possibly it was real according to your a priori logic.


It seems that sometime in 1998, CBS Broadcating planned to buy up American Radio Systems Corporation. CBS already owned 4 stations in the Boston market (WBCN was one of them, i believe). ARCS owned 7 stations in Boston, including WAAF. In order to meet the FCC requirements, CBS had to get rid of some stations in Boston. On March 31, 1998, CBS was hit with an antitrust civil action complaint. The FCC report was adopted on May 27, 1998, saying that CBS would get rid of WAAF, along with a few other stations, by Dec 31, 1998.

Hmm, let’s see...CBS planned to buy ARSC’s stations sometime in 1998...I think you are talking about a total of 11 of them happened to be WAAF...and in this hodgepodge of your own speculation, we are to believe that CBS Broadcasting conspired with two DJs, (two of how many in 11 radio stations, not to mention the 97 stations they were seeking to acquire), and a popular pair at that, and concocted a scheme, presumably overnight since you stress the March 31, 1998 date, to claim that the Mayor of Boston was dead. It seems they also contacted the Mayor that same night and asked him to be outraged, and presumably they also concocted a visit to a child cancer care center to do “fake” damage control.


Now all those dates are just a little too coincidental. It's funny how O&A blame Dave "Dickless" for their firing, but the company that fired them is the same one that employs them now. Fake radio? ... you decide.

I don’t know about that. You seem to be giving O&A a lot of credit. Too much. They may be syndicated today, but in 1998 do you think they had enough clout to orchestrate this “fake” bit on such a large corporate scale? The “coincidence” of the dates is just that. It must be very nerve wracking for you to live in a world so full of goblins and phantoms. Anyone can take a series of dates, circumstances and business decisions and create a tapestry of deceit and conspiracy, but for you to so broadly cast your net to try and trap a radio show in order to say “Gotcha on your fake radio bit” is laughable and, frankly, disturbing. And for the record, O&A never said that Dave “Dickless” fired them. They hate the guy because he didn’t support them with management. Hence, “Dickless”.

You have an extremely large axe to grind and I think it is time you come clean and tell us your real motivation. One radio bit that you deem fake does not an entire show undo. Perhaps you should reexamine your motives.

By the way, I read the FCC decision, and my god man, did you understand it? It doesn’t seem like you did. If you can come away from reading that article with the understanding that the “Mayor is dead” bit was part of the grand scheme of CBS purchasing stations across the United States, you should double check your SAT scores; math and verbal.


CBS directly, or through its subsidiaries, controls fifteen full-service television stations, three television satellite stations, and 75 radio stations (31 AM stations and 44 FM stations). As a result of the proposed merger, CBS will acquire 97 radio station licenses or permits (24 AM stations and 73 FM stations). As a result of the proposed merger, CBS will acquire existing ARSC radio station groups in local radio markets in thirteen metropolitan areas where it does not control any radio or television stations. CBS will also acquire radio stations from ARSC in local radio markets in ten metropolitan areas where it already controls radio station groups.

Somewhere in this mammoth merger you find the O&A conspiracy and fake radio bit credible? You are ponderous, simply ponderous.

And maybe you can address my previous concerns about your credibility at some point.

I appreciate the time you took to concoct your scheme, I hope this doesn’t degenerate into a battle where you demand answers from me with any sense of immediacy. I’ve been patient with you, please extend the courtesy.

Finally, I quite frankly don't give a rat's ass if this was a "fake" bit. If the show amuses me, then it has done it's job. If you are going to live your life trying to undermine a "stupid radio show", then you may wake up one day to find a very empty and meaningless life has left you old and weary without anything to show for it. And before you hurl that stone back at me, I will say that I rarely take the time to address anything seriously on this Board any more, however, the arrogance, conceit and self-righteousness of your posting leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not fighting to uphold the restraints that give protection to rights fully accrued upon facts so nearly permanent as to be substantially impervious to change, rather I am for the supervision of changing conduct or conditions and are thus provisional or tentative.

I watch Courtroom Dramas so I am TEH L33T COPYRIET LAWEYR!!!11
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 10:04 AM      
Registered: Nov. 01

If O&A are so fake why do you listen and why are you a member of the message board. And who cares if its fake we get to here new KoRn songs which is never a bad thing

Because they make me laugh a lot. Just because i criticise them, doesn't mean i don't like them. The problem with "fanatical" listeners, some of which are ont his board, is that any attempt at criticism is immediately met by vehemence and attacks. Your Gods aren't perfect, sometimes they screw up and i think this is one of those times. Notice how the most fanatical repliers are those that really have nothing to add to the arguement besides hatred and name-calling. There have been a lot of intelligent responses, also, but in my opinion, this situation stinks way too much of fake radio.

