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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - When is your Birthday?

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Displaying 176-200 of 242 messages in this thread.
Posted ByDiscussion Topic: When is your Birthday?
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 11:46 AM      
Registered: Jan. 01
I think I'll jump in too.

November 6th...

any other board member think that Fall's the best time of year??

"This is, This is Legal isn't it?"
MamA CaZ
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 2:57 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01

any other board member think that Fall's the best time of year??

oh DEFINATELY!!! thats my favorite time of the year

THANK YOU to my *sugar-daddy* pink shirt wearing Adoptor JUST JON who made my sig pic.. and *BRIAN-KEVIN* Balloon NoT who helped me set it up...
SLASH's New Buddy, but shhh...
I am not allowed to tell anyone.
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 4:48 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
Well, since this thread is still near the top,
Another old bastard.

Sluggo667...Neighbor of the beast...
Is Don on the phone?
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 5:19 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
February 8 - Sharing with James Dean.

what's a status?
posted on 07-30-2001 @ 10:14 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
1/3/71 Sloatsburgh
1/7/81 Rowelentless
1/10 Shot Girl
1/10 Tequila
1/27 o&aswallow
1/30/75 MaynardGKrebs
1/31/72 slackjaw
1/31/76 crx girl
2/2/66 SweetAngel
2/5/72 TFEC
2/7/84 Harry Ballzanya
2/8/76 Joey Bigarms
2/8 Is Don On the Phone
2/11/80 DX-Bitch
2/16/66 Arpikarhu
2/23/72 hornygoatweed23
2/26/78 Cactus Sack
2/27/73 scmods
2/29/68 Slash
3/2/77 shyjer
3/5/74 The Mrs.
3/5/80 The Zodiak Killer
3/11/76 Rog2K
3/11 virgingrrl
3/11 F N Moron
3/20/83 mxomatrix
3/28/79 Dryblood
4/2/78 Jolene'78
4/6/82 Cluster F
4/7/85 Opie696
4/10/79 Jon Benet Norton
4/18/73 skitchr4u
4/19 Dana Dillon
4/23/82 CriticsLoveSnatch
4/29/75 Snoteater
5/5 Fez
5/8 Spork
5/19 NJPanther
5/30/83 WoundedAngel
5/31/73 King f-tard
6/2/59 MinDrain
6/3/74 njstrawberry
6/4 Danilo
6/5/85 Bartman
6/6/71 Psycho Bitch
6/8/84 Shelle Bink
6/9/72 Brokenjaw
6/10/83 droopy106
6/15/83 BabyNicole
6/17/78 spitfire421
6/18 Austin
6/19/74 Ahlexus
6/21 KeeKee
6/23/76 The Brain
6/25/84 Q_instupid
7/1/67 Metalfan
7/4/77 DreamWeaver
7/5/70 DevonGetTheTable
7/5/74 Ants in My Pants
7/9/83 Rone
7/11/76 Mayor of Sloatsburg
7/18 Sephiroth
7/18/74 Lord Magus
7/24/74 Mama Caz
7/25/64 Ronreddog
7/30/78 SFShield
8/3/77 BaLLooN NoT
8/11 The Painter
8/15 Froy
8/15/73 TeenWeek
8/21/85 jap bike jim
8/22 adolescentmasturbator
8/23/79 DoughBoy
8/25/81 Unicron
8/29/77 lyneday
9/1/81 Whackbag
9/4/86 Bangster
9/7/81 Nuggetking
9/9/83 WNEWs GIRL
9/10/81 GrkqtOandAfan
9/10/85 OPM * chick
9/12 Sykopathchik
9/19/80 CantHandleMyBooty
9/19/82 NJopposition
9/19 Barney Fife
9/21 WhatsInMyPants
9/23 Just Jon
9/23 Kingpin
9/23/85 TeenSlut
9/27/82 The Sleeper
10/3/72 Wendy
10/4/61 sluggo 667
10/7/67 NJDUDE
10/9 IAmMighty
10/9 Mr. Brownstone
10/9/70 Cap'n Fudge
10/14/80 JimboSHU
10/26/68 Nana's Precious
10/26 Canweseeyourstuff
10/26/81 mikeWOW
10/27/75 Black Lazerus
10/27/79 Brittney
10/30/67 pmbillrich
10/30/67 Fuckbag
10/30 FollowThisLogic
10/31/71 Drunken GW
10/31/77 Other white meat
11/2/77 Sir Okonkwo
11/6/83 IslesBaby00
11/6 JoyUTC
11/18/67 Tweek
11/19/74 Banana_juice
11/23/79 Doc Smith
11/26/85 fbdlingfrg
11/27 Flock of Moosen
11/27/85 FoundryMusicPaintballJoe
12/03/76 Heyladiladi
12/4/80 Fuckbag
12/5/77 GOD of PHUK
12/11/73 Kim
12/12 Raven
12/21 Lgaia
12/25 Buttmunch
12/25/73 meatballnip
12/28 Roger
12/29/65 whodawhatawhata
12/30/75 FukMeBoobs

