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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude ...

Displaying 1-10 of 10 messages in this thread.
Posted ByDiscussion Topic: move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude ...
posted on 11-08-2001 @ 11:46 PM      
Registered: Nov. 01
very cool... I honestly think that we'll never find the end. We're all worthless pieces of dust, enjoy! hehh


This message was edited by cloud10tv on 11-8-01 @ 11:49 PM
and i am apologizing now for the spelling errors, its 34 am and im drunk, so no time for spell check! Gotcha, SLASH i'll mmmm momo all i want! and you cant stop me!
posted on 11-08-2001 @ 11:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
i think you have filled your quota of useless posts for the day thank you

...and i try not to let my emotions show
but it ain't a balloon i can just let go
it's an ice cream cone dripping in the sun
sticky hands
sticky arms
sticky situation...

I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 11-08-2001 @ 11:54 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
That site would be more gooder if I were lit. The colors and the zooming could provide a "falling" effect, all while sitting in my comfy chair.

..Land of the free...home of the brave...

You can reach me through AIM or email. Don't be shy, drop a line and say Hi!

posted on 11-09-2001 @ 12:08 AM      
Registered: Oct. 01
Dude slow down. Take it one day at a time. Don't use all your terrible ideas in one night of posting. Save some for when the board is full of people. It will be alot more fun! The first post was kind of funny. You should have punched out.

Norton: Patty has the sex appeal of Brundlefly.

I <3 the Froy
Ants in My Pants

Well, since this thread is going to be deleted anyway... I'm a flaming homosexual and I love having big hard hot man meat rammed into my mouth and ass. Umm, this IS going to be deleted, right???
Prettiest Butterfly in the garden
All Blow job poems ©Fez 2002-2003. I'm obsessed with Alkey's penis.
posted on 11-09-2001 @ 12:23 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

i think you have filled your quota of useless posts for the day thank you
Look on the bright side, at least this one didn't have 25 plugs for his website like his other one did.

"Ants in my pants, it was bigger than an elephant... I swear it was this big!"
crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 11-09-2001 @ 3:12 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
that was my school, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. --Victor Hugo
regardless of my status, i am a nice person. no really, i am, i swear;) crack hitler belongs to me :)
need me? try: [email protected]
King f-tard
posted on 11-09-2001 @ 8:21 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
That was actually pretty cool, I love space and all that shit.

IM me Or E-Mail Me

posted on 11-09-2001 @ 8:29 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

i think you have filled your quota of useless posts for the day thank you

This can't be good.....the meanie is dealing with this one.

Funny, cuz it isn't me....LMAO

E-Mail Me

09.11.01 - To those who we'll never see again - you'll be in our hearts forever. To those who did this.....buh bye motherfuckers.
The Painter
1/2 a bottle of Jack Daniels... it's a cure-all
posted on 11-09-2001 @ 8:43 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I like it. It's pretty cool. Electron in the inner electron shell looks just like space.

posted on 11-09-2001 @ 2:13 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01

I like it. It's pretty cool. Electron in the inner electron shell looks just like space.

My thoughts exactley...

Displaying 1-10 of 10 messages in this thread.