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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - New website to have fun with

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: New website to have fun with
what's a status?
posted on 03-19-2001 @ 2:28 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I was a little board at work today and I did a search on Yahoo on Opie and Anthony. I came across this board called
http://www.complaintstation .com

I put it in offtopic, so don't Dillon me. We always look for people and/or websites bashing the show.

You can complain about any business including radio stations. I found this particular post that I found that I would like to share with the board. It gives her name and e-mail address. Maybe she could be a welcome addition to the O&A show or she could receive fan mail from the O&A listeners. You can also post complaints against business that may have wronged you.

Opie and Anthony Show
From: Mary Anne
Emailid: [email protected]
Category: Products
ComplaintResolution: Complaint
CompanyName: Infinity Broadcasting: WNEW 102.7fm Opie & Anthony
TopicName: radio show
CompanyCity: New York, NY
Date: 10/1/00
Time: 8:54:33 AM
It is sad to see the kind of content that is material that is considered appropriate and funny. As a psychotherapist it concerns me that people beleive we are so separate from each other that when someone is saying hurtful things about others we should just look away, turn off the the radio or get a life. This is like having a pee and no-pee section in a swimming pool. Your attitudes affect how you interact with others. You become a carrier of these attitudes in your home, into the street, onto your job, into the school yard. I can't be completely separated from people who think this way. It doesn't help for me to turn off the radio if I and my children have to interact with others who do listen.
Humor is a way that people use to sooth themselves and feel better. THat's a good thing. When people use degrading others as humor and sooth themselves that way is is an indication of low self-esteem and limited coping skills. I wish that these obviously talented and creative guys would use these talents in ways that support their own self-esteem without having to hurt others. If the only way you can feel better about yourself is to make someone lesser than you then something is wrong. Who hurt these guys so badly that this is how they deal? Who didn't teach them healthy ways to feel good? How come they missed out on their deserved self respect? Why did their maturing process get stunted and they seem perpetually pubescent?
Someday these hurtful attitudes will come back to hurt them. As Howard Stern has said, his worse nightmare is that his daugherts will grow up to date one of his listeners. He doesn't want his daughters hurt by what he does. He wouldn't allow his daughters to be treated the way he treats other's daughters. Howard Stern wanted to stay married to his dwife but she left anyway. Hugh Hefner said he wanted to stay married to his wife and wanted to live monogamously with her but she left anyway. Sexists attitudes ultimately cost them the thing they wanted. So these sexist attitudes damaged their cherished relationships. Is this what these talk show hosts want for themselves and for others. These hosts are hurting people including themselves and they need to stop. We all can do better than this.

Teens, making the world a better place to live in.
posted on 03-19-2001 @ 2:36 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I'm sure she could use some support for her views on humor & our roles as members of the human race. She's absolutely right. We should fight anything that is percieved to be hateful and mean. In fact, let's create a system where everything is checked before it is aired! We can call it censorship!!! Then, we can make sure no one heaqrs anything mean or spiteful or wrong (according to me) and everyone will be happy!!!

Who's with me!?!?!?!?!

A smooth operator operating correctly...

posted on 03-19-2001 @ 9:05 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Ummm... F U C K H E R !!!!!!!!!
Thank You.

"Let's play old time hockey!!"
Props to HummerLovin for the inspiration!!
posted on 03-19-2001 @ 10:51 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
And yet... I'll bet she listens every day.

NO!!! You can't have any smiley faces in your status!!!
Missile Command
posted on 03-19-2001 @ 10:56 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00

wednesday-women flashing men

how can you not like O&A's trademark WWFM?
its the most popular thing in the tri state area
dont u see those WWFM stickers everywhere?


The last straw was when a girl on a SCHOOL bus flashed this guy because wnew promoted this. Besides being immoral, I know this is illegal

.....Well Yeah!


If anyone has suggestions on making complaints turn into action please let me know....

i got a way for you turning this into action. you can take a knife and stab yourself several times, that would be very positive action. you can also jump out of a window, all very good actions

300 posts and i still have no fucking clue

This message was edited by MrQuotes on 3-19-01 @ 10:58 PM

Displaying 1-5 of 5 messages in this thread.