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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - The Double Standard of O&A fans....

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: The Double Standard of O&A fans....
posted on 03-05-2002 @ 6:30 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
I'm not sure why many O&A fans have such an inferiority complex with regards to Stern. It is possible to be a fan of both shows.

I find it humorous however when O&A fans criticize Stern for doing certain things and then sit silently when O&A do the same thing.

One quick example is how all the O&A fans criticize Stern when he says people rip him off but O&A do the exact same Stern rap. They are always raggin people for rippin' off WOW and sayin that when they come to a new market everyone there will learn who really invented the concept. That is Stern all the way.

Why is it okay for O&A and not for Stern?

posted on 03-05-2002 @ 6:36 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02
O&A fans are teenage outKasts...HAHAHA

posted on 03-05-2002 @ 6:38 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
Would be cool to have some serious discussion on this issue.

slap nut
posted on 03-05-2002 @ 6:43 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
One difference is when Stern complains he doesn't have any particular bit to complain about. He just says they are copying me. O&A actually talk about bits that have been ripped off when Stern doesn't. O&A did invent wow & people have stolen it. However, Stern complains about people ripping off format. Earth to Stern fans Stern did not invent shock talk, he took it further than anyone before him, but he sure as hell didn't invent the format.

Bloody Anus
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
posted on 03-05-2002 @ 9:26 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 00

They are always raggin people for rippin' off WOW and sayin that when they come to a new market everyone there will learn who really invented the concept

Wouldn't you want credit for something you created?


O&A do the exact same Stern rap.

What exactly do O&A do exactly as Stern? Have lesbians on the show? Talk about sex? Have a "shock jock" style show? Newsflash: So do Don and Mike, Tom Lickass, and hundereds of other shows. So why does Stern signal out O&A? Because he knows that, for the first time, he has some actual competition, and it scares the shit out of him to think that another show can be more popular than his, regardless of the fact that they: a) work for the same company, and 2) aren't even on in the same time slot

Anyone want advanced screening tickets to Halloween 57?
I didn't think so.
posted on 03-05-2002 @ 10:48 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02

O&A fans are teenage outKasts...HAHAHA

I swear if I was a mod your ass would be the first banned by me.

"Why don't you blow me, chief? Hmmm? Right after your girlfriend there gets through..." -- Creighton Duke, JGTH
posted on 03-05-2002 @ 10:54 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
I wouldn't go that far, signguy. I get a good chuckle watching Blasphemy make an ass out of him and/or herself.

And as for Stern...I used to listen to him for about 9 months. It just sounded the same everyday. That and how he claims to be first amendment hero yet, pisses on it the first chance he gets.

"Your Ego is a Muscle."
posted on 03-06-2002 @ 5:48 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02
Stern does not claim to be a first ammendment hero, people put that claim on him.

What I meant by O&A sounding like Stern is in specific instances such as how they attack other markets. Their wording is almost verbatem Stern.

No real… its cool to wear childrens Band-Aids.
I'm not a Cockblocker, I'm a COCKSUCKER!
posted on 03-06-2002 @ 7:38 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

What I meant by O&A sounding like Stern is in specific instances such as how they attack other markets. Their wording is almost verbatem Stern.

what? are you retarded elder?


GO DUKE, 2002!!
posted on 03-06-2002 @ 8:39 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
I'm really glad you took time out of you busy day to actually think about what I posted. Need i remind you how Stern ran and hide behind the first Amendment when the FCC was breathing down his neck? But you wouldn't rememeber that would elderly? But i'm sure that is screen name is you 123rd and you've been trying to say the same thing for about 1 and 1/2 years now.

"Your Ego is a Muscle."
Norton's Victim
posted on 03-06-2002 @ 8:54 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02
Obviously Stern has done some great things for radio and no one can argue the fact that he is/was a success. There is a huge difference between the complaints of O&A and Howard though. Howard thinks he is the owner of the whole "shock jock" thing, when he is really more like the Godfather of it. Sure there are similar things that both O&A and Howard do. They are all guys. Guys find midgets and lesbians amussing. O&A do not copy bits from Howard and Howard does not copy bits from O&A. Howard however feels that O&A are stealing his "style" and doing what he created. On the other hand, WOW is an actual idea. Put something on your car, see tits. People all over the country were stealing this (Flash'em Fridays, Throw'em Out Thrsdays, and even WOW itself). This is stealing an exact idea, which is different. The best way I can think to relate this is with music. Queen sued Vanilla Ice because he took their song and gave it a new name. If Vanilla Ice would have just been a guy that had music that sounded similar to Queen, then there would have been nothing wrong.

The other big thing O&A compain about is Rocko and Matty. That is a personal thing because it is who replaced them at WAAF. They took the FU Line and gave it a new name. That is ripping them off. O&A and Howard do not get along. All they want to do is be able to say his name.

