Posted By | Discussion Topic: Looking for Info/Opinions on Joe Rogan |
| posted on 07-10-2001 @ 8:14 PM | |
Psychopath Registered: Feb. 01
 | quote:
Joe Rogan's Bio:
“I’m one of those crazy people who believes that all human beings share one consciousness. So if you‘re mean and evil to someone, you’re being evil to yourself. But I also believe in a lot of dumb shit like Bigfoot and UFO’s, so it’s tough to take me seriously. I just find it a little odd that the same government that denies the existence of UFO’s insists on sticking to the “single bullet theory.â€
I recently came across Rogan's website and I like it a lot. I hadn't been aware that he was doing stand-up.
I only know him from Newsradio (he played Joe of course)-and I loved that show.
Has anyone seen him perform? What do you other Boarders think of him?

Dante: Any balls down there?
Jay: About the biggest pair you ever seen, dingleberry.
"`You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk.'
`What's so unpleasant about being drunk?'
`You ask a glass of water.'" |
IkeaBoy P.L.F.
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death | posted on 07-10-2001 @ 8:17 PM | |
O&A Board Veteran Registered: Sep. 00
 | I, also, only know him from NewsRadio but thought he was hysterical on that. Also anytime I can give props to NewsRadio I have to since NewsRadio was the best sitcom of the 1990s, possibly all time. Fuck Seinfeld, I'm sick that people give him so much credit. TV's Guide's "Come Back Seinfeld" THE SHOW WASN'T THAT GOOD! It's not his fault TV sucks, TV sucks because networks won't put on good shows.
Oh and Stephen Root kicked major ass.
The narrator in Fight Club is the man we will be, Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is
the man we want to be
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than
King f-tard
| posted on 07-11-2001 @ 8:56 AM | |
O&A Board Regular Registered: Feb. 01
 | Rogan was great in newsradio, clearly one of the best sitcoms ever. I still watch it every day at 6:30 on A&E. I havent seen fear factor or his standup, but Newsradio was great.

Nothing to see here - move along. And by the way, OJ did it.