The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - K-Rock Radio Bulletin Board
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Suburban Sperm Distributor
posted on 04-29-2001 @ 1:27 PM
Psychopath Registered: Oct. 00
Instead of bickering about Howard and his lack of testicular fortitude check out the bulletin board and just mention do what O&A listners do best and remember serious inquiries only.
Just ask yagoodforyou
for the website if you don't know it.
"you only exist in my imagination"
posted on 04-29-2001 @ 10:56 PM
O&A Board Regular Registered: Sep. 00
dude youre a couple of weeks late with this
Skeet Slambone
posted on 04-29-2001 @ 11:14 PM
O&A Board Regular Registered: Dec. 00
I'm no expert or O&A insider, but if I were right now I'd tell you to sit tight and not be so worried. Instead of fighting small battles that won't have an impact you should be saving your energy. Very soon one way are another all hell will be unleashed. So just save your time and energy.
Suburban Sperm Distributor
posted on 05-01-2001 @ 2:47 AM
Psychopath Registered: Oct. 00
Yeah I agree the battle is a petty one..but you know how some O&A fans are..who know's maybe a newbie wants to get a name for himself and cause trouble..I just put out the info ..who cares what people do with it...
"you only exist in my imagination"
Don't worry it's not your fault that your a waste of baby batter
posted on 05-01-2001 @ 10:05 AM
O&A Board Regular Registered: Jan. 01
This petty battle shit only creates trouble for both sides. When the kid gloves come off, the O&A army will attack. Until then, no newbie can make a name for themselves. This is a stupid attack. I'd bet "the supreme being" would call this off.
Some people think I'm a psycho, everybody else knows it!