The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - what I hate about the stern show
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Discussion Topic: what I hate about the stern show
posted on 06-11-2002 @ 6:31 AM
Hanger-On Registered: Oct. 01
I am sick to death of them dumb broads that keep calling the show and saying how fucking hot the ugly fucker is just to get on the show. if they really loved him they would drop to thier knees on the street...
that was another vodak mindless rant
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
mikehern JBA gave a cool status to mikehern
posted on 06-11-2002 @ 7:58 AM
O&A Board Regular Registered: Apr. 02
what :confused:
Semper Liberi
TeenWeek what's a status?
posted on 06-11-2002 @ 8:04 AM
O&A Board Regular Registered: Oct. 00
Who cares. Everyone knows he is an ugly fuck. Women like him because he is famous and rich.
Mr Self Destruct
posted on 06-11-2002 @ 9:23 AM
Hanger-On Registered: Mar. 02
And the reason this was posted on an O & A board is....?
"Trust and you'll be trusted, Says the liar to the fool!"
-Peter Steele