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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Don and Mike are Screwed..

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Don and Mike are Screwed..
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 3:30 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Looks like ONA are starting a War again with Don and Mike.. Stupid fucks.....

ONA will win ALWAYS in the end.. plain and simple....

"Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or justice to our
enemies...Justice will be done" - George W. Bush

"Today We Have Done What We Had To Do, Quaddifi Counted on America To Be Passive, HE COUNTED WRONG" - Ronand Regan The night before we bombed Libya

This message was edited by FDA on 2-28-02 @ 3:33 PM
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 3:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I'm actually surprised that O&A fell for D&M acting like friends. D&M wanted NYC afternoons, fucking period. At any cost.

D&M lost. Now they're pissed.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
"dream yourself awake" he calls

"an eternity awaits us all

open your eyes

and be with me forever.."


Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 3:37 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I smell war. I hear a lost fury that gave the show [Southern guy]character[/Southern guy]. I think we're entering a good era.

"It appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis."
Thursday 2/08- CBS: Survivor 4- Marquesas premiere, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation- a new episode, The Agency...NBC: Friends (Joey tells Rachel he wants to rape her), Leap of Faith (new show premiere about a girl about to get married, dumps her fiance, and returns to single life- sounds splendid), Will and Grace, Just Shoot Me, ER...FOX: Family Guy repeat (first death episode), second Family Guy repeat (second death episode), King of the Hill (repeat), Futurama (repeat Valentine's Day episode)...ABC: Whose Line is it Anyway? (R), Whose Line (R), Who Wants to be on a millionare?, PrimeTime Thursday (Cher), UPN: Smackdown...WB: Charmed (R), Charmed (R), VH1: 9- House Party 3...Com Central: Kingpin...USA: Braveheart
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 3:38 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 01
I wasn't paying attention, what the hell happened?

posted on 02-28-2002 @ 3:41 PM      
Registered: Nov. 01
Does anybody have the rant on D&M? It got dumped out of here!


Yes, the WOW was MS-Painted on
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 3:41 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
It's a tough situation. Period.

I'm an O&A fan who listened to them during college on AAF, graduated, and was able to listen to them right away on NEW. That said, I'm real confused about what's been going on with this situation.

I respect the whole "we do our thing our way" mentality. It got the staiton flipped to all-talk. And the simple truth is, the O&A/D&M thing makes no sense.

O&A already won. D&M were on many more stations across the country in the afternoon slot. O&A held their ground, forcing D&M to move to mid-days in order to get on in NY. Again, O&A won. Over. Done with.

So when they won out, and D&M became the new mid-day show, you'd think that O&A would do what they could do for the station. It doesn't require much work. It doesn't mean having them on the air with them, ala Ferrell or R&F. It can be as simple as making mention to them as the mid-day show. How many times have you heard O&A even mention that the station even has a mid-day show? Not since R&F were there.

I hope this doesn't sound like blasphomy. I just don't know enough of the background stuff to fully understand the situation. I just know that no matter how much lobbying D&M did for afternoons back when, no matter how much backstabbing,'s oiver. O&A won. As O&A fans, we won. So why wouldn't the 2 shows do a little something to help each orher out? And from the sound of everything, it's a one way fight, where O&A don't want to help them or get their help.


I got a staple in my ass and all I got was this status
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 3:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
wow! i cant wait 4 ant 2 go off. remember when anthony challenged stern- hopefully it is as good as that one!

"i hate people that dont get it!"
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 3:48 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 01
You know these past four shows have been a DRASTIC improvment in quality. Definately brings back some pre-syndication feelings.

Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 3:53 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

You know these past four shows have been a DRASTIC improvment in quality. Definately brings back some pre-syndication feelings.

Yes and no.

There have been parts that sound very nice and pre-syndication.

Then they get into contest bullshit and it sucks again.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
"dream yourself awake" he calls

"an eternity awaits us all

open your eyes

and be with me forever.."


Daniel from Alabama
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 3:58 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
I hate D&M as much as anyone, but after hearing Opie's rant, I went to the D&M message board. And they have an article posted saying that O&A will be taken off in DC. Visit this Website

posted on 02-28-2002 @ 3:59 PM      
Registered: Nov. 01
that was one speculation, cause D & M had some BIG NEWS so someone dug that story up. but the real news is they will be on YSP on monday. so the website story isn't true

posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:01 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I tuned In alittle late today. What exactly happened that got them so pissed? What were the decisions made behind their backs? A little help, please.

God loves you.It's everyone else that thinks you're an asshole.

If you think about It, taking a shit Is really reverse butt-sex.

I have no fucking clue what happened to Sluggo667.
VinnyWS6: chicks? they dont have the penis so why would i care about them
VinnyWS6: froy is quite hansome
VinnyWS6: I want froys cock!
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:01 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01

The program, syndicated from WNEW FM in New York City, was still riding high as a result of Opie and Anthony’s hosting the XFL pre-game show, which aired nationally on NBC.

What the fuck? So, three episodes of XFL game day got them all their listeners. Bullshit.

Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:02 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
That "article" looks like 100% speculation to me. D&M, and their fans, are just really desperate to get back into afternoon drive.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
"dream yourself awake" he calls

"an eternity awaits us all

open your eyes

and be with me forever.."


posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:03 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
If wnew was smart they should have never had let the radio chick go

Ready to go to war for the show
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:05 PM      
Registered: Feb. 02
No fuckin way, D&M are the two most unfunny old fucks ive ever heard. In context of whats going on, D&M are the jackasses here cuz they stabbed OnA in the back...remeber the time OnA brought naked chicks to D&M studio for a whole buddy-buddy thing. This is great, ant is "simmering" t-minus 10 min. until a massive anthony rant.

The barch gots lots a dick
Theoretically, if I were to smack you in the face with my penis, it would leave a bruise in the shape of a mushroom.
I kind of enjoy my anonymity on the board
WOW Forum Ambassador
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:08 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jul. 00
isn't the radio cunt an "old topic"?

Long Live the "Syndication Underground"
I have no fucking clue what happened to Sluggo667.
VinnyWS6: chicks? they dont have the penis so why would i care about them
VinnyWS6: froy is quite hansome
VinnyWS6: I want froys cock!
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:08 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01

If wnew was smart they should have never had let the radio chick go

Your kidding, right?

Unofficial Biggest Whore of
Reaver Strike Battalion
Rage Brother #1, Paladin of Hatred
Where's my snare? I have no snare in my headphones.
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01

The KGB Secret Assassain Said:
There have been parts that sound very nice and pre-syndication.

Then they get into contest bullshit and it sucks again.

I couldn't have said it better. With their backs to the wall, the show gets a shot in the arm when they decide to fight back. I love it. However, the repeated contest after contest is starting to get drab and dull very quickly. Contests are more gooder, however when they are practically back to back to back, it starts to get old fast and drawn out, unfortunately. Regardless, Opie and Anthony always win in the end and I can't believe fucking Don and Mike have started to bitch and moan again after they lost their afternoon slot. It's OVER Johnny! IT'S OVER!

Well, we all know the outcome of this contest... let us just sit back and enjoy.

"This is the last smile, that I'll fake for the sake of being with you. Everything falls apart even the people who never frown eventually brake down... The sacrifice of hiding in a lie!" Linkin Park 'Pushing Me Away'

I love the WNEW'S GIRL and the Follow This Logic

I am Psycho Mark Incarnate Gak Gak Gak, Da Bink.
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:15 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I will speculate too...

I believe that it will have something to do with don and mike starting on WYSP on Monday. and here they are:

1. O @ A will not be able to say "Don and Mike" any more...

--------------------- or --------------------

2. O@A are now going to be taped and run at a later time, so Don and Mike can be Live in the 3 to 7 spot.

Speculation is so gay.

"Bubba-T is a scum sucking political correct,O&A downing, fun hating douche bag".---brought to you from the WHITE SCARED CASH COW committee to ban BUBBA T.

This message was edited by nj_voodoo on 2-28-02 @ 4:24 PM
Daniel from Alabama
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:20 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01

Well, we all know the outcome of this contest... let us just sit back and enjoy.

Well said, Ree.

The barch gots lots a dick
Theoretically, if I were to smack you in the face with my penis, it would leave a bruise in the shape of a mushroom.
I kind of enjoy my anonymity on the board
WOW Forum Ambassador
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:21 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jul. 00
Know what's even gayer? People that can't tell the difference between a 2 and a 7.

Long Live the "Syndication Underground"
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:25 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Don and Mike are and have ALWAYS been 2 back stabbing cocksucking pieces of shit.They helped get rid of the Radiochick so they could move into mid-days.But their MAIN OBJECTIVE is O&As time slot. These fat, balding fucks will do ANYTHING to get what they want. O&A have been stupid in allowing their defences down with these 2 fuckfaces. I say bring out the Hounds!!!! and let's all get down and dirty and give Duck and Muck a taste of their medicine.Fucken Tools!DON AND MIKE SHOULD GET AIDS FROM A HAITIAN

Sweet Merciful Crap!
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:25 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 01

Contests are more gooder,

SOME contest are more gooder. All the contest involving girls taking pictures SUCK!! Best boobs, best ass, best naughty nighty, best this, best that, these contests are not even remotely entertaining. They don't come across the radio well, and they are VERY boring to listen to. Especially when all these dumb chicks call the show and act like twats.

The 55 gallon drum contest, listening to Gay Marco eat the peach to N*SYNC, The Most Offensive Song contest, these were entertaining as hell.

MOS contest was by far the most entertaining contest they ever did. Baby Raper, The KKK Man......c'mon that was some great shit.

posted on 02-28-2002 @ 4:28 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Something to read...
Visit this Website
D.C. Radio and Television Online ( reported Wednesday that WJFK’s “Don and Mike Show” may be headed back to PM ‘Drive Time’ and the 3:00pm to 7:00pm timeslot, abandoning their current mid-day timeslot of 11:00am to 3:00pm. The show switched to their current timeslot on August 6 of last year.

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