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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - What would you pay for online?

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: What would you pay for online?
Just Jon
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 4:20 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
I was reading an article today about paying for things on the internet, and I was wondering what you would pay for online? I know some people pay for mafiamob, but what else would you pay for? If a site had additional services for paying members (not withholding articles like ign, but just having added special things for members) Would you pay like 25 cents to look at extra things (like pictures) per picture you look at?


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posted on 07-09-2001 @ 4:25 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I pay for books and videos online...

I wouldn't pay for Big Brother online unless they gave you ever single camera and then I probably wouldn't but more people would if they gave you every feed.

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posted on 07-09-2001 @ 4:35 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
I wouldn't pay for Big Brother unless they had dedicated feeds following Shannon and Krista around, and only if they showed them side-by-side...

Non sottovalutare mai lo psico fattore in mia testa!
Arthur Dent
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 5:18 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
This is the only website on the entire internet that I would pay to access. If you know where to look, you can find just about ANYTHING for free that you would would pay for somewhere else..

I got really pissed off when became a pay service recently.

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--Ernest Hemingway
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posted on 07-09-2001 @ 6:52 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
I wouldn't pay for this website, but then again, I wouldn't pay for porn.

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posted on 07-09-2001 @ 8:06 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00
I may pay for and just to try it out.

INEVER pay for porn. Especially TEEN porn.

The only porn I'll pay for is the MPEG sites. I was on a five day trial and I must have d/led close to 6-7 hours of teen porn. Some shit never seen in this country.
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Why worry about the train if it never makes it around the tracks?? IrishAlkey wuz here!!!
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 8:38 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
I wouldnt pay for any porn, I go to all**** some of the links work

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posted on 07-09-2001 @ 9:53 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
The only thing I think I would pay for is a top-notch clipping service. They would have to be very good and very prompt though. I'd want the info the minute it happened.

posted on 07-09-2001 @ 10:14 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I have bought games. I bought cables for work. And the last fundraiser here I paid into.

Heaaa fishy fishy fishy fishy. And it went, wherever I, did go!

Displaying 1-9 of 9 messages in this thread.