what's a status?
posted on 08-07-2001 @ 7:52 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Figure bring this to the top for new members and some birthdays coming up for August.

posted on 08-07-2001 @ 9:06 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Let me add mine:


Damn TW I can't believe you took t he time to organize that ...

First ever grad from the Newbie Academy: Lord able to fly solo.
Currently training slot still open.

If you want to be adopted,
[email protected]
"No one is thinking if everyone is thinking alike"-Gen. George S. Patton

what's a status?
posted on 08-07-2001 @ 9:09 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Someone else did and than you just copy and paste it and add some names to it.

posted on 08-07-2001 @ 9:16 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
Hey TW, I feel like a loser too. I've been keeping a list since the thread started.

1/3/71 Sloatsburgh
1/7/81 Rowelentless
1/10 Shot Girl
1/10 Tequila
1/27 o&aswallow
1/30/75 MaynardGKrebs
1/31/72 slackjaw
1/31/76 crx girl
2/2/66 SweetAngel
2/5/72 TFEC
2/7/84 Harry Ballzanya
2/8/76 Joey Bigarms
2/8 Is Is Don On the Phone?
2/11/80 DX-Bitch
2/16/66 Arpikarhu
2/23/72 hornygoatweed23
2/26/78 Cactus Sack
2/27/73 scmods
2/29/68 Slash
3/2/77 shyjer
3/5/74 The Mrs.
3/5/80 The Zodiak Killer
3/6/78 AFDude
3/11/76 Rog2K
3/11 virgingrrl
3/11 FN Moron
3/20/83 mxomatrix
3/28/79 Dryblood
4/2/78 Jolene'78
4/6/82 Cluster F
4/7/85 Opie696
4/10/79 Jon Benet Norton
4/18/73 skitchr4u
4/19 Dana Dillon
4/23/82 CriticsLoveSnatch
4/29/75 Snoteater
5/5 Fez
5/8 Spork
5/19 NJPanther
5/30/83 WoundedAngel
5/31/73 King f-tard
6/2/59 MinDrain
6/3/74 njstrawberry
6/4 Danilo
6/5/85 Bartman
6/6/71 Psycho Bitch
6/8/84 Shelle Bink
6/9/72 Brokenjaw
6/10/83 droopy106
6/15/83 BabyNicole
6/17/78 spitfire421
6/18 Austin
6/19/74 Ahlexus
6/21 KeeKee
6/23/76 The Brain
6/25/84 Q_instupid
7/1/67 Metalfan
7/4/77 DreamWeaver
7/5/70 DevonGetTheTable
7/5/74 Ants in My Pants
7/9/83 Rone
7/11/76 Mayor of Sloatsburg
7/18 Sephiroth
7/18/74 Lord Magus
7/24/74 Mama Caz
7/25/64 Ronreddog
7/30/78 SFShield
8/3/77 BaLLooN NoT
8/7 Lt Boogaloo
8/11 The Painter
8/15 Froy
8/15/73 TeenWeek
8/21/85 jap bike jim
8/22 adolescentmasturbator
8/23/79 DoughBoy
8/25/81 Unicron
8/29/77 lyneday
9/1/81 Whackbag
9/4/86 Bangster
9/7/81 Nuggetking
9/9/83 WNEWs GIRL
9/10/81 GrkqtOandAfan
9/10/85 OPM * chick
9/12 Sykopathchik
9/19/80 CantHandleMyBooty
9/19/82 NJopposition
9/19 Barney Fife
9/21 WhatsInMyPants
9/23 Just Jon
9/23 Kingpin
9/23/85 TeenSlut
9/27/82 The Sleeper
10/3/72 Wendy
10/4/61 sluggo 667
10/7/67 NJDUDE
10/9 IAmMighty
10/9 Mr. Brownstone
10/9/70 Cap'n Fudge
10/14/80 JimboSHU
10/26/68 Nana's Precious
10/26 Canweseeyourstuff
10/26/81 mikeWOW
10/27/75 Black Lazerus
10/27/79 Brittney
10/30/67 pmbillrich
10/30/67 Fuckbag
10/30 FollowThisLogic
10/31/71 Drunken GW
10/31/77 Other white meat
11/2/77 Sir Okonkwo
11/6/83 IslesBaby00
11/6 JoyUTC
11/18/67 Tweek
11/19/74 Banana_juice
11/23/79 Doc Smith
11/26/85 fbdlingfrg
11/27 Flock of Moosen
11/27/85 FoundryMusicPaintballJoe
12/03/76 Heyladiladi
12/4/80 Fuckbag
12/5/77 GOD of PHUK
12/11/73 Kim
12/12 Raven
12/21 Lgaia
12/25 Buttmunch
12/25/73 meatballnip
12/28 Roger
12/29/65 whodawhatawhata
12/30/75 FukMeBoobs

