Displaying 1-25 of 31 messages in this thread. |
Posted By | Discussion Topic: Hoo Hoo.. do you hate more? | ||||
JVoorhees | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 10:37 AM | ||||
Psychopath Registered: May. 01 | Since it has been relevant lately... Stern Don and Mike Comment.... GO HOME HILLARY! YOU CARPETBAGGER! | ||||
Norton's Victim | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 10:40 AM | ||||
Psychopath Registered: Jan. 02 | This is a good question. I would have to say Howard though. Sure he has his momments and at one time was incredible, but this grasp he is trying to have on infinity and all radio is amazing. You think he would just want to blow them all away by having a supperior show, but that's not his style. Hollywood may not like that. Don and Mike just arn't funny. I guess they do some of the same things Howard has tried with infinity, but when it boils down to it, I don't like them because they arn't ammusing. Howie gets my vote. I invented voting, hoo hoo. | ||||
Precious Fatman | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 11:49 AM | ||||
Psychopath Registered: Oct. 00 | Well, I'm going to say that unlike alot of O&A fans, I NEVER listened to Howard. Never liked him. Never liked his show. At that time I rather listen to the morning zoo then listen to that. But also then I rather listen to music instead of talk. Nowadays, I'm sick of music radio so I listen to just about all talk radio. But I refused to listen to Howard even to check in to see what he's talking about. I'll listen to Ferral he's alot funnier. In all honesty, I can listen to Don and Mike once in a while because they do some things that make me laugh. (But unlike alot of people, if I don't feel like listenin to something, I turn it off) So Howard is my vote. ---Blake a.k.a. Fatman, Big Show | ||||
Filzy Stand up straight Stomach in Shoulders back SOUND OFF!!! | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 12:22 PM | ||||
O&A Board Regular Registered: Sep. 00 | I hate Hannity the most. He's too white. As far as I'm concerned, humans have not yet come up with a belief that's worth believing. ~George Carlin, Napalm and Silly Putty [Email][email protected][/Email] | ||||
Snoteater | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 1:33 PM | ||||
Psychopath Registered: Apr. 01 | Hannity gets my vote too. I had tryed to listen to him during commericals, just to see what the dark side is talking about. But {Lewis Black} I'd rather poke myself in the ear with a sharpened #2 pencil. {/lewis black} | ||||
Kobe98 | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 2:32 PM | ||||
Hanger-On Registered: Aug. 01 | What you nitiwts don't get is HOWARD MADE THE BLUEPRINT. O&A didn't do anything but try to build on what Howard has been doing for 20+ years. And they don't even do a good job. They are doing what Don and Mike did about 8 years ago. Now I hear someone say they like Ferrel? Having heard that idiot in LA he had better have come up with somethng more than Beer sound effects and lame football picks that hit about 30% of the time. Howard's show has been doing the things you think O&A have innovated for 20 years. He was doing O&A crap in DC IN 1979. When he came back to DC in 1988 on the lame classic Rock Station B106 he was doing what EVERYONE IN THE WORLD DOES NOW. Let's hear O&A's scary talent from the early days. Let's hear their inoovations and their early shows when they were breaking new ground....their idea of great radio is to do Howard's bits from 1992 and call it theirs | ||||
Precious Fatman | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 2:46 PM | ||||
Psychopath Registered: Oct. 00 | quote: What you dumbass don't get, is that WE KNOW THAT ALREADY!!! We agree with you on that point. quote: Now you say this like people in New York heard Don and Mike 8 years ago. quote: Now I was the guy who said I like Ferrel. Is there a problem with like a morning show that's not Howard??? Who cares if you don't like him. I find him funny. I have a very strange sense of humor and I'll be the first to admit it. I liked him when he did the overnights on the FAN now I like him now that he does mornings on NEW. He wakes me up and that's what matters. quote: One again, I don't care what Howard did in the last 20 years. I never listened to him and I don't plan on starting now. Now if I really wanted to I could go through alot of original bits and shit that O&A have done that no one ever thought of before they did. I can also think of stuff that they started and people are now using because it was really funny or it worked. (ex. WOW) quote: Maybe you should listen to O&A when they first came to New York on The Rock of New York WNEW. You should listen to O&A stuff pre-syndication. And once again, I don't know what Howard did in 1992 and nor do I really give two shits. I want to enjoy funny radio and that's what I've been doing for years now. ---Blake a.k.a. Fatman, Big Show | ||||
