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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Dumb ass stern fans

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Dumb ass stern fans
posted on 01-29-2002 @ 8:14 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
Let me start off by saying I listen to stern I have been since 88. And his time has passed but he still has a good show. The addition of Artie Lang has helped big time. Now to the point

Go rent any Richard Pryor comedy tape from the 70's then go rent any one of the eddie murphy comedy tapes and tell me its any different! Both Funny ,But its the same comedy. To say eddie murphy sucks because pryor came first is stupid. Same with O&A its the same comedy but a different show. Thats why people cant stand stern and his dumb ass fans. He invented nothing people were laughing long before his ugly shadow walked the earth and people will laugh long after he is gone. O&A fans add to the show with there phone calls. Stern takes no phone calls. Stern has the same useless guests from the early 90's. O&A have some fresh comedy talents on there show(see the point) NEW FRESH ORIGINAL- Example no dice for months(thank god) Shit I am ranting!! Sorry
F- Stern "Die get in the cofffin"

"People say u cant get enough milk form a cat to make cereal.I say sure u can just use less cereal"
posted on 01-29-2002 @ 8:37 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Please,tell us more. I've never seen this kind of thread before. You are somewhat of an original yourself. Try looking in enemies next time. You will see your thread down there, probably more than once.

My underwear looks like a shoeshine rag.
posted on 01-29-2002 @ 9:00 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
ooga booga!!!! unga didunga!!!

::throws rocks::


posted on 01-30-2002 @ 2:00 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02
i dont get it.....i listen to stern in the mornings...then o&a in the of both worlds

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Philly Street Racing
Unofficial Biggest Whore of
Reaver Strike Battalion
Rage Brother #1, Paladin of Hatred
Where's my snare? I have no snare in my headphones.
posted on 01-30-2002 @ 8:01 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
Your point is... wait... forget it, you blow.

"This is the last smile, that I'll fake for the sake of being with you. Everything falls apart even the people who never frown eventually brake down... The sacrifice of hiding in a lie!" Linkin Park 'Pushing Me Away'

I love the WNEW'S GIRL and the Follow This Logic

I am Psycho Mark Incarnate Gak Gak Gak, Da Bink. FN Moron is my brother in weed, indeed.
chrissy g
posted on 01-31-2002 @ 1:34 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02
O & A R now the loard & rulerz

there it is

Me in my Broom

'There are only two things that are truly infinite

the Universe and human stupidity,

and I'm not sure about the Universe.'

Albert Einstein
posted on 01-31-2002 @ 1:41 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Crissy, someone's going to tell you to shrink your sig eventually.

The pic has to be less than 500 pixels. Currently it is about 627 (250 +377)

Also, what do you mean, you are in your "broom"?

mother shucker
posted on 02-01-2002 @ 1:26 AM      
Registered: Nov. 00
Broom? Harry Potter?

I shucked it, and I shucked it, and I shucked it, i'm quite the mother shucker!
posted on 02-01-2002 @ 10:48 AM      
Registered: Dec. 01
a witch?

Complaints? Too bad!
posted on 02-01-2002 @ 3:46 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
If that picture is really chrissy g she is a very attractive girl.

This message was edited by nitron on 2-1-02 @ 6:06 PM

Displaying 1-10 of 10 messages in this thread.