Now you can see why I never wanted to leave that island

posted on 08-07-2001 @ 10:39 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
January 4th, 1982 (the year of the Deloreon)
I will be 20 and i except checks AND cash :)


I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden.
And along with the sunshine
There’s gotta be a little rain sometimes.
When you take you gotta give
So live then let live and then go-oooo,
I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden.

posted on 08-07-2001 @ 1:03 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Mine is August 8, 1974. The year of the Tiger!


posted on 08-07-2001 @ 1:44 PM      
Registered: Aug. 00
Allow me to add another Leap-Year birthday. 1972.

posted on 08-07-2001 @ 1:50 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
OK Terrific Phil. But what month and day bonehead?

Now you can see why I never wanted to leave that island

Ok, I know this is all a ploy, but, I'll play anyway.

Dylan? BAH! I've heard BETTER!

posted on 08-07-2001 @ 2:22 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01 the new kid on the block I'm probably older than anyone here!
1/23/66 ~ How's that for older than dirt!
and all you's complaining about being old that were born in the 70's....Shame, Shame...SHAME!!!!

~Adopted By Brokenjaw~

Why do I cringe when I click this "Reply to Topic" button?
posted on 08-07-2001 @ 2:50 PM      
Registered: Aug. 00
Maynard - I see you post a lot so you probably have some kind of opinion that you have carte blanche to trash talk people whose names you don't recognize. That's fine - this board has been like that for a couple of years now.

If you read the post you'd notice that I wrote "Leap Year". That is what most people call February 29th. It's not a month or day, but 99% of the time people get what it means.

This message was edited by PhilNJ on 8-7-01 @ 2:58 PM
posted on 08-07-2001 @ 3:58 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00

but 99% of the time people get what it means.