Filzy Stand up straight Stomach in Shoulders back SOUND OFF!!! | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 2:54 PM | ||||
O&A Board Regular Registered: Sep. 00 | I'm sorry, what did you post Kobe? I'm sure anything you post has no point or anything intelligent. It's not all about Howard, Kobe, now go cry like a little girl while sucking Stern's mule useless one. As far as I'm concerned, humans have not yet come up with a belief that's worth believing. ~George Carlin, Napalm and Silly Putty [Email][email protected][/Email] | ||||
Kobe98 | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 2:59 PM | ||||
Hanger-On Registered: Aug. 01 | I did listen to O&A, was called the HOWARD STERN RADIO SHOW. For god's sake they have DICE....his career ended in 1990...but hey, if that's innovative radio, using Howard's leftovers and old bits, by all means they are the most innovative idiots on the radio. | ||||
red rocket Secret Sex Chat | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 3:01 PM | ||||
O&A Board Regular Registered: Aug. 01 | Don and Mike more. Those 2 fat bastards. NEVER FORGET God Bless The USA. | ||||
Precious Fatman | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 3:11 PM | ||||
Psychopath Registered: Oct. 00 | quote: Holy shit!! You are a dumbass!!!! By far the biggest dumbass I EVER EVER EVER met. Listen to CLASSIC O&A BITS!!! They are NOT Howard Stern bits. Until you actually listen to them, SHUTUP ABOUT IT!!! quote: As far as Dice is concerned, he has given us some classic funny radio. Other than him, who else have we "stolen" from Howard?? Jay Mohr? Steven Lynch? Lewis Black? Jim Breuer? Adam Ferrara? (sp?) Jim Norton? Should I keep going??? But you're going to ignore this because you are a dumbass and don't want to hear valid points. ---Blake a.k.a. Fatman, Big Show | ||||
Filzy Stand up straight Stomach in Shoulders back SOUND OFF!!! | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 3:23 PM | ||||
O&A Board Regular Registered: Sep. 00 | Keep talkin, Kobe, I'm sure anything you say is irrelevant as always. I see the Stern Queda is making one final push to make us agree with their opinion because we don't agree. I wonder if Kobe realizes he can't change our opinion? As far as I'm concerned, humans have not yet come up with a belief that's worth believing. ~George Carlin, Napalm and Silly Putty [Email][email protected][/Email] | ||||
Cunt-Twat I'm not a Cockblocker, I'm a COCKSUCKER! | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 3:33 PM | ||||
O&A Board Regular Registered: Jan. 01 | quote:don't forget florentine...oh wait! this idiot is a complete and utter ass. quote:um, what about everyone that was before howard...muni(sp), dahl, etc. you should look into radio before 1974 and see what was going on before hoo hoo howie. i find it very interesting. :) WHO SAID I DON'T LOVE THE SLACKJAW?!? :) GO DUKE, 2002!! | ||||
Precious Fatman | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 3:38 PM | ||||
Psychopath Registered: Oct. 00 | quote: Well, the thing is that Howard took Shock Radio to a new level. Anyone could admit that. Did he "invent" Shock Radio?? no. But I do agree that he took it to a new level. Now O&A are doing the same thing, taking it to a new level. ---Blake a.k.a. Fatman, Big Show This message was edited by Precious Fatman on 3-7-02 @ 3:41 PM | ||||
Cunt-Twat I'm not a Cockblocker, I'm a COCKSUCKER! | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 3:46 PM | ||||
O&A Board Regular Registered: Jan. 01 | precious, that's my point. howard took "shock radio" from the late 1960's and early 70's to a different level, but he started to die, and o&a picked up from where he was losing. but that's not what howard tells his peeps. he said he invented shock radio, and is the "king of all media" he's just plain full of shit! :) WHO SAID I DON'T LOVE THE SLACKJAW?!? :) GO DUKE, 2002!! | ||||
DaJack69 | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 3:54 PM | ||||
Hanger-On Registered: Mar. 02 | I cant stand Stern as much as I hate that Queen Charlene fag and that Ella Muncho. O&A rule! | ||||
Precious Fatman | posted on 03-07-2002 @ 4:03 PM | ||||
Psychopath Registered: Oct. 00 | quote: Uhhhh....okay. Whatever that means. ---Blake a.k.a. Fatman, Big Show | ||||
Kobe98 | posted on 03-08-2002 @ 8:33 AM | ||||
Hanger-On Registered: Aug. 01 | I can honestly say this. I listened the first 3 weeks they were in DC, didn't laugh once. Listened a few days this week, didn't laugh once. Playing south park clips isn't great radio. playing comedians clips isn't great radio. rick james, isn't great radio. Dice, isn't great radio. These guys have taken what Don and Mike were doing 8 years ago and called it their own....which means they have to go back to 1986 to be doing what howard was doing. I'd rather remove my liver with a spoon than have to listen to these two. In fact, I think I'll do that today than be subject to a played out Don and Mike gag from 1992. Hey, maybe this spring they can do an easter egg hunt in dumpster of mud for 5k in cash | ||||
