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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Thomas Edison bitching

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Thomas Edison bitching
posted on 04-05-2001 @ 2:25 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
Edison is so mad.. everyone is using electricity , he invented it and now he is complaining all the time how everyone is copying him.. i bring this up because don't we all get sick and tired of howard bragging about radio.. okay howard maybe you invented radio. but like Edison who invented the light bulb it took others to improve it . so howard go fuck off you lame shit

Jon Benet Norton
GTA3 Criminal Activity Specialist
posted on 04-05-2001 @ 7:14 AM      
Registered: Dec. 00
That Edison reference made no sense what so ever. How can a dead person complain about ANYTHING?!?! And I don't remember reading about Edison bitching about others copying his electricity discovery in any of the text books. But you're right about the Stern thing, he does bitch alot and it does take others to improve on it.

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Just Jon
posted on 04-05-2001 @ 10:40 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Might have been funny if you said Marconi was complaining that Howard was ripping him off.


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Arthur Dent
posted on 04-05-2001 @ 12:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
Might have made sense if you sayed Tesla complaining about Marconi stealing the idea for the radio.

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Arthur smiled at him wanly and shrugged again. He turned and smiled wanly at the rest of the pub just in case any of them had heard what was going on. None of them had, and none of them could understand what he was smiling at them for.
1st Sgt. Fil
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Shoulders back
posted on 04-05-2001 @ 4:07 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
It would have been so much better if you used Marconi as a reference, but the sarcasm was pretty good, MikeOxbigger. Ya need a little work on your punchlines.

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Keep fighting until I'm done
I have a right to be myself,
And you can all go fuck yourselves!

posted on 04-05-2001 @ 7:11 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Another brilliant post. Im glad this was brought up. We have never had this discussion here before.

Displaying 1-6 of 6 messages in this thread.