I understood it! :)

AIM: PaintballOpAnt19

Im A Racist Prick.
I'm Gunna Find You Petrizzi..And Eat Ya.
Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 08-07-2001 @ 4:03 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
that is actually called leap day, but have been here a while philnj so you know it all

AIM: SkiT4you
First Member of the JWO

Kindest regards to Grumpy for the sigpic
posted on 08-07-2001 @ 4:05 PM      
Registered: Aug. 00
Come on man - you've been here a while too.

You really nit-pick that much when someone says they are a leapyear baby or something like that? What is the alternative, that I was born on November 6th but I choose to say that it was a leap year because it was 1972?? I know what it is technically - all I'm saying is that "Bonehead" is a little strong when most people know what "month and day" that refers to.

This message was edited by PhilNJ on 8-7-01 @ 4:10 PM
posted on 08-07-2001 @ 4:06 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
oh well TW nice try though but u missed 1 already

MINE :( it was friday


E-Mail Me
METS will go ALL THE WAY THIS YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!
(ok maybe not this year but i aint chainging this)
Yankees & the Braves SUCK !!!!!!!!

Resident Strip Club Pimp

Very Proud Member of the Stalker Society

This message was edited by BaLLooN NoT on 8-7-01 @ 4:06 PM
fatty chopped meat
posted on 08-08-2001 @ 4:14 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
november 11th 1972

thank a vet

Ants in My Pants

Well, since this thread is going to be deleted anyway... I'm a flaming homosexual and I love having big hard hot man meat rammed into my mouth and ass. Umm, this IS going to be deleted, right???
Prettiest Butterfly in the garden
All Blow job poems ©Fez 2002-2003. I'm obsessed with Alkey's penis.
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 3:03 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
OK, my turn to update (TeenWeek or Maynard can get the next one :-)), since a few people have complained lately about their birthdays going unnoticed...

1/3/71 Sloatsburgh
1/4/82 brodieman
1/7/81 Rowelentless
1/10 Shot Girl
1/10 Tequila
1/23/66 LunaBabe
1/27 o&aswallow
1/30/75 MaynardGKrebs
1/31/72 slackjaw
1/31/76 crx girl