Norton's Victim | posted on 03-08-2002 @ 8:48 AM | ||||
Psychopath Registered: Jan. 02 | quote: Then don't listen. Complain about it somewhere else. The honset to God, undeniable truth is that to many IT IS GREAT RADIO. They are not just doing well in New York, but four other markets, and the buzz is spreading to others. It isn't like a show with no ratings got syndicatd to 18 markets and has had no signs of life. Things like this take time, and O&A seem to be moving along faster than most. You can change the station. It's that easy. If you feel the need to listen so you can bad mouth it, then find a hobby. Go skiing, dating, get a prostitute, learn to play an instrument. Jesus, I could understand if there was only 1 radio station in the world, but there isn't. JUST DON'T LISTEN | ||||
Kobe98 | posted on 03-08-2002 @ 9:06 AM | ||||
Hanger-On Registered: Aug. 01 | I DON'T listen. I tried, tuned back this week b/c of Don and Mike.....the show still sucks. It is NOT great radio. It's lame. If it WAS a great product they would BEAT Stern head to head. They can't do that, they know it. They are syndicated as Stern wannabes. That's how they are marketed THey are packaged with all the Stern wannabes in their syndication deals. WHy are they not on in LA??? Seems logical if they are so good. Let's see them PROVE they are better than Stern, instead of LISTENING to him for ideas | ||||
Douchie | posted on 03-08-2002 @ 9:36 AM | ||||
Hanger-On Registered: Jan. 02 | i listen to both shows..first listened to stern in 98..first listened to O and A 2 months ago...i can honestly say at this time..O n A are better than all the stern I've heard..but Stern has his who cares..listen to the shows and stop bitching and complaining on internet message boards. | ||||
Norton's Victim | posted on 03-08-2002 @ 9:39 AM | ||||
Psychopath Registered: Jan. 02 | How would they prove they can beat Stern in the ratings if they work for the same company? Infinity can't have some in the same genre on their stations in the morning because of the "no contest" clause Stern has. I can't believe that you keep bringing up LA as the place they need to be. First of all, they said they would be there soon. Second of all, you have to work your way out across the country. Sure they are on in the West Coast, but they will kill when they go on in LA as long as it is on an FM station and live. They are not a morning show or a night show. The show is made for PM drive and to be played live so listners can interact. For you Kobe98: EDIT: quote: I do agree with this. I occasionally listen to Stern if he grabs my interests. I am not one of these people that hate Stern because I listen to O&A. He is just usually an ass and it pisses me off when his fans can't understand another show that has naked girls on it. This message was edited by Norton's Victim on 3-8-02 @ 9:46 AM | ||||
Kobe98 | posted on 03-08-2002 @ 9:41 AM | ||||
Hanger-On Registered: Aug. 01 | Here's a novel idea....SIGN WITH A COMPETITOR! They didn't have to re-sign with infinity. They didn't have to sign with the same company as stern...they took the easy money and talk a bunch of crap they will never have to prove. They are an interactive means Stern's tape delay success in LA is a fluke?? The show is made for PM drive BECAUSE THEY CAN'T CARRY A MORNING SHOW. When Stern leaves and they are offered AM's what will their story be?? Don and Mike can do a morning show..... | ||||
Cunt-Twat I'm not a Cockblocker, I'm a COCKSUCKER! | posted on 03-08-2002 @ 10:11 AM | ||||
O&A Board Regular Registered: Jan. 01 | um kobe, fyi, afternoon drive is just as important to a station as mornings! and o&a were actually contemplating going to LA to do mornings against howie, but infinity offered them more. AND THEY'RE FROM NY, NOT LA. their families live on long island, not california! and oh yeah, here's one, NY is the #1 radio market,everyone wants to be in NY, including your d&m. IDIOT. :) WHO SAID I DON'T LOVE THE SLACKJAW?!? :) GO DUKE, 2002!! | ||||
Kobe98 | posted on 03-08-2002 @ 10:18 AM | ||||
Hanger-On Registered: Aug. 01 | so they were going to GO to LA to compete against a TAPED show but stayed in the Number 1 market to do Afternoon Drive against NO ONE??? yeah, that makes sense. Like I said, it's REAL EASY to SAY you have a better show, but when you have to prove it things are different. What was the, more markets??? Not that they would want to SHOW they could BUILD an audience, BEAT the number one guy and THEN have their pick of stations and deals. At least Don and Mike beat Howard in DC. How'd the major talents do against him in Boston?? | ||||
Displaying 1-25 of 31 messages in this thread. |