Skeet Slambone
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 10:48 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

If all you can do is name-call, then maybe you should stay out of this thread.

Whatever, DICK.

Daniel from Alabama
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 10:59 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01

If Sony really wanted this stopped, they could stop it. In reality, the "leak" of the "rough copy" of the new Korn album is probably intentional.

Actually, if you search for the album on the IRC its fairly easy to find.

posted on 04-03-2002 @ 11:07 AM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Monocracy you bore me-go away!!!

Yeah thanks Dick!!!!!

Sweet Merciful Crap!
DJ Rifleman
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 11:28 AM      
Registered: Apr. 02
If anybody is fake, I think Sony and MTV. I think that they started the "leak" for publisity.

FU, DJ Rifleman
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 12:25 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Looky here tool. You damn conspircy-theorist dude, read Buttmunchs post...then think about this Do you really think that either Op or Ant would care enough to pull something like that off...NO!!!...Ants too busy spanking his mule to Mary Kate and Ashley posters and Ops to busy being angry and miserable. now go home.

Fuck sig pics id rather get stoned

"We live in a country where John Lennon takes 6 bullets to the chest, Yoko Onoo standing right fucking next to him not 1 fucking bullet" Dennis Leary

Proud grunt of the O+A army

posted on 04-03-2002 @ 12:33 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Sadly, this ass-master has a point. too bad he
had to roon it with this x-files cbs big brother
conspiracy theory crap.

This Korn thing reeks of fake radio, plain and
simple. If sony really wanted to, they could
bury infinity for this. But thats not what they are
looking for - publicity.
This is the way I think it went down:
Sony leaks the pre-mastered album, knowing
stations will play it. O&A get their hands on it.
Sony sends a letter to make it seem like a
bigger deal and draw attention to the album.

I don't think O&A were "in" on it, i.e. Sony sent
it to them directly and said "ha ha we'll send
you a letter too, it'll be sweet" but I think they
were unwitting pawns in sony's little scheme.

Its sad to see them get caught in the same
PR trap every other DJ does.

"Philly: It's Camden -
with a bell."
- Jim Norton
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 12:35 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00

Just because i criticise them, doesn't mean i don't like them

If people knew how to think for themselves, they might understand this concept.



Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 12:47 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

If people knew how to think for themselves, they might understand this concept

Are you implying that I don't think for myself?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not fighting to uphold the restraints that give protection to rights fully accrued upon facts so nearly permanent as to be substantially impervious to change, rather I am for the supervision of changing conduct or conditions and are thus provisional or tentative.

posted on 04-03-2002 @ 12:55 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
You have a point there JohnSlack, Sony could sue Infinity but they have to prove liability they have to factually prove that O+A playing the songs signifacantly hurt the albums sale...thats not an easy thing to do Sony probably doesnt want to have to fight a big corporation like Infinity that owns like half of the radio stations in America cause then Infinity could boycott Sony and not play any music off there label. Ya' see?

Fuck sig pics id rather get stoned

"We live in a country where John Lennon takes 6 bullets to the chest, Yoko Onoo standing right fucking next to him not 1 fucking bullet" Dennis Leary

Proud grunt of the O+A army

posted on 04-03-2002 @ 4:57 PM      
Registered: May. 01

You have a point there JohnSlack, Sony
could sue Infinity but they have to prove liability
they have to factually prove that O+A playing
the songs signifacantly hurt the albums
sale...thats not an easy thing to do Sony
probably doesnt want to have to fight a big
corporation like Infinity that owns like half of
the radio stations in America cause then
Infinity could boycott Sony and not play any
music off there label.

exactly. O&A are smart enough to know
nothing would really happen to them by
playing it, but they were like "whoa we can get
in real trouble for this" and really played that

I think that was the original posters complaint,
and I agree. It's fake radio plain and simple.

"Philly: It's Camden -
with a bell."
- Jim Norton
Dj Eclipse
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 7:08 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02
Why are their a few people bashing Monocracy for questioning this bit? He has made a few good points... I personally don't think this bit is fake but why is it wrong for someone to question it... at least he has done some research to back his argument up.