2/2/66 SweetAngel
2/5/72 TFEC
2/7/84 Harry Ballzanya
2/8/76 Joey Bigarms
2/8 Is Is Don On the Phone?
2/11/80 DX-Bitch
2/16/66 Arpikarhu
2/23/72 hornygoatweed23
2/26/78 Cactus Sack
2/27/73 scmods
2/29/68 Slash
2/29/72 PhilNJ
3/2/77 shyjer
3/5/74 The Mrs.
3/5/80 The Zodiak Killer
3/6/78 AFDude
3/11/76 Rog2K
3/11 virgingrrl
3/11 FN Moron
3/20/83 mxomatrix
3/28/79 Dryblood
4/2/78 Jolene'78
4/6/82 Cluster F
4/7/85 Opie696
4/10/79 Jon Benet Norton
4/18/73 skitchr4u
4/19 Dana Dillon
4/23/82 CriticsLoveSnatch
4/29/75 Snoteater
5/5 Fez
5/8 Spork
5/19 NJPanther
5/30/83 WoundedAngel
5/31/73 King f-tard
6/2/59 MinDrain
6/3/74 njstrawberry
6/4 Danilo
6/5/85 Bartman
6/6/71 Psycho Bitch
6/8/84 Shelle Bink
6/9/72 Brokenjaw
6/10/83 droopy106
6/15/83 BabyNicole
6/17/78 spitfire421
6/18 Austin
6/19/74 Ahlexus
6/21 KeeKee
6/23/76 The Brain
6/25/84 Q_instupid
7/1/67 Metalfan
7/4/77 DreamWeaver
7/5/70 DevonGetTheTable
7/5/74 Ants in My Pants
7/9/83 Rone
7/11/76 Mayor of Sloatsburg
7/18 Sephiroth
7/18/74 Lord Magus
7/24/74 Mama Caz
7/25/64 Ronreddog
7/30/78 SFShield
8/3/77 BaLLooN NoT
8/7 Lt Boogaloo
8/8/74 YerMomsBox
8/11 The Painter
8/15 Froy
8/15/73 TeenWeek
8/21/85 jap bike jim
8/22 adolescentmasturbator
8/23/79 DoughBoy
8/25/81 Unicron
8/29/77 lyneday
9/1/81 Whackbag
9/4/86 Bangster
9/7/81 Nuggetking
9/9/83 WNEWs GIRL
9/10/81 GrkqtOandAfan
9/10/85 OPM * chick
9/12 Sykopathchik
9/19/80 CantHandleMyBooty
9/19/82 NJopposition
9/19 Barney Fife
9/21 WhatsInMyPants
9/23 Just Jon
9/23 Kingpin
9/23/85 TeenSlut
9/27/82 The Sleeper
10/3/72 Wendy
10/4/61 sluggo 667
10/7/67 NJDUDE
10/9 IAmMighty
10/9 Mr. Brownstone
10/9/70 Cap'n Fudge
10/14/80 JimboSHU
10/26/68 Nana's Precious
10/26 Canweseeyourstuff
10/26/81 mikeWOW
10/27/75 Black Lazerus
10/27/79 Brittney
10/30/67 pmbillrich
10/30/67 Fuckbag
10/30 FollowThisLogic
10/31/71 Drunken GW
10/31/77 Other white meat
11/2/77 Sir Okonkwo
11/6/83 IslesBaby00
11/6 JoyUTC
11/11/72 fatty chopped meat
11/18/67 Tweek
11/19/74 Banana_juice
11/23/79 Doc Smith
11/26/85 fbdlingfrg
11/27 Flock of Moosen
11/27/85 FoundryMusicPaintballJoe
12/03/76 Heyladiladi
12/4/80 Fuckbag
12/5/77 GOD of PHUK
12/11/73 Kim
12/12 Raven
12/21 Lgaia
12/25 Buttmunch
12/25/73 meatballnip
12/28 Roger
12/29/65 whodawhatawhata
12/30/75 FukMeBoobs

