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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Explosives Destined For GWB Confiscated!

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Explosives Destined For GWB Confiscated!
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 09-11-2001 @ 10:33 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
It appears as if the end is not yet in sight. It was just reported that the authorities have confiscated a truckload of explosives that was destined for a terrorist attack on the George Washington Bridge.

Is my train in vain, has my soul gone to waste
Am I just a victim of, a victim of my lost faith
Isles fan for life
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 10:34 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
holy shit dude. this is fucking freaking me out.

[email protected]
I'm off to Franklin Pierce College in September. Go Ravens!
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 10:38 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I thought it meant George W. Bush

The narrator in Fight Club is the man we will be, Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is the man we want to be
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than Brittney
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 10:40 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01

"What we got here is...
failure to communicate... "
wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 10:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
holy shit...just when i thought it was safe to turn off the news(it's been mostly the same thing since noon, but with more camera angles, interviews, and better death tolls) to watch battlebots, something new happens.but why would they take out the gwb?i know it would severly inconvienice traffic, but their other targets have all been landmarks, places full of people, and government buildings

i may be a little catholic boy, but i'm still HLJC 4 LIFE!

This is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because

posted on 09-11-2001 @ 10:49 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
fbdlingfrg -
By getting the bridges, they can totally shut down the city and trap us as well. I am somewhat considering calling my uncle in Ohio to see if I can go there.

why do I say I'm fine when it's obvious I'm not?
why's it so hard to tell you what I want?
why can't you just read my mind?

FN Moron
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P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
I Mod VG's ass!
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 10:52 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

but their other targets have all been landmarks, places full of people, and government buildings
Are you saying the George Washington Bridge isn't a landmark... do you realize by destroying that bridge (or most any NYC bridge or tunnel) would cripple traffic even more so...rendering NY even more helpless
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 10:53 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
Dude, This is far from over. That truck load is the one they found. One can only imagine how much they did not yet find. If there was a truck headed for the GWB then there are more waiting to go to every other crossing. These people are far from done by the looks of it and we can only pray that the US pulls together to stop anything else that may be planned in the near future. This shit hits way too close to home for most of us and that feeling of helplessness most of us feel will be there for a long time to come.

****graduate of the Brokenjaw School for Newbies****
Flock of Moosen's Bodyguard
Anger problem?
What anger problem?
I hate the fucking mud!
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 10:54 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I knew this couldn't be over yet. Here's an idea, see what fucking nationality the truck driver is (most likely a raghead) and make the call to start fucking bombing!

A Nation Mourns

Fez claims this land in the name of Portugal!
Why worry about the train if it never makes it around the tracks?? IrishAlkey wuz here!!!
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 10:55 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
The FBI hasnt stated if this was 100% accurate yet

1 Tequila, 2 Tequila, 3 Tequila floor
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Ashley the Goer
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 11:14 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
The reports are saying that they confiscated enough explosives to detonate the entire span of the GWB. This is terrifying.

BTW - What a beautiful sig, Flock - poignant and touching
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 09-11-2001 @ 11:36 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
The three men suspected were just arrested, but there were no explosives.

Is my train in vain, has my soul gone to waste
Am I just a victim of, a victim of my lost faith
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 11:36 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
Police Commissioner Kerik has just confirmed that there were NO explosives on that van which was stopped in Jersey. No word on why they were stopped, however.

Help me Jeebus!
NO!!! You can't have any smiley faces in your status!!!
Missile Command
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 11:36 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00

It appears as if the end is not yet in sight. It was just reported that the authorities have confiscated a truckload of explosives that was destined for a terrorist attack on the George Washington Bridge.

now they say no explosives and they werent heading for GWB, somethign aint right

I see a red door and i want it painted black
No colors anymore i want them to turn black

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 11:37 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
Or so they say, there must be some reason why they were stopped

The narrator in Fight Club is the man we will be, Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is the man we want to be
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than Brittney
red rocket
Secret Sex Chat
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 11:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
I heard they stopped someone on route 3 in NJ near the Meadowlands and they might of have had exploses in a van. this is making me feel sick and I do not think this is over.

Adopted by crx girl. I am under her special tutelage.
posted on 09-11-2001 @ 11:46 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Or so they say, there must be some reason why they were stopped

One idea (and I am not making a joke) but it could be racial profiling. Keep in mind a lot of Americans right now want to go out and kill any Arab we see, if they are of Arab nationality, and driving a van, I could see them being stopped. It just seems odd that they were stopped and there are no explosives...perhaps they are keeping something from us for a reason?

why do I say I'm fine when it's obvious I'm not?
why's it so hard to tell you what I want?
why can't you just read my mind?

I'm so blonde, I think Taco Bell is the Mexican phone company
posted on 09-12-2001 @ 12:17 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
im scared

Ashley the Goer
posted on 09-12-2001 @ 12:24 AM      
Registered: Aug. 01

im scared

No real… its cool to wear childrens Band-Aids.
I'm not a Cockblocker, I'm a COCKSUCKER!
posted on 09-12-2001 @ 10:15 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
let me remind you of something, after the fist bombing in the wtc in '93, the terrorist also planned to blow up the linclon tunnel. why would anyone think that the gwb is any different. we are not dealing with normal people. another thing, i heard this morning, that one of the guys was holding a jersey license, that's where the other guys were from in '93, also members of bin laden's group.

METS IN 2002!!

thanks FN know why

This message was edited by Cunt-Twat on 9-12-01 @ 10:19 AM
posted on 09-12-2001 @ 10:30 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
flock, that sig pic is unreal. its a perfect picture to describe whats going on here in ny and in our country. i think you should send it to o&a and to everyone you can, its beautiful man and i grieve for all the families who were involved with this. i'll be there onight to help with the sanitation god bless us all.



Displaying 1-21 of 21 messages in this thread.