The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - New Dump guy!
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Discussion Topic: New Dump guy!
Wheelchair Fred
posted on 07-20-2001 @ 7:28 PM
Psychopath Registered: Oct. 00
They just dumped out of Stephen Lynch's Gerbil song!! The final line was "If you l... our butt!" There is no profanity in "if you love your gerbil dont stick him up your butt! and I have heard it about 100 times already without the dump. O&A need to open a can of whip ass when they get back!
mikeWOW I got a staple in my ass and all I got was this status
posted on 07-20-2001 @ 7:43 PM
O&A Board Regular Registered: Sep. 00
they dumped out at 7:30pm shit- o.a are doing an extra hour??? nice!
"i hate people that dont get it!"
Wheelchair Fred
posted on 07-20-2001 @ 10:54 PM
Psychopath Registered: Oct. 00
Don't know where you are listening but in NY I shut my radio off at 7:30 after giving D&M a chance. Of course after 1/2 an hour they bore me as usual. Long live O&A!! I'll miss the Chick and, give R&F a home! WNEW management needs to get off the crack! How bad are they going to fuster cluck the station when D&M fail in NY 1 year from now?
~FallenAingL~ Unofficial Biggest Whore of
Reaver Strike Battalion Rage Brother #1, Paladin of Hatred Where's my snare? I have no snare in my headphones.
posted on 07-21-2001 @ 3:24 PM
O&A Board Regular Registered: Jun. 01
Yeah, the dump guy's a tool. O n A said they call a meeting every time they get screwed like that. Whether they actually do or not is another story. They probably do since they get so pissed when good stuff does not make the air. As Mr. Huges (Fox 5 spelling) said they should have a god damn mallet above his head tied to a string they could pull if this ass F screws up again.
Semper Fi,
"For all our bravado, we knew It meant only one thing when Kain drew the Soul Reaver in anger... it meant you were dead."
-Raziel 'Reaver of Souls'
Filzy Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 07-22-2001 @ 6:56 PM
O&A Board Regular Registered: Sep. 00
The new dump guy they have needs to take a few lessons from the very first dump guy of WNEW...
John the dump guy.
I wonder if this dump guy is related to Jeremy or is a big time brown noser?
I'm not dead yet, sorry to roon your hopes!
Two, TWO sucessful graduates: whichwaymediumorrare AND
Short Hills Mall
I Rooned It
posted on 07-26-2001 @ 11:19 PM
Psychopath Registered: Jun. 01
Keep this shit up and listening to O and A will be like watching Goodfellas on cable...barely understandable.
You Give Me Head, It Makes it Worse. Take out Your Fucking Retainer, put it in Your Purse. ---Jello Biafra
Received my GED at Tequila's Academy for "special" children.