posted on 08-25-2001 @ 3:50 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
Mine is next week,Sept. 9th.I'll be celebrating with 70,000 people at the Jets game.

That's Miss Jesus Cooze to you!
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 6:43 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
1/3/71 Sloatsburgh
1/4/82 brodieman
1/7/81 Rowelentless
1/10 Shot Girl
1/10 Tequila
1/14 Katya_ann
1/23/66 LunaBabe
1/27 o&aswallow
1/30/75 MaynardGKrebs
1/31/72 slackjaw
1/31/76 crx girl
2/2/66 SweetAngel
2/5/72 TFEC
2/7/84 Harry Ballzanya
2/8/76 Joey Bigarms
2/8 Is Don On the Phone?
2/11/80 DX-Bitch
2/16/66 Arpikarhu
2/23/72 hornygoatweed23
2/26/78 Cactus Sack
2/27/73 scmods
2/29/68 Slash
2/29/72 PhilNJ
3/2/77 shyjer
3/5/74 The Mrs.
3/5/80 The Zodiak Killer
3/6/78 AFDude
3/11/76 Rog2K
3/11 virgingrrl
3/11 FN Moron
3/20/83 mxomatrix
3/28/79 Dryblood
4/2/78 Jolene'78
4/6/82 Cluster F
4/7/85 Opie696
4/10/79 Jon Benet Norton
4/18/73 skitchr4u
4/19 Dana Dillon
4/23/82 CriticsLoveSnatch
4/29/75 Snoteater
5/5 Fez
5/8 Spork
5/19 NJPanther
5/30/83 WoundedAngel
5/31/73 King f-tard
6/2/59 MinDrain
6/3/74 njstrawberry
6/4 Danilo
6/5/85 Bartman
6/6/71 Psycho Bitch
6/8/84 Shelle Bink
6/9/72 Brokenjaw
6/10/83 droopy106
6/15/83 BabyNicole
6/17/78 spitfire421
6/18 Austin
6/19/74 Ahlexus
6/21 KeeKee
6/23/76 The Brain
6/25/84 Q_instupid
7/1/67 Metalfan
7/4/77 DreamWeaver
7/5/70 DevonGetTheTable
7/5/74 Ants in My Pants
7/9/83 Rone
7/11/76 Mayor of Sloatsburg
7/18 Sephiroth
7/18/74 Lord Magus
7/24/74 Mama Caz
7/25/64 Ronreddog
7/30/78 SFShield
8/3/77 BaLLooN NoT
8/7 Lt Boogaloo
8/8/74 YerMomsBox
8/11 The Painter
8/15 Froy
8/15/73 TeenWeek
8/21/85 jap bike jim
8/22 adolescentmasturbator
8/23/79 DoughBoy
8/25/81 Unicron
8/29/77 lyneday
9/1/81 Whackbag
9/4/86 Bangster
9/7/81 Nuggetking
9/9/83 WNEWs GIRL
9/10/81 GrkqtOandAfan
9/10/85 OPM * chick
9/12 Sykopathchik
9/19/80 CantHandleMyBooty
9/19/82 NJopposition
9/19 Barney Fife
9/21 WhatsInMyPants
9/23 Just Jon
9/23 Kingpin
9/23/85 TeenSlut
9/27/82 The Sleeper
10/3/72 Wendy
10/4/61 sluggo 667
10/7/67 NJDUDE
10/9 IAmMighty
10/9 Mr. Brownstone
10/9/70 Cap'n Fudge
10/14/80 JimboSHU
10/26/68 Nana's Precious
10/26 Canweseeyourstuff
10/26/81 mikeWOW
10/27/75 Black Lazerus
10/27/79 Brittney
10/30/67 pmbillrich
10/30/67 Fuckbag
10/30 FollowThisLogic
10/31/71 Drunken GW
10/31/77 Other white meat
11/2/77 Sir Okonkwo
11/6/83 IslesBaby00
11/6 JoyUTC
11/11/72 fatty chopped meat
11/18/67 Tweek
11/19/74 Banana_juice
11/23/79 Doc Smith
11/26/85 fbdlingfrg
11/27 Flock of Moosen
11/27/85 FoundryMusicPaintballJoe
12/03/76 Heyladiladi
12/4/80 Fuckbag
12/5/77 GOD of PHUK
12/11/73 Kim
12/12 Raven
12/21 Lgaia
12/25 Buttmunch
12/25/73 meatballnip
12/28 Roger
12/29/65 whodawhatawhata
12/30/75 FukMeBoobs

Mine's January 14, 1982. The Northrigde earthquake (about a 7.1) here in California was in 1996... Yeah, 1996, I think. Point is, Everyone in my class somehow thought it made sense to make fun of me and actually BLAME me for the earthquake. I guess it didn't help that I was incredibly FAT at the time... But I showed them! HA HA!!! After only a year on the Smack and 6 mos. on the street sleeping with rats and she-males, I lost over a hundred pounds, and now I'm GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!


Okay, I'm done here.

Walk it off, deek...

2 tired 2 give N F
One of the Teen Tomatoe Boys is Retarted... Guess which one I am!!!
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 6:47 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01

The first day of spring...

When I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has gleaned my teaming brain,
Before high-piled books, in charactery,
Hold like rich garners the full ripened grain;
When I behold, upon the night's starred face,
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace
Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance,
And when I feel, fair creature of a hour,
That I shall never look upon thee more,
Never have relish in the fairy power
Of unreflecting love--then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand alone, and think
Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.
Soldier of Fortune Spec Ops Division
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 7:18 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Ok for u people that are updating the lists, my name isnt Opie696 anymore, its JJ, thus then u change it when u update the list. thanx :)

We're all just monkeys!!

Talk to fellow O& members in Foundry Chat

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Displaying 176-200 of 242 messages in this thread.