"What have we done with innocence. It disappeared with time, it never made much sense. Adolescent resident. Wasting another night on planning my revenge. One in ten, one in ten, one in ten. Don't want to be your monkey wrench, one more indecent accident. I'd rather leave than suffer this, I'll never be your monkey wrench. All this time to make amends, what do you do when all your enemies are friends. Now and then I'll try to bend, under pressure wind up snapping in the end. One in ten, one in ten, one in ten. Don't want to be your monkey wrench, one more indecent accident. I'd rather leave than suffer this, I'll never be your monkey wrench. Tell me, tell me, tell me. One last thing before I quit I never wanted any more than I could fit into my head. I still remember every single word you said and all the shit that somehow came along with it. Still there's one thing that comforts me since I was always caged and now I'm free. Don't want to be your monkey wrench, one more indecent accident I'd rather leave than suffer this, I'll never be your monkey wrench. Don't want to be your monkey wrench fall in, fall out. Don't want to be your monkey wrench fall in, fall out. Don't want to be your monkey wrench fall in, fall out. Don't want to be your monkey wrench." - Foo Fighters
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed - Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver." -Deep Thought, Jack Handey
Just another dick making a comeback
The Dr. Seuss of SU
posted on 03-06-2002 @ 9:03 AM      
Registered: Nov. 00
OK....I was listening to Stern back in the WNNNNNNNBC days, and on K-rock. He NEVER said he was defending the First Amendment? Gee, was I having delusions ALL through the 1990's? This was one of the most consistent themes of his show!! He was soooo proud of Infinity for backing him when he was accruing FCC fines. He made himself out to be a martyr thrust onto the flames of political correctness. And he was right!

For that same man to be so petty and, yes, so scared as to ban his competition from saying his name hows of either that he is a hypocrite or that age has mellowed him.

In fact, notice that the two shows that have their panties in such a bunch are helmed by men who are.....of an older demographic and you'll see a trend. As much as I loved Howard (anyone want an autographed Miss America?), he really never recovered from being mainstreamed by that damned movie.

Side Note: Mayber THIS is why everyone is so concerned about the changes that have taken place on O&A since syndication. We've seen it happen before to someone we thought was uncorruptable.....

"Ladies and gentlemen, heed my advice. Take down your pants and slide on the ice!"
posted on 03-06-2002 @ 10:43 AM      
Registered: Dec. 01
I used to be a die hard Stern fan, but lately his
show is about as compelling as Imus' show.

However, at least his show has a good format
to it:

A little bit of coffee talk, then one of the wack
pack comes in to do something "wacky" to a
girl so she gets a prize, then maybe a celebrity
interview, then Artie talks about how much he
misses coke, Fred says nothing, Robin
cackles and plays some audio of Jet Li
explaining why he likes making action movies,
and then at 10:15 Howard says that he has to
get home to bury his sorrows an inch deep in

That's probably the type of format that "Tom
from Glen Burney, Maryland" can appreciate. It
sounds like "his particular brand of humor".

posted on 03-06-2002 @ 11:01 AM      
Registered: Nov. 01
i just think stern is a little to self serving. i think the last day i really listened he was discussing his diet. and he talks about his dumb model girlfriend, and all the stars he knows. i don't care about his personal life or what the hell he eats. i do tune into the news sometimes between 10 and 11 when elliot in the morning goes off at 10 but thats about it.

'send transmission from the one armed scissor' -ATDI
posted on 03-06-2002 @ 8:11 PM      
Registered: Dec. 01
Elder, why do you have to attempt to make everything about Stern? Who cares? He is as important and current as Don Imus. Why do you have to start all of these threads about him? He doesn't compete with O and A. They are on at different times. They work for the same company, but he works overtime to try to censor them. Why do you think that is? Not the rebel anymore, is he. How it must feel to have everything slipping away...about how Imus felt when Howard came to NBC...deja vu...this time on the receiving end. Funny how karma works, huh?

Why don't you just go away. Howard will let you drink out of his mule when Ralph is done.

Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 03-07-2002 @ 11:49 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Nice selective memory, Elder.
Could I point and laugh at you for being so ignorant?

EDIT: If noone can cath the sarcasm, go lay down on the couch for a while, you have missed your true calling, a tree stump.

As far as I'm concerned, humans have not yet come up with a belief that's worth believing.
~George Carlin,
Napalm and Silly Putty

[Email][email protected][/Email]
posted on 03-07-2002 @ 11:57 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02
Insults are cool, whatever but it would be more interesting to discuss the topic or even just ignore it if you're not into it.

*passes out after posting*

This message was edited by Elder on 3-7-02 @ 12:00 PM

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