O&A explained to us yesterday that they think there is nothing Sony can do about them playing the songs. They weren't playing it up like you say they were. They also said that Korn is getting huge publicity from them doing this bit.

Now someone today requested them to play some of the new Rush that isn't out yet. If they could play that tomorrow I think it would prove that this bit is for real. Since a caller requested Rush today (unless you want to say that the caller was fake too) I don't think they would be able to work out a deal with Rush in a day to play their unreleased songs.

The man with the plan!

This message was edited by Dj Eclipse on 4-3-02 @ 7:19 PM
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 8:25 PM      
Registered: Oct. 01
Sony would have to prove that they and Korn where hurt by the play of the songs. it's alittle hared to prove that before the cd comes out...

~~ VODAK ~~
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 10:23 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Exactly(JohnSlack), but your missing 1 thing O+A could still get in trouble with Infinity. Infinity doesnt want to fight Sony and O+A are giving Sony shit (by playing the album), so Sony would give Infinity shit(even though they wouldnt sue) they could still write letters and shit so then infinity gives the shit back to O+A. (anyone else recalling a certain Carlin bit right now)

Fuck sig pics id rather get stoned

"We live in a country where John Lennon takes 6 bullets to the chest, Yoko Onoo standing right fucking next to him not 1 fucking bullet" Dennis Leary

Proud grunt of the O+A army

This message was edited by O+A_Armyman on 4-3-02 @ 10:31 PM
Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 04-04-2002 @ 11:01 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Monocracy, I have a suggestion...
Get a fucking hobby.
Anyone that has to find a conspiracy theory in anything is only gonna end up with high blood pressure, mental problems, strokes, and a one-way trip to the squirrel farm.
Have you learned anything from 9/11, Monocracy? Apparently, no because every conspiracy theory I heard are now lies because the pentagon was attacked and it's only defense was air defense.
Granted, they sound like they're true, but unfortunately, what you're tellng me is just great fabrications of your imagination.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go talk to my uncle who tells me his memories of his life in a submarine when he was in the navy.
At least they are true you paranoid dunce. :-D

"I'm proud that I've never had a drug problem or complained that sucess sucks and shot myself like Kurt Cobain did.
Sorry, but sucess is something people like me dream about.

~Chuck Schuldiner b.05-13-67 d.12-13-01

[Email][email protected][/Email]
posted on 04-04-2002 @ 12:41 PM      
Registered: Nov. 01 are a douche...I see your point that you might be suggesting the O & A are being hypocritical but who really gives a rats ass. All the korn fans were treated to a nice surprise. I happen to think Korn sucks ass, so I was just annoyed by them wasting airtime that could have been used to talk more about banging dolphins....actually even dead air is more entertaining the Korn music. So the short of it all is...why don't you just shut the F up and go away. Your opinion (as well as mine) doesn't mean shit anyway!

NORTON rules!!!! ya sick F!

I watch Courtroom Dramas so I am TEH L33T COPYRIET LAWEYR!!!11
posted on 04-05-2002 @ 1:01 PM      
Registered: Nov. 01

Sony could sue Infinity but they have to prove liability they have to factually prove that O+A playing the songs signifacantly hurt the albums sale


Sony would have to prove that they and Korn where hurt by the play of the songs. it's alittle hared to prove that before the cd comes out...

Although i may seem like one, i'm not actually trying to be an asshole. You are very, very, very ignorant of copyright laws.

Check out the Library Of Congress' website Visit this Website. And for their files on Copyright Laws Visit this Website. And more specifically, Title 17 of The United States Code, Chapter 5, Copyright Infringment and Remedies Visit this Website.

My summary of Section 504: Remedies for infringement: Damages and Profits:

Sony could sue for their actual damages and profits of the O&A show (most likely for commercial airspace sold during O&A's show, in all markets, at least during the times of the playings of the albums, and possibly for the entire show [depending on how good the lawyers are, i imagine])


Sony could sue for statutory damages, up to $150,000 (and i'm not quite sure if that's per offense[i.e. four songs], or for the whole lot, i'm not a lawyer).

Also, draw your attention to section 506: Criminal Offenses. Section 506 (a) (1) "Any person who infringes a copyright willfully for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain". So now please let me bring your attention to Copyright Law of the United States of America, Appendix VII Selected Provisions of the U.S. Code Relating to Copyright, Title 1 Crimes and Criminal Procedure, Part I Crimes, Chapter 113 Stolen Property Visit this Website

Section 2319 Criminal Infringement of a Copyright, part (b) (1): "Any person who commits an offense under section 506 (a)(1) of title 17 shall be imprisoned not more than 5 years, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if the offense consists of the reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, during any 180-day period, of at least 10 copies or phonorecords, of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of more than $2,500"

So, in conclusion, why do i think the Korn bits were fake radio? Because if they weren't, O&A's asses would be grasses, under copyright laws. Five minutes on a search with Google can work wonders.

Why do i think O&A's firing from WAAF was fake radio (yay, i'm a conspiracy theorist, it seems)? The "Mayor is dead" bit was completely unfunny ... it had no purpose other than to piss off the Mayor. I heard the bit myself that day, and all i thought was "Wow, the mayor's dead, who cares?" I'm sure their target audience of (18-34?) males were thinking pretty much the same thing. Seeing as how O&A were not usually this unfunny in a big way, a possible ulterior motive surfaces. The events in radio that year only support shennanigans. Plus, it is well known that O&A were kidnapped by aliens and raped by Sasquatch to comply with the Illuminati's demand of radio domination.

LOOK!! All my "N"s are capitalized!!!
posted on 04-05-2002 @ 1:02 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02
First, You are an Asshole.

Second, you have too much free time on your hand

Third, Let it go


Although i may seem like one, i'm not actually trying to be an asshole

LOOK!! All my "N"s are capitalized!!!
posted on 04-05-2002 @ 1:05 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02


Why do i think O&A's firing from WAAF was fake radio (yay, i'm a conspiracy theorist, it seems)? The "Mayor is dead" bit was completely unfunny ... it had no purpose other than to piss off the Mayor. I heard the bit myself that day, and all i thought was "Wow, the mayor's dead, who cares?" I'm sure their target audience of (18-34?) males were thinking pretty much the same thing. Seeing as how O&A were not usually this unfunny in a big way, a possible ulterior motive surfaces. The events in radio that year only support shennanigans. Plus, it is well known that O&A were kidnapped by aliens and raped by Sasquatch to comply with the Illuminati's demand of radio domination

The purpose of the bit was to pull a prank, not entertain. If they had come out and made jokes and and made it funny, everyone would know it was a prank. That was the opposite of what they wanted to accomplish. Nowadays, who falls for tricks on April Fools day. That was the beauty of the bit, It made you forget that it was April fools day.

I watch Courtroom Dramas so I am TEH L33T COPYRIET LAWEYR!!!11
posted on 04-05-2002 @ 1:14 PM      
Registered: Nov. 01

Second, you have too much free time on your hand

Call me Miss Cleo, but i knew someone would say that. The information is suprisingly easy to find on the internet, about 5-10 minutes of work. Just type "copyright laws" into Google, then check out the first hit. Government websites are very easy to navigate (hell, each page probably costs us taxpayers a few thousand bucks, it better be good).


The purpose of the bit was to pull a prank, not entertain.

Wrong. Their purpose is to entertain. End arguement.

The bit was offensive to only the mayor and his family/friends. If it were offensive to a large portion of the state, then it might be funny and entertaining, but the pervading aura was "who cares?" Either O&A had a personal grudge against the mayor and wanted to fuck with him, or my conspiracy theory is correct, that the Mayor of Boston was really eaten by the Loch Ness monster and replaced with an Elvis clone.

This message was edited by Monocracy on 4-5-02 @ 1:28 PM

Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 04-05-2002 @ 2:13 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
§ 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include-

(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;

(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and

(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not fighting to uphold the restraints that give protection to rights fully accrued upon facts so nearly permanent as to be substantially impervious to change, rather I am for the supervision of changing conduct or conditions and are thus provisional or tentative.

posted on 04-05-2002 @ 2:24 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Whatever happened to just enjoying the show and discussing it here? and Monoshit you gave me a fucken headache you douche water. Go get a job and life becuase if you did you wouldn't have this much time posting all your dribble.

Yeah thanks Dick!!!!!

Sweet Merciful Crap!
I watch Courtroom Dramas so I am TEH L33T COPYRIET LAWEYR!!!11
posted on 04-05-2002 @ 2:34 PM      
Registered: Nov. 01
Yes, Buttmunch, good job quoting a section of the copyright laws that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. I have i general knowledge of the fair use laws and i reread those sections while looking up the other crap, and nothing O&A did could be considered fair use. They played at least 4 songs, in total, from the album, they were definitely not doing it to comment or criticise. If you're going to make an arguement, please make it sane, or i'll send Yeti after you.

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