Posted By | Discussion Topic: Please list Chicago message boards here |
| posted on 06-29-2001 @ 3:59 PM | |
Psychopath Registered: Apr. 01
| O&A said they were getting bashed by Chicago message boards. If you know the message boards, please post them in this thread!
Want to use the O&A EZPass lane? here's how (only for NY listeners, sorry PA):
The URL base is:
For the html file, figure out these clues:
"OA"+previous phone screener before Stinky+previous phone screener's girlfriend's name+".html"
mikeWOW I got a staple in my ass and all I got was this status
| posted on 06-29-2001 @ 4:01 PM | |
O&A Board Regular Registered: Sep. 00
| dont stress it 2 much
"i hate people that